Why do you think

Conservative-right are going to have a fucking conniption

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Of course, a materialistic ideology has no direct connection with a consumerist society.


Ohā€¦so the aristocracy of Europe several centuries ago, for instance Ferdinand and Isabella, who were rabid Xtians, were not consumerist or materialistic? Their country was not capitalist?

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No ā€¦

Are you serious?

I donā€™t care what you are now changing your claim to, after your claim was utterly destroyed, when I presented the objective fact that atheism is almost universal among elite biologists in the US National Academy of Sciences. In fact atheism is higher among biologists than in any other field of science.

You are absolutely correct on both counts. I encourage anyone to go and read the original claim, and the point is demonstrably valid, unless you can explain why those elite biologists are overwhelmingly atheists, if the cornerstone theory in biology is incompatible with not believing in a deity. As oddly enough that is when you claimed 99% of biologists are wrong about evolution, and that you know better than they do, which is of course a risible claim.

There is not one question in that post youā€™ve quoted? I know what you said, and it is not what you are now claiming you meant.

We can all see what you said, and it bares no resemblance to what you are now claiming to have meant.

Did they lose it all? Only when we request it now there is no objective evidence for any deity, every single time. That fact that superstition once seemed compelling during an epoch of extreme ignorance of the natural world, but is now seeming less compelling as scientific rigour explains more and more about the natural world, is hardly news to anyone here.

If he hadnā€™t hurled generic and false accusations of bias and dishonesty at this forumā€™s atheists, even going so far in his mendacity as to call this forum a sect, I might have been inclined to believe this was down to his woeful use of language, and if he had said this, rather than implying I need an explanation from him to understand what the phrase ā€œevolution is incompatible with atheismā€ means. However I am not inclined to indulge people when they behave that dishonestly, and project their risible bias onto others, who are trying to be objective.

That has all the hallmarks of a rather lame [poisoning of the well fallacy](Poisoning the well - Wikipedia.

How is this relevant to your inability to offer any objective evidence, or rational argument for any deity? Again this seems like a pretty obvious poisoning of the well fallacy.

Really, Iā€™d have said they were synonymous, and mutually dependant.

Oh dearā€¦

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Completely serious.
The common definition for capitalist is a [wealthy]person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit. F & I did a lot of that. Are you also saying that there was no consumerism or materialism in that area at that time?


[quote=ā€œSheldon, post:1390, topic:3719ā€]

Do you think @Quim will now say he didnā€™t mean it, he meant something else?

So, the Sumerians were capitalistsā€¦ Okay, Iā€™ve had enough for today


What a deflection! Did I even mention Sumerians? You are so shady.

Try, instead, responding to what I actually wrote.

Your definition of capitalism can be applied to various civilizations such as the Sumerians, Assyrians, Romans, Phoenicians, Akkadians, Toltecs, Spartans, and even certain pigmy tribes.

Now, this is a serious matter that extends beyond the realm of theism or atheism. At times, you display a concerning degree of ignorance and misunderstanding, indicating a significant problem with the educational system.

@Quim, you still didnā€™t answer the questions I posed.

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I cannot rule it out, as he has form. However it was another cor blimey moment, wherever his goal posts eventually end up.

Ah. he went with a straw man fallacy, yet again, and completely ignored what you said about the example you were discussing, and the definitions of capitalism and materialistic.

He is consistent in his evasive and irrational dishonesty I will give him that.

Oh brother, each time he does this I am imagining Monty Python and The Holy Grail.


ā€œRunnn awayyyy!!!ā€



Another lie, as itā€™s clearly not her definition, it is the dictionary definition, more importantly it absolutely applied to the example @CyberLN cited as capitalist and materialistic, that you denied. You leaped to a straw man fallacy immediately, that she hadnā€™t mentioned and had no direct relevance, sadly this typifies your dishonesty in previous exchanges as well.

Ad hominem fallacy, aimed at a moderator, I shall need some fresh popcorn for this.

I have to say I am a naturally sceptical person, yet I never had a moments doubt about that outcome.

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@Quim is changing the goal posts an awful lot. I wonder who is else is getting tired of his manipulative and dishonest tactics.

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Okay, Iā€™m bored while waiting on my truck to be serviced, so Iā€™ll play along for a momentā€¦

So, just for shits and giggles, letā€™s say your idea/theory/belief (whatever you wanna call it) is 100% true. No doubts whatsoever that EVERYTHING is part of a ā€œcollective consciousnessā€. You posted your papers and completely turned the entire scientific community upside down. You are The Man! Hereā€™s your Nobel Prize. Now what?

Please explain to all of us ignorant atheists how your revelations affect our lives in the reality which we currently live. Because, consider this real quick: If you combine the entire human race as a whole (hell, even the entire EARTH along with us), we would be less the size of a subatomic particle in relation to the size of our entire known universe. Therefore, if the entire UNIVERSE is just a massive consciousness, and I am barely a microscopic part of a subatomic particle within that ā€œconsciousnessā€, how does ANYTHING I think/say/do have even the faintest affect on anything beyond those within my immediate life? Inquiring minds want to know.

(Edit for Horton Hears A Who.)


On that same note, why would the universe as a whole have even the slightest interest in anything I think/say/do? Your brain is an organism full of countless billions of subatomic particles. Please, tell me which one of those particles interest you the most and affects the decisions you make, along with how you conduct your every-day activities?


And this validates ā€œMagic Man existsā€ how, precisely?

Except that no, it doesnā€™t. It simply means that the theory in question happens to be a useful approximation.

So what? An empirically tested and verified model is still far more reliable than ā€œmy mythology says soā€.

Except that you havenā€™t demonstrated any ā€œflawsā€ in evolution, only your willingness to peddle apologetics on the matter.

Oh really? An achievment of this sort would, if your assertions on this matter are correct, be worthy of a peer reviewed paper. Have you published one?

Oh, by the way, in case you never learned this, Alan Turing managed a similar achievement way back in 1952. He also had a peer reviewed paper published on the topic.

Iā€™m sure that the worldā€™s biologists are so grateful to you for asserting this.

No it doesnā€™t. What actually happens is that the failures in this regard DIE. Or end up as lunch for something else.

Bullshit. Pointing out errors in a paper isnā€™t ā€œcensorshipā€. Put the tinfoil hat in the bin.

This doesnā€™t seem to be working in numerous secular democracies, where religion is on the decline and atheism is increasing.

Got any more comedy shits and giggles to provide?


Evolution doesnā€™t ā€œfavourā€ anything, it is not a sentient process, genes either add a survival advantage to the host or they do not, and these all compete under the constant pressure of natural selection, which is a dynamic influence as well.

Now this might include human ideas and beliefs, but the fact they may lend a survival advantage for any reason, tells us precisely nothing about the validity of such beliefs. Racism clearly has its precursors in evolution, the ability to instantly spot those who look and sound very different to your ā€œgroupā€ could conceivably have added a survival advantage to our ancestors evolving in small groups of hunter gatherers, how much use is it now in post industrialised multi cultural societies, where people cling to the ignorant idea that those who donā€™t look and sound like us should be feared?

I can only hope that @Quimā€™s superstition (as much as of it as is pernicious) goes the same way as racism, straight onto to the compost heap of pernicious human ideas.

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Indeed, one maxim I presented elsewhere over a decade ago, was that bad ideas exist to be destroyed ā€¦ preferably before they end up destroying good people. Though I like your alternative phrasing thereof. :slight_smile: