One for all you theists out there, somewhere

I’m assuming this is the question you’re responding to…

Welcome @Earth - hope you’re “down to it” :wink:

Thank you and yes that is the question I am responding to

I am a bit curious what these 15 forms of evidence that you are aware of. Maybe talk of some of the easiest/fastest ones?

I seen zero evidence that can justify faith. To me, the way you are using the word faith, literally means to believe without evidence. And quite often to believe completely without reservation despite the total lack of actual testable/repeatable evidence.

15 forms of evidence, huh? Oooo… This should be fun. Please, do tell, what are those 15 forms of evidence that justify faith?

Oh, and welcome.

@Earth Welcome to Atheist republic, I hope this little way stop on you journey in life is a pleasant one that adds knowledge.

Please expand and explain what you mean.


Unless one form of evidence is part of an equivocation fallacy, you have no justification what so ever for the “Christian Version” of faith. If you plan on identifying faith as simply “hoping” then you are playing word games and can just fuck off.


1: Analogical evidence
2: Anecdotal evidence
3: Character evidence
4:Circumstantial evidence
5: Demonstrative evidence
6: Digital evidence
7: Direct evidence
8: Documentary evidence
9: Exculpatory evidence
10: Forensic evidence
11: Hearsay evidence
12: Physical evidence
13: Prima Facie evidence
14: Statistical evidence
15: Testimonial evidence

All I am saying is that theists will claim they have faith according to one or more of these types of evidence. I am not claiming that their claims are justified. I can understand that atheist require scientific evidence but the OP asked based on what evidence and I am merely pointing out the possible ones and not justifying them.

WTF? Perhaps you could rewrite the sentence. Do you even know what an “equivocation fallacy” is? You might want to read up on that specific fallacy prior to displaying your ignorance in the next post.


Thanks David and yes I am open minded and can easily accept to change my views. I am here to engage. Not to preach. Can’t learn anything from preaching.


Are you ok buddy?
You wrote this to me and not the other way around… : "Unless one form of evidence is part of an equivocation fallacy, you have no justification what so ever for the “Christian Version” …and then you write to me again saying…“WTF? Perhaps you could rewrite the sentence. Do you even know what an “equivocation fallacy” is? You might want to read up on that specific fallacy prior to displaying your ignorance in the next post.”

So I will ask you again are you ok or are you just trolling me with false accusations and your fuck off words? Are there mods here or is it a free for all Fuck Off website. Tell me please because if it’s going to be like this I too can raise a little hell…excuse the pun lol

And Cognistic…Stop that whining attitude and stop pulling the assumption that I am Christian out of your arse hole. Treat it like Vegas. What happens in your asshole stays in your asshole.

On top of those fifteen examples, there is also denial, evasion, and diversion. And oh, my, we see a lot of that in this forum.

@Earth Are you a theist or atheist? Your position requires clarification.


Am I theist or atheist? Theist I think only because I believe in UFO’s as being extraterrestrial. Then again I chat with people who claim to be atheist and believe in UFO’s as well but I don’t think the atheist definition allows for that. I really don’t care what category I fall into.

On denial, evasion and diversion I understand you clearly. Whether we like it or not it is a part of nature and sometimes when the nail is in we just have to stop banging the hammer for our own sanity if not for theirs.

I’m not here to justify the faith of theists I merely wanted to point out the reasoning behind it.

Uhhhh… Mighty bold of you to speak for all atheists. However, I hate to disappoint you, but what one atheist might require has absolutely nothing to do with what another atheist might require. You might want to consider retracting that statement, or at the very least learn a tad bit about what you are saying.

Then you obviously have ZERO idea of what “atheist” means.

Edit to add: Do you own a dictionary? Do you know how to Google a definition? Just wondering.


I agree with your list… I’ve also seen twisting of word meaning - or double meaning, WHICH is frustrating when engaging in a discussion, because I like to think that both parties are trying to communicate well through this particular means (forum format).

I believed based on reasons that used a low level of evidence… once I raised my standards and applied this standard in all my decision making, I found my life improved greatly.

People believe in god for a variety of reasons that they are convinced are good - however sometimes this isn’t the case (the evidence isn’t good or applicable to the claim).

Oh okay, cool. I agree that I have seen theist use at some point even here on these boards all 15 of those types of “evidence.”

Whats funny is I never seen a theist be able to justify any of those in any real measurable, repeatable, testable way that differentiates their ideas from a random religious idea I make up in 10 seconds.

It is all random background noise, throwing darts blindfolded without ever even seeing or being aware of the target. The rainbow farting unicorn god is just as justifiable as any other god/religion idea I ever heard of.

And why people do not understand the problem with that always confuses me. But I understand the brainwashing that goes on starting at young age makes people susceptible to not seeing that.

Curious, where are you at “Earth” ?

Do you believe in some sort of greater being that wants to be recognized by humans in some fashion? That has human like desires?


Hello Tin-Man
I only speak from my experiences from chatting with atheists. I will never claim to be a know it all. Furthermore…I don’t see the word “ALL” in my sentence, however since you brought it up the least you could do is enlighten me on what other atheist require.


Tin will answer, but I’m butting in - personally, I withhold belief in god/s as an atheist. It’s not ruled out but given the amount of “evidence” theists throw our way and no evidence of god wanting to be known, I’d say it’s extremely unlikely for gods existence.

I am a mind-candy junkie, and quite frankly, I’d place the likely existence of aliens above the existence of god.

At least the eyewitnesses are alive!


[quote=“LogicFTW, post:48, topic:96”]
Whats funny is I never seen a theist be able to justify any of those in any real measurable, repeatable, testable way that differentiates their ideas from a random religious idea I make up in 10 seconds.

Until it is possible you never will. Why are you expecting that in the first place?

No . Not in the least bit.

I did at first, when folks wandered into the forums saying they were right and I/atheist were wrong, I expected them to justify it. I have since learned that it is highly unlikely that they will actually be able to justify it in any way beyond just “talk.”

Curious, how would you describe yourself? It seems like agnostic is likely based on what you wrote so far. Do you consider yourself to be an atheist? Why or why not?