One for all you theists out there, somewhere

If you can follow theological arguments in profound detail reading Aquinas or Origen et al, then you would know that your fav Origen believed that Peter wrote the letters

I am pleased that you know you at least these " hard to be understood " side of Paul’s theology and revelation he received

I am vindicated then, for earlier typing that Apostle Paul was a misunderstood man.

As for Apostle Peter, he had the first serve, but when he was being busy rationalising, shuffling his feet and dilly-dallying, he got passed over.

I apologise, if this is how you see or imagine things, but trust me, I read, and went through with a fine-tooth comb, every alphabet letter, text, dotted “i”, crossed “t” commas, full stop and sentence(s) you wrote about Apostle Paul.

I am pleased with both Apostles and their works, it is you having reservation about Apostle Paul, not me

Too late, I already had.

I find it amusing to the point of even liking how you drop names, how you drop years, switching from " 40 years ago " to " many years " and now to " fifty years " You are fantabulous. You are doing well. Lol

Au contraire.

Each of those disciplines takes the existence of god and a range of other unfounded beliefs as given. They are not. Hence my claim they are dishonest.

Classic Equivocation Fallacy. When are going to learn? Keep your slime-ball tactics to the echo of the ever emptying pews of your favorite Sunday gathering hole.

And yet, that is exactly what you have done. Without looking, without examining, without actually reading that fucked up book of fakery contradiction *** and outright lies *** you have adopted faith as your only guide, and look were it has led you. You spend your time proving you have no idea what you are talking about on an Atheist forum. It’s sad your life is that sad. Perhaps you can get some friends to pray for you.


Your response is a classic non sequitur.

You managed to post a non sequitur, about your non sequitur!


Life is funnier than any team of comedy writers can imagine.

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Thanks for your “feeble, shallow and blathering” reply, its a shining example of the old adage, “Fawning and fake humility are a lethal combination.”

“If you can follow theological arguments in profound detail reading Aquinas or Origen et al, then you would know that your fav Origen believed that Peter wrote the letters”

It is not certain what Origen believed in this matter. He mentioned the doubts of others on the authorship of 2 Peter, but he did not make an unequivocal judgement on it himself. Some independent commentators suggest he may not have had enough evidence to able to decide either way. He, at least, was honest.

“I am pleased that you know you at least these " hard to be understood " side of Paul’s theology and revelation he received”

Nice evasion. Totally avoided any comment on the unpleasant claims I presented and disregarded my question yet again.

“I am vindicated then, for earlier typing that Apostle Paul was a misunderstood man.”

I think you share some of the less enviable traits with Paul.

“As for Apostle Peter, he had the first serve, but when he was being busy rationalising, shuffling his feet and dilly-dallying, he got passed over.”

Peter got passed over, along with the original teachings of Jesus, because he was a Jew. Paul sought every opportunity to criticise him because he was jealous of his position as the publicly acknowledged and real life Christ-appointed First Apostle. Paul was a argumentative self-centred psychopath who had nothing more than an unwitnessed conversion on a remote section of the Damascus road as his only credentials to apostleship. It was Barnabas’s misplace faith in him that got him some grudging acceptance with the real apostles. And even then the bonehead had a falling out with Barnabas not long after. He was a disputatious fanatic. It’s evident in his actions and words if one could step back from the sanctimonious fanboy infatuation of him. Even the rest of the Jerusalem apostles tended to keep him at arms reach. Paul even prided himself that he didn’t really get to meet or even know most of them in happy joyous Christian fellowship.
The eventual Jewish/Christian split was a violent event. It marked the beginning of overt Christian antisemitism. During the Jewish war with Rome, the Gentile Christians embraced the Pauline doctrine and predictably enough, sided with the Empire, who destroyed the Temple and after the Edict of Milan, militarised the Christian dominionist quest that furthered the persecution of the Jews and the other Greek and Roman religions and culture.

“I apologise, if this is how you see or imagine things, but trust me, I read, and went through with a fine-tooth comb, every alphabet letter, text, dotted “i”, crossed “t” commas, full stop and sentence(s) you wrote about Apostle Paul.”

And still you failed to comprehend it well enough to see 2 Peter was obviously not going to provide an appropriate answer. Unbelievable. No, I do not trust you.

“I am pleased with both Apostles and their works,”

How magnanimously condescending of you. I expect they will be delighted to hear.

