What is the biggest lie?

The known historical record of humanity whether it be archaeological or recorded shows an overwhelming drive for meaning in life and in death .

That excuse ain’t gonna fly. You’re the one with God claims. It is not my burden to prove, verify, or validate your claims for you. Cut the shit & answer the question that @Sheldon asked.

Can you demonstrate?

Either you can or you can’t. Simple answer. If you can’t provide evidence. We can’t help you. So lets go.

I’m not sure I see that, and certainly even if everyone is culpable, they are demonstrably not equally culpable. Also it is axiomatic everyone was born into that economic system, they did not create it, so how culpable they are would have to also take that into account.

Why don’t we focus on the one you believe is real, that seems to make sense, since you have taken the time to come to an atheist debate forum and declare yourself a theist.


Argumentum ad populum fallacy, the number of people who believe something tells us nothing about the validity of that belief.


It’s a far cry from your original claim that “most people throughout history believe that their lives do have meaning”. And then we have the fact that the historical records are biased, with the ones claiming their lives do have meaning are the ones with the incentive to spread their message. And these claims in no way constitutes any proof for a meaning of life.


I never claimed anything. I posted a reply to the question of “ what is the biggest lie “ . My reply was “ life has no meaning “ is the biggest lie .
I have not mentioned God , in fact I have stated more than once that that the drive for meaning in life is not theistic .
Sheldon seems to be obsessed with the God thing , it’s a non runner

I’m guessing that is the ground work for a no true Scotsman. See on the planet where I live; not counting humans; there are species of animals which are studied for their ability to reason (chimpanzee is an example).

What planet do you live on?

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It doesn’t change the fact that the overwhelming record of humanity is the search for meaning

Claiming you haven’t claimed anything, is itself a claim. A claim which we can be sure is 100% false.

Also, for what it is worth, your reply to the question was also a claim. :unamused:

/eta: also your statement that you made a reply, is also a claim…

eta2: furthermore these statements of mine should be as obvious as the nose on your face. Your posting of something so obviously false is very troubling to me. Maybe you can address this?


Claim. He’s not obsessed with it.

On your profile it says that you’re a “Theist” and you’re also the one who started a religious argument about “the meaning of life” which has now bitten you in the ass.

Why can’t you answer the question?

Again. Simple answer.

Argumentum ad populum :scream_cat:

/eta: again


Not only that but also bias. There’s a shitload of written work and art that has nothing to do with philosophy.

I think the point has been beaten to death… “meaning” is subjective to each individual. Even individuals who buy into a theistic meaning will “individualize it” to their own self-interest.

Sid is a familiar “type”… one (btw) I’m watching closely.

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It doesn’t help that he’s deflecting and lying about making claims. He’s just doing it so it’s easier for him to deny.

The biggest lie: Mr. Sid is here on the AR for the purpose of legitimate discussions.

Well that’s a little disengenous. The statement “animals do not have the ability to reason” was in the context of a poetic monologue, and therefore is less about the statement itself and more about what it implies. You are disagreeing with the whole idea because some animals have a little reasoning?

But okay, Do you think human brains are equal to chimps? Because we could discuss the science of that, I just thought that was a well known fact. If you can acknowledge there is a difference, then my sentiment still stands.

The other ones beat me to it, but: argumentum ad populum, bias, etc. You have still to show your original assertion, that “most people throughout history believe that their lives do have meaning”. And besides, what kind of meaning do you refer to? To serve a god? To procreate? To exist?

What you said is false, I try to disagree with statements that are clearly false. Details matter.

It is disingenuous to disagree with statements that are clearly false? :woozy_face:

I’m a mathematician. That question makes my brain hurt. I don’t even know what it would mean to say a human is equal to something that isn’t human… :scream:


Ahhh. That clears up a lot of things. Mathematicians are not known for being poetic.

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According to some researchers they have more than that.

“Cameron Buckner, assistant professor of philosophy at UH , says empirical evidence suggests a variety of animal species are able to make rational decisions, despite the lack of a human-like language. Previous research has shown that animals can remember specific events, use tools and solve problems.”