Why do you think

Ok it’s Project Steve time again.

"Project Steve is a list of scientists with the given name Stephen or Steven or a variation thereof (e.g., Stephanie, Stefan, Esteban, etc.) who “support evolution”. It was originally created by the National Center for Science Education as a “tongue-in-cheek parody” of creationist attempts to collect a list of scientists who “doubt evolution”, such as the Answers in Genesis’s list of scientists who accept the biblical account of the Genesis creation narrative or the Discovery Institute’s A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism. The list pokes fun at such endeavors while making it clear that, “We did not wish to mislead the public into thinking that scientific issues are decided by who has the longer list of scientists!” It also honors Stephen Jay Gould.[1] The level of support for evolution among scientists is very high. A 2009 poll by Pew Research Center found that “Nearly all scientists (97%) say humans and other living things have evolved over time.”

Now compare the fact in that Pew research that 97% of all scientists support the theory of evolution, to @Quim’s unevidenced and risible claim that “99% of biologists are wrong, and he is right, that the theory of evolution is wrong”.

Sheldon please explain how marine fossils on himalayas, and marine and land fossils found together in green river

As well as marine transgressions

You’ve never heard of plate tectonics? Really?


Not a chance, you’ve been dishonestly dodging my questions for many weeks, and I will not be answering anything from you again until you give an answer that demonstrates something approaching integrity.

  1. Why do you believe the Noah flood myth, when the geological record demonstrates unequivocally that no global flood has ever occurred?
  2. How does the human genome evidence any deity, as you claimed?
  3. If the human genome evidences a deity, then why is atheism almost universal among elite biologists, for example in the National Academy of Sciences?
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I’m done debunking his creationist bullshit, he’s preaching at us and refusing to engage. From now on he gets the same questions from me that he’s been dodging for weeks, in response to every post, until he demonstrates some integrity, or that he has any interest in honest debate.

Then he went and ignored them again and asked that nonsense. I don’t care that he wants to delude himself that this bs is a legitimate challenge to science, but no way am I wasting my time offering expansive answers only for him to dodge all questions asked of him.

It now just seems to me like @WhoAreYou is simply trolling at this point. breezing in here once or twice a month, peddling his nonsense, and leaving without ever answering questions or addressing the many refutations of his bs.


There is only one setting on the whole planet where you can find mixed fossils. It’s riverbeds.

Do we really have to explain why, really?


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Never heard of plate tectonics?

The rocks that form the Himalayas were originally part of a sea bed, and were uplifted when India collided with Asia. Even an elementary textbook on geology would have taught you this, if you had ever bothered to read one.

And if you’re surprised to find fossils of terrestrial and aquatic organisms in a fossil river bed, then you need to learn some basic biology. What part of “terrestiral organisms will visit a river to drink water” did you fail to learn in elementary biology classes?

Are you genuinely this uneducated, or are you simply being deliberately and wilfully obtuse?

As for marine transgressions, even Wikipedia has an elementary explanation of this phenomenon, which you can read here.

Does the thought “oh, let’s pick up a textbook and learn about this” ever occur to you?

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My guess is they have not.

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Heard of J Harlen Bretz? This will in a way respond to your list of questions.

@Sheldon, apparently @WhoAreYou is unable to do so for herself.


Poppycock. Bretz’s work on the Missoula floods does NOT support the “global flood” myth from your sad little mythology.

Bretz hypothesised that a large body of water moving quickly resulted in the features observed in the Channeled Scablands, because those features are not observed as a result of flows involving small volumes of water. He later identified the source of those flows in his 1923 paper, viz:

Citation: The Channeled Scablands Of The Columbia Plateau by J. Harlen Bretz, The Journal of Geology, 21(8): 617-649 (November/December 1923) [Full paper downloadable from here].

So, no fantasy “global flood” then. Oh, and Bretz dated the event in question to 15,000 years before present, which is 9,000 years before your favourite mythology asserts that the entire universe was “created”.