“it is you having reservation about Apostle Paul, not me”

I’ve never made a secret of this. How observant of you, but, ok, finally! After how many posts? The penny drops. Fine-tooth combs indeed. I have more than reservations about Paul. The unwelcomed psychopath subverted the original Christian doctrine of Jesus and his views on faith are dishonest ramblings of a guy who had a physical conversion, that is, he was convinced he actually met his god, who struck him blind. How does faith play a part in that? You can’t answer, which brings us to your next lie:

“Too late, I already had.”

You never answered any question. I would still be waiting had I not dropped the request.

“I find it amusing to the point of even liking how you drop names, how you drop years, switching from " 40 years ago " to " many years " and now to " fifty years " You are fantabulous. You are doing well. Lol”

I don’t find anything remotely amusing about the number of unreasonable insults you’ve dealt me. It reveals a most dislikable aspect of your personality.
And then this final Parthian shot, quibbling over the number of years, as if it carried any real significance. Pathetic. Naming dropping? Pertinent references to historical figures? It’s not like I claim Origen as my personal best buddy forever. You’re an idiot. This sad tawdry reply of yours only serves to illustrate what I had observed of you from the beginning; a penchant to avoid matters of substance and a despicable use of petty criticisms to cover your self-satisfied pious arse.

I will be looking out for more inane posts from you in the future.


Grin, I think you have the patience of a saint( if you’ll excuse the expression).I do not.

I had this one’s number after a few posts. I have only been able to come up with two likely explanations, given its propensity for ad hominem attacks.

(1) It’s a troll

(2) It’s just yet another disingenuous christian apologist. Either unwilling or unable to engage in sincere reasoned discourse. It is writing from a position of dogmatic certitude and is unwilling/incapable of entertaining the possibility of error (unlike the majority of atheists here)

. These apologist nitwits become very tedious after awhile. Same repetitive nonsense, ad nauseum. It became very old some time ago. .

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You have it there Boomer

I do not know how Grinseed has put up with the tedious, predictable, avoidance behaviours coupled with sly ad hominems and dogmatic idiocy.

But then, he’s a bird and from the East, so…maybe he can do all that and remain sane.

My grandma said I should always have an obsession…or was that a hobby?

I have mild OCD, so I’ve always managed to have both in the same activity. For the last 3 years it’s been painting, in acrylics. Am going to need a new hobby soon,I’m almost out of wall space :crazy_face:


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You dont understand what " Equivocation Fallacy " and its not surprising, you abuse and misuse applying the expression

After this rant and rave, do you feel better. Smh

It beautifully follows your " Only a dumbass would not look before stepping off the curb. " half thought through comment

Saying " non sequitur " must be in season, or maybe you’ve just learnt the expression

Why go to a circus, when we have clowns and wannabe comics here

You have much learning to do. His signature, is as good as him, directly authoring the letters

I already told you I won’t waste good ammo on you

I am unique, and I am vindicated, for earlier typing that Apostle Paul is a misunderstood man. You misunderstand Paul, his theology, his letters, his style of writing et cetera, hence you have gripes about him

Prejudice, misunderstanding, ignorance, lies all rolled into one

Good on Paul. Well done Apostle Paul, sir

@Grinseed fyi, from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding and/or attacking it

2 Peter is self explanatory. If you know, you know. If you dont, means, you haven’t in you to know

No love lost. I never you either

I give credit where earned and when due.

I instantly had a whiff gusto smell of you, a few good miles away. It smelled like a gust of wind from Satan’s anus.

You sound bitter and twisted. You did you?

Scroll up to see, I made good effort, answering all yours as well everyone esle’s questions and quit acting dishonest

Stop being petty. If you go to a battleground, expect to be shot at now. I am sure if asked to produce the verbatim alleged insults, you won’t come trumps up

You see without me specifically giving the names you dropped so to impress, you knew who and how you dropped names

[quote=“Grinseed, post:228, topic:96”]I
will be looking out for more inane posts from you in the future.
You type like this whenever you prematurely seem to be running out steam and/or breath

You have no critical Bible exegesist study experience. Your signature is ignorance.

You have no ammo good or otherwise.

You are unique alright, you repeat ‘misunderstood’ like a parrot. I seek to know why he is misunderstood.

History is nasty. It cares nothing for your ignorant judgements. Neither do I.

Distinct antisemitism there, Muslim prejudice?

Agreed, history is a bitch, I love to know about it; we disregard it at our own peril.

Not explanatory enough for you evidently.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, LOL.

You don’t have the expertise to be dispensing credit.

He who smells it first…?

Bitter? Presumptuous of you to say. I’m calling what I see. You have no answer. See above. You have no ammo.

The questions remain unanswered despite your ‘good’ effort, I mean that honestly.

