Who thinks funerals should be banned, and why?

Maybe we should follow this man’s example.

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I don’t think they do, in their current form. They fill people with delusional ideas. That’s fine if you go to your death with those delusional ideas, (Heaven, nirvana, rebirth, spirits, the great JuJu in the sky, 72 virgins, get your own planet, whatever.) The problem is that if you ‘wake’ (that was intentional) before you die, you have to deal with the grief that you never dealt with because you were too busy living in fantasy.

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I get what you are saying and respect your view.

I was speaking from my own experience. I don’t think the dead live on. We are dead. That’s it. The end.

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Walking on water and flying would be my first two choices. Being in more than one place at a time, third. :joy::joy:

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Don’t forget the lube.

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That’s only if one believes in an afterlife. There are secular funerals and secular folks who attend them.


Nothingness is the natural end arc of atheism I suppose, so banning funerals would be appropriate in a nihilistic sense.

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YEP: I see nothing wrong with friends getting together in rememberance, and to help each other through the sense of loss.


Indeed , the only available help getting through the sense of loss are friends and family. Much like group therapy, a shared sense of loss can be quite helpful.


I’m not sure either claim is true, but since all you have offered is bare subjective assertions there’s little to debate. Hell a few atheists here have done the heavy lifting for you, and you’re too lazy to even read the thread. In short my troll meter just leaped off the wall, so find a bridge, and go live under it would be my earnest recommendation.

Glad to have gotten under your skin so much!

Have a nice day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Best wishes,

Ah the self aggrandising ad hominem of the troll, if it cheers you up to believe this knock yourself out.

You had recourse to the typical ‘troll’ slur. You could have simply ignored the post, but your little atheist fingers were just itching to throw some adjective around to put me in my box. If thats the level you’re at, why are you surprised that I descended to it?

Oh it’s not typical, some theists do genuinely come here with the intent of honest debate, albeit with poorly thought out or ill conceived arguments, and no objective evidence.

Well done, you seem to have made a correct assertion, your point escapes me though, since this is a debate forum.

Oh I think you did that yourself, and it’s less a box than the underside of a bridge. Now just for context lets take a look at your opening post, and the sneering and insulting tone:

Putting people in boxes seems to be more your bag to be honest. You’re certainly in no position to protest after that diatribe. The real hilarity is you asserting agnostics would be justified in hating god or gods, when the word means they can know nothing about the nature or existence of those deities, so another spectacularly stupid claim. It seems you anger is causing you to lash out more and more, and think less and less, an impressive enough feat in its own way I suppose, given how you started.

Stating the facts as I see them, yes that’s pretty much where I try to be “at”.

I never claimed surprise, in fact I called it pretty early on, and those who know me here will also know I usually exhibit a wealth of patience, your posts just leaped out as trolling from the very first. The tone, the condescension, the dishonesty, the very unsubtle attempts to insult, you’re not here for debate, or if you are you certainly haven’t given that impression.

However I will keep an open mind and ask one more time:

What objective evidence can you demonstrate that any deity is real, or even possible?

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…(choke-coughspewing milk from nose)… :joy::joy:… YOU?.. Getting under somebody’s skin?.. On HERE?.. :joy::joy::joy:… Good luck with THAT!.. :joy::joy:… You could have a cutting torch and a drill with a depleted uranium bit, and I doubt you would even scratch the surface. Much LESS get under it… :joy::joy::joy:… Hate to be the one to break the news to you, but your amateurish attempts at being an insulting provoker are merely cheap entertainment for most of us here. (Yes, sadly, we are easily amused… sigh:pensive:) Buy, hey, you just keep on believing in your delusion, Junior. It’s good that you have some amount of self-confidence at times. Just try not to get too cocky, though, okay? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::sweat_smile::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

(Edit to look for paper towel to wipe up milk.)


and the Slip’ N Slide! :joy:


Water wiggle. What I wouldn’t give for one of those.:heart_eyes:

‘Delusion’, ‘Junior’, ‘Amateurish’, ‘Insulting’.
Yes, I think I got under your skin.
Just a little…

Best wishes,

Self delusions of grandeur are the hardest habits to break there Dunning-Kruger.


Aww, stepping in for your little friend? That’s nice.
I certainly see a lot of self-delusion on this forum, and it aint coming from me.
Atheists who are Satanists
Atheists who go to church.
Atheists who are really misotheists but wont admit it.
Atheists who cant comment without getting angry. You guys really need to chill!

Best wishes,