What's wrong with the bible?


There were plenty of biblical refutations offered on here, by multiple posters.


Lots of ā€œtimeā€. Lots of ā€œresearchā€ <sneezing bullshit>

What makes me feel you are being insincere in your ā€œsearchā€ or ā€œdeprogrammingā€ - things YOU expressed to us over months and monthsā€¦ IS where are the examples YOU have come across that YOU recognize as ā€œcontradictoryā€ ??? Where are you in the ā€œgodā€ question in general - DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD?

Not ā€œwant to believeā€ or ā€œdo not want to believeā€ā€¦

Geeeeezā€¦ Cā€™mon, dudeā€¦ :expressionless:ā€¦ Seriously? Please tell me, what kind of ā€œanswersā€ are you trying to find? Also, what is there ā€œto getā€? Holy hell, man, just read the damn bible already. Read it as if you have never heard of it before. Then compare it to ā€œHarry Potterā€, ā€œLord of the Ringsā€, or any other fantasy story of your choice. Then ask yourself, ā€œDoes the bible read as though it was actually inspired/written by an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving, forgiving, benevolent entity?ā€ā€¦ (Spoiler Alert)ā€¦ NO! IT DOES NOT! And you donā€™t have to waste anymore money on buying any other books to tell you that. Just use your own BRAIN.


Donā€™t tell meā€¦I know this one, seriously give me a minuteā€¦nah, itā€™s gone, sorryā€¦oh wait is itā€¦nope sorry definitely goneā€¦



Obviously, you did not read the Spoiler Alert. :rofl:

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Either the members in this forum have failed to provide the proper answers to your questions, or you are not serious about this so-called deconversion you are on. I will offer my last argument, and if I fail to be of help (sorry, Iā€™m just an average Joe) then I must do the proper moral action and recommend other web sites that may offer better support.

It is claimed that the bible is godā€™s perfect word, that the bible is perfect and everything in it is valid and true. So if we can reveal just one obvious piece of bullshit, then it is fair to assume that the bible is not perfect. I am not claiming that all of the bible is BS. But if a boat has just one tiny leak, then it cannot be considered leakproof. There is a lot in the bible that is true, but if we know that some in the bible is BS, then we must separate the wheat from the chaff.

That leads to a reset on how one approaches the bible, since it is obviously not perfect. And that reset is that every word, every passage is to be challenged and proven, not one word in the bible is to be accepted without due diligence, rational examination, and proper proof.

Ecclesiastes 1-4

Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.

We now know that this earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old and in billions of years, it will be consumed by our Sun as it goes through itā€™s death throes.

If that is not convincing, then I have failed you, and I apologize. My recommendation for this moment is to go to the Atheist Experience Discord, at https://tiny.cc/acadiscord

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Thank you for all of your answers and all of your support. Yes I have found your answers to be helpful, yes I have tried to put them to good use.
However my mind is deluded and tainted with the ā€œbibles true and anything contradictory is the devils lieā€
I donā€™t mean to be so close minded. I suffer many things that I have not spoken about and choose not to (whitefire lighten up)
I did struggle with finding certain sources to the claims made in some of the books from the authors mentioned here and on the old forum. I watched plenty of Bart D Ehrman and own two of his books. What I learned here on this forum was to think critically and research answers to any religious claims. I believe that is needed for any claim even out side of religion.
I also struggle with a learning disability as well as other things. I wonā€™t leave here. I might as well offer some to.the forum instead of taking.
I apologize if I made anyone feel like i wasted their time
And to answer your question white fire yes i often believe in the bible and God, not because I want to. I am sincere and honest when I say I want to nail this down and to happily live as an agnostic atheist or something or other.



I explained one inconsistency from the bible for you.

Please, stop listening to all of the indoctrination you have been subject to, and try to be rational. I gave an example where the bible is inconsistent. This has nothing to do with emotions or PTSD or anything else, this is simple logic. It appears you are incapable of processing this information.

I have done all I can.

Sorry to say I gave up some time ago. If the guy is genuine, I think he needs a psychiatrist not an internet forum.

If heā€™s being insincere, same outcome; not willing to spend any more time on questions which donā€™t seen to change----Itā€™s a constant flow of ā€œYes, I agree, BUT------ā€


I have been over this many times and I cannot offer more. When one searches and comes up blank at one location, it is proper action to expand the search.

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Alright and I was explaining myself. I wasnā€™t asking for more help I only wanted to be understood.


All of a sudden YOU say YOU have a mental illness when this post was QUOTING your above statement WHICH NOW SAYS SOMETHING completely different!!!

Save your self pitying discourses for the mirror - I am SOOO done with you-

Edited to add BOLD to dishonest prick as edit use, as an honest use, is for spell correction, links, clarifying a thought -NOT TWISTING THE MEANING AND WORDS of other posters fuckin asshole -who knows the art of gaslighting

Carsyn Leigh Davis. Google that name.

Some people die because they believe some of the shit from the bible.

DAVID - double check your previous posts in this thread - see my above comment


I take back the bracketed () part of my above statement.
You are a victim by choice AND must have enjoyed making it look like I attacked you - NOW you can ā€œcryā€ :baby:t3:


Be honest and at least change your ā€œidentifierā€. YOU ARE NOT an ATHEIST - until you are.

A common wish, which is rarely realised, in my experience.

Human beings only rarely understand each other,and that includes people married to each other. (boy does it!)

The opinions of others only really matters when they have power over you. Often,people have power over you only if you let them .

There is an ancient Greek axiom:

ā€œEach man is three men; How he sees himself , how others see him, and how he really isā€

In my opinion,an internet forum is not an appropriate place to go for understanding or emotional honestly.

Since you desire to be understood, are you attempting to understand us?

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A couple of aphorisms which I think have some merit;

ā€œTo have good friend you must first be a good friendā€ I have found this to be true.

ā€œThe greatest good is service othersā€

I agree with this from pure pragmatism. If I become less self-centred and more other-centred I have less time to be lonely or miserable.

In my experience, other-centred activity helps deal with depression.