Humor me a bit here. Gonna use my simple mind to give a stab at trying to explain this as simply as possible so that maybe even Sid can understand it in some small way…
Life. From the most simplistic single-cell organism, to basic plants, on up to the amazing complexity of we the human species on this tiny speck of dust we call Earth. Life. Arose on THIS planet in microscopic form billions of years ago and grew in complexity and size over the course of eons. Life. Surrounded each and every minute of each and every day by any number of dangers/threats that could wipe it out of existence within the blink of an eye. Life. What meaning does it have?
As has already been pointed out here by a couple of folks, our human species has existed on our tiny “life raft” of a planet for a rather insignificant amount of time overall. Basically, as a rough comparison, our human timeline on the cosmic calendar would be like a single blade of grass within all the other grass on professional soccer field. In other words, we are barely a hiccup. On top of that, we have been “technologically advanced” for only a very tiny fraction of even THAT timeline. Get the picture?.. Okay, cool… So, with that foundation in place, let us move on to “the meaning of life”.
First, let’s get something out of the way real quick. YES, most everybody agrees that we as sentient, conscious, social humans do attempt on an individual/personal level to designate some significant “meaning” to our lives. Granted, not ALL humans do this, but generally speaking most do in some form or fashion. So, there. No arguments about that. Now, moving right along…
Therefore, what is the meaning of LIFE (in general)? The easiest way I know how to answer this is with the following scenario. For some unknown reason, our life-providing sun goes supernova millions of years sooner than expected. As such it expands out within our Solar System engulfing all the inner planets (Earth included) within a matter of minutes, obliterating them and all that is on them. One minute the Earth is here, the next minute it is as though it never existed. Tell me, please, what was the meaning of the Life that existed on our planet? I’m all ears waiting on an answer.
Edit: (It’s worth noting that the human race as a whole is likely to be long extinct prior to the actual “scheduled” dying of our sun. Just sayin’…)