Meanwhile, creationist waffle about geology is nicely dealt with here, viz:

Do you really think no one has dealt with your apologetics before, especially as some of the apologetics in question happen to be decades old?


Plurium Interrogationum fallacy. Another dishonest evasive tactic.

Nope, you made the claims in this debate forum, you will have to answer the questions, if you think someone else has credible answers then post them, and explain why you think this.

  1. Why do you believe the Noah flood myth, when the geological record demonstrates unequivocally that no global flood has ever occurred?
  2. How does the human genome evidence any deity, as you claimed?
  3. If the human genome evidences a deity, then why is atheism almost universal among elite biologists, for example in the National Academy of Sciences?

At one point a long, long, long time ago, those areas of land were underwater for a very long, long, long time before being forced up due to plate tectonics for millions of years.
Was that simple enough for you?

I read about this years ago and was fascinated.
Various more recent studies have indicated similar, albeit smaller, examples of ice-dam flooding, including the Mississippi River valley.
A recent archaeological survey of a river system near me in Missouri, U.S. indicated likelihood of a small-scale ice-dam flood as a formative factor in some of the geological features not attributable to erosion, tectonics, etc…
This may be of interest to those not deluded by ludicrous myths:

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If you quickly look at Bretz wiki page you will see that the elite of his time found what he was saying outrageous … the fact that the ideology not the facts made up the minds of the elite of that time is at the very least curious and one can not help but wonder what ideologies do the modern day elite have that may skew them away from fact…especially now the strong influence of cancel culture

“ Bretz encountered resistance to his theories from the geology establishment of the day. The geology establishment was resistant to such a sweeping theory for the origin of a broad landscape for a variety of reasons, including lack of familiarity with the remote areas of the interior Pacific Northwest where the research was based, and the lack of status and reputation of Bretz in the eyes of the largely Ivy League-based geology elites. Furthermore, his theory implied the potential possibilities of a Biblical flood, which the scientific community strongly rejected.”

In the above post, @Sheldon said no. He wants you to answer those questions yourself without using Bretz. I’m guessing you’re shit out of luck on this debate then and just throwing things out there that don’t help your arguments. I’m not surprised.

It’s obvious you never bothered reading my post on this very subject, where your canards on the matter were destroyed in advance, and which included direct extracts from Bretz’s scientific paper. But I’m used to seeing this sort of conduct from your ilk.

Also, your quote mine of that Wikipedia article, which fails to mention subsequent paragraphs, is entirely typical of your conduct here. Here’s the paragraphs in question:

Why do you have to keep lying to the audience here, despite the fact that your lies will always be revealed as such by those of us who possess a proper command of the facts?

Your duplicitous apologetics, far from advancing your cause, merely make said cause even more noxious to those of us who value (as you obviously don’t) discoursive integrity.

NONE of Bretz’s work supports the farcical “global flood” garbage in your goat herder mythology, and your pretence otherwise is not merely dishonest, but as fatuous as that myth. A myth that I’ve explained to you IS a myth on two separate occasions in this very thread, with detailed reasons why it’s a myth, but your response thereto was to pretend I never presented that material, and engage in creationist reboot mode whenever you thought the audience had forgotten about the topic.

Once more, when are you going to stop lying, especially as YOUR OWN MYTHOLOGY states that lying is a violation of a Commandment from your god?

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Nope, you made the claims, so you can answer the questions.

  1. Why do you believe the Noah flood myth, when the geological record demonstrates unequivocally that no global flood has ever occurred?
  2. How does the human genome evidence any deity, as you claimed?
  3. If the human genome evidences a deity, then why is atheism almost universal among elite biologists, for example in the National Academy of Sciences?

I’m not interested in your post ad hoc appeal to authority fallacies. There are three questions based on three claims you have made, answer them please.

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He’ll dodge and evade those questions because he has no genuine answers to them. All he has to offer in response thereto, is duplicitous apologetic fabrications and evasion.