Why do you think

Poppycock. Bretz’s work on the Missoula floods does NOT support the “global flood” myth from your sad little mythology.

Bretz hypothesised that a large body of water moving quickly resulted in the features observed in the Channeled Scablands, because those features are not observed as a result of flows involving small volumes of water. He later identified the source of those flows in his 1923 paper, viz:

Citation: The Channeled Scablands Of The Columbia Plateau by J. Harlen Bretz, The Journal of Geology, 21(8): 617-649 (November/December 1923) [Full paper downloadable from here].

So, no fantasy “global flood” then. Oh, and Bretz dated the event in question to 15,000 years before present, which is 9,000 years before your favourite mythology asserts that the entire universe was “created”.

Meanwhile, creationist waffle about geology is nicely dealt with here, viz:

Do you really think no one has dealt with your apologetics before, especially as some of the apologetics in question happen to be decades old?