I’ve gone and gotten all confused again.
As far as I’m aware, Paul never actually met Jesus.He had visions, such as the beauty one the road to Damascus . I don’t believe the claim that companions shared his visions (no proof)
After removing the forged letters, there are the unfounded claims of some bloke who had visions.
Paul’s visions have been as powerful in the history of Christianity as the gospels.
Not really surprising. Together the Pauline epistles and the gospels complete what I think of as the core of Christian mythology.
Although I’ve tended to take an historical** view of Jesus,my views have begun to change to a mythology perspective.
The ordure posted here recently by apologist are no more than attempts at obfuscation . Probably because they are not able to prove their most basic claim; the existence of any god.
- " Paul; The Mind Of The Apostle’ A N Wilson.
** By ‘historical’ I mean the opinion that at best: A wondering Rabbi with a name something like Yeshua/Yoshua bar Yussuf MIGHT have existed in first century Judea, He MAY have founded a small Jewish sect like say the Ebionites. He MAY have been
crucified for sedition by the Romans. That there is no contemporary evidnence for his existence of which I am aware.
The religion we call Christianity did not emerge as THE sect (out of dozens) claiming Jesus as founder , until the fourth century. .
***That Jesus did not exist as an historical person. Still haven’t decided. Currently becoming familiar with the ideas of Dr Richard Carrier. His claim is that Christianity is a synthesis of Judaism and the Greek mystery religions. It’s a fascinating claim,and so far, is pretty compelling… So far,I’ve only seem a couple of his lectures on YouTube. I really want to read couple of his books
. I think it’s too easy to give glib answers in lectures. I prefer the written word, with references. I’m also interested inreuttals, based on fact, not theology, which I reject out of hand.