Denying the obvious, which others here have witnessed of you, is really a form of admission. Fine. Gloves off.

You’ve name-dropped god, of all people, in another thread. I was not impressed.

I type like this when I am convinced further discussions will profit no-one. I have other things to learn. See you in the next thread.

Hahahahaha :joy:… ‘cause those can’t be faked or frauds. Sorry, background in finance and my own experience signing my mother’s name to a fake note I wrote to get out of a gym class…

There is one religion, that I’m aware of - that has the same fascination…loves Pauline Christianity (probably because this organization is run by lawyers)… uh…uh…Jehovah’s Weaknesses

Ahhh :scream: now, I’m confused ‘cause Jehovah’s Weaknesses don’t believe this… hmmmm :thinking: could be a Weakness background, kicked out - OR a claimed member of 144000 that has interrupted “with spirit” (still will be DF’d…can’t go against lawyers). Mind you a good portion of Trump Supporters believe Jerusalem is the literal kingdom of god… BUT in all - this statement is hilarious :rofl:. Mostly cause you placed it in “heaven” and it’s being attacked and stuff (to say the least) by violent people!!! HOLY FUCKERS …maybe some of these violent people have phones :calling: and could snap a few pics, eh, just for some evidence of this “heavenly kingdom”. OR since heaven is so accessible- you could just, like, take a selfie :selfie:t3: with yourself there (just try not to get killed in heaven by the violent people…mind you it’s a great place to die)

NOW you done it again lol… something a Weakness would view as “humble” - not taking credit for written work so god gets credit and not the writer. BUT see - without the “names and sources” the article/s cannot be double checked or quotes can be twisted all around AND the dumb shit who wrote it “isn’t” accountable for his writings …so I prefer someone WHO isn’t afraid to have his work “double checked” for accuracy and quote sources listed. ITS honest.

HEY …I enjoy this guessing game - so much better than you strait out being honest. BTW you already used be running out steam and/or breath on me!!! Try to be somewhat original in your insults to different posters please…

SMILINGBIRDFOOD!!! The BOLDED shittalk from whatshisname IS MINE - so fuck off!!! grabs insult from :bird: :shallow_pan_of_food: hand and runs away

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I was making an observation, not directed at anyone. But since you took offense, please see your doctor concerning your mental state.

Hi grinseed

Nothing ironic to reference Paul for faith. Granted, a unique experience came along Paul’s reception of faith, other unique experience will come alongside for everyone else but the litmus test for the presence of faith is always the reality of unwavering hope and faith’s animated and organic transformations on men’s personalities. In case you didn’t know, there’s some special in store for those who receive faith without these epiphanies (John 20:26-29)
Btw, what do you mean by Jesus rather than YAHWEH, do you think they’re different? and else where you call the bible a book of contradictions. If you’re ignorant of divine matters, why not just let them be? There’s no possibility nor logicality of creator or his ways contradicting if he is a god indeed.

You know if one’s got much animosity and self-conceit in them, they’d see others actions through that veil (Titus 1:15). For those who know, Paul and Peter loved each other more than words can describe and deeper than what best friends share but well, what would you know about their love without the faith binding them?

Just asking, do you have any foe by the name Paul or Saul? Take it out on them then. The bible Paul subverted nothing, else show it. You don’t have the building block, faith that unites the teachings you’ve read. Sorcerers have even more spiritual experiences than Paul but none comes to the unwavering hope of peace with creator in their conscience. If Paul had this Damascus experience and didn’t get faith itself, he would still be damned and worse off than one who got faith otherwise. Paul as much as you seem to hate him said something educative (Titus 1:15)

HOLY FUCK … don’t let a defence lawyer see this when some “stalker has been charged”…

Those assholes get messages from all sorts of places - and they have faith it’s from the one they love :heart: - and their “unwavering hope” usually transforms them, yup, indeedy it does…

BIBLE … hmmm :thinking: who wrote it? It says “god breathed” BUT then a person has to contend with this as well… 2 Thess 2:11 “ Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie,”

NOW we know that John, via his shroom trip, identified 666 AND pssst…many have thought this to mean many things…

BUT - I have figured it out!
66 Books make up the Bible (very official sounding name). AND then there are books of the Apocrypha: Tobias, Judith , Baruch , Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom, First and Second Machabees; also certain additions to Esther and Daniel.". YOU can’t count the additions to legitimate “books/writings”…hmmmm :thinking:… and WHO decided Machabees should be 1 & 2??? Let’s just count them as one book. SO, counting books 6 books!!! Ah-hah!!!

Case closed.

Do you believe jesus and yahweh are one and the same?