What's wrong with the bible?


Who are you talking to? Give us a clue ffs.

Whilst I am sure we are all happy to defer to your expertise on being a moron, I don’t think facts, or even self awareness are anymore your forte than debate.


I was talking to you.

Since you like to dissect sentences and words you can start here:

WTF? Perhaps you could rewrite the sentence. Do you even know what an “equivocation fallacy” is? You might want to read up on that specific fallacy prior to displaying your ignorance in the next post.

Your friend accused me of telling him those words when they were in fact his own. Misquoting is one thing but being accused of saying something I never did is another. If that’s not enough go ahead and look at the posts between him and I and please do ask yourself if he keeps misquoting me. That’s enough to question his sanity or reasons for doing so.

If your really want the facts start the research. If it’s too tedious for you I will be glad to put it all on one page for you. Interested in the facts or do you still want to defend his lies?

Would you appreciate it if I kept misquoting you time and time again?

He hasn’t misquoted you at all, and your posts are barking mad disjointed rants more often than not. All anyone has to do is dare disagree with you, or even ask a question and you go right off the deep end.

If Cognostic is being disingenuous here, then it would the first time, and I’ve been reading his posts for a long time.

Whereas you just asked me if “wanted to kill you” just for disagreeing with something you posted and asking a few questions.

You have just proved that you prefer defending lies than admitting them.
Everyone lies Sheldon, even you.

You obviously will lie to get away with everything to make you and your buddy look good. When I meet people like you and your buddy I can only imagine the hate you have inside hence my question that you find astonishing.

Now that you have been exposed as someone who defends an outright lie and has no shame in making further accusations I will no longer reply to you and your buddy.

Say all the shit you want. It will never change the facts.

I’m done with both of you. Whine all you want. You’ll just be ranting to deaf ears. I won’t even read them. What an incredible waste of time you two are. Quelle misere que vous etes. So glad this ended between us in the short time I was here


Good grief you’re a bore, and a troll, but I will play along, please quote a lie I have posted.

I hate to burst your bubble, but while I find your disjointed superstitious guff tedious, I have no reason at all to hate a stranger on the internet, even if you are an angry troll. and a tedious dishonest bore.

Oh no, whatever will I do now, given you have repeated this juvenile threat multiple times already. As I said the first time, if you want leave then leave, no one is forced to come here, or to read or respond to any posts they don’t want to, your dishonest hyperbole just makes you look ridiculous.

:roll_eyes: Again… :smile:

I’m guessing you don’t see the irony of you lying that I am whining in this massive rambling whining post of yours.

Damn, every time I open my heart, bye then.

I say, how kind.

I must admit to being a little gobsmacked. What’s his name’s tu quo que riposte had me shaking my head in disbelief.

Ahemmmm… well … actually… "I did fix the grammatical error regarding the words “cherry pick” and substituted the more appropriate, and obviously intended “share.” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … After reading the post is was obvious that Earth had no idea at all what the words “Cherry Pick” meant, so I was just helping him out.

Hanging head in shame. LOL!!!


What is the point of you being here in the first place? Is there some sort of evidence you wish to present?

Earth has left the building, so to speak. I’ve no idea if there was a point at all to him / her coming her, except to peddle superstition. No, there was no evidence of any sort that Earth had to offer.

This seems appropriate.

Oh well. Would have loved to deal with it high. LOL

Hi FJ. I have no evidence to present on any matter and never said I did . Don’t believe anything you are told about me. All facts are in black and white in my very few posts here. Judge for yourself if you need to.

I have replied to this in other posts. The short version is that I work often and don’t get much time to socialize in my real world so I come here to read some interesting posts, watch some interesting videos and make comments when I can, just like I did in your other post.

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Well, pretty sure a person doesn’t need a point to be here or if he does have a point there is no obligation for him to disclose. That usually becomes obvious after a fee posts.

Anyway, I think that particular Elvis impersonator has had a hissy fit and left the building.

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Well I hit that one out of the park…

Pretty ironic given you have just confirmed what I told him about you having no evidence to offer.

You just said you have no facts to offer in this very post? You do know facts are evidence based right?

Red herring and a straw man, since I neither made nor implied anything of the sort. Just pointed out how bizarre your assertion was someone disagreeing with you wanted to kill you.

Another piece of disingenuous sophistry, as I never even tried to guess what your reason was, in fact I made it perfectly clear that your assertion someone must want to kill you, just for disagreeing with your unevidenced claims in a debate forum, was and is barking mad hyperbole.

Though the hilarity of you rying to claim I’m upset, after posting that ludicrous hyperbole, isn’t lost on most people I’d imagine.


What a read, I’d say this earth character really is just too lazy to bother learning how to fill the voids in his knowledge.

I know I have a great many gaps in my knowledge of cultures of the world, I’m not as well read as some of the people who frequent these forums.

But I do know myself, and if given enough time I can conclude my own perspective on most subjects put forth to me.

Having said that, he made the statement, albeit poorly worded, that he doesn’t deem certain subjects to be worth his time personally.

I can understand that to a point, we have finite lives and we are living on a planet flooded with injustices, to try and combat all of these injustices, is a battle, that one man is incapable of emerging victorious.

BUT, if every free thinking man does his part to influence some change for the better, surely, the battle isn’t fought in vain.

It’s down to each individual to decide how much time he is willing to commit to this task.

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I am not sure @Earth comes here anymore, but I can only guess his objective is to try to make a believer out of one of us. Wont actually work as I dropped a religion to become an atheist.

I am the kind of person who likes good evidence for everything, and I also like as much knowledge about things as I can. A couple years back I went in search for evidence for my god, the Christian god, for better faith in the subject. I found no evidence to backup the bible I was believing in. Which some other atheists on here know the thing better than I do. I know very little about the Christian bible, other than I use to read sections in church when I was a believer.


I feel like a wasted a large portion of my life on faith in something which was completely blind. There’s very much lack for evidence for any of the many religions which people believe in, so I realized that there’s little to no reason to believe in some holy place we end up in when we die. (HUH) lol.

Right, we die and go to a heaven. LOL.

I believe it is nothing. Death is nothing. One ceases to exist. I can deal with that, and or accept it. If there’s nothing, I have nothing to really worry about after death.

Not that there’s not enough room out there for a heaven, there’s just no evidence that there is one.

I guess we’ll see, or we wont see or know anything.

“society lies and coddles for what’s best, nature arrives wearing the disguise of your death”

You’re doing it again it again mate. That’s an affirming claim and attracts the burden of proof.

What happens after we die remains perhaps THE greatest of all mysteries. As far as I’m aware, no one in recorded history has yet demonstrated what happens, pro or contra. Of course I’d be thrilled to see any empirical evidence you might have.

To say “I don’t believe there is life after death’ is different from the claim " I believe it’s nothing” .Do you understand the difference?

Me? I assert only that I am unable to believe there is anything after death, but am also unable to claim to know, so cannot say “I believe” there’s nothing.

I have neither evidence there is anything, nor do I have evidence there is nothing. But if there’s no evidence of a god, how could there be anything there?