What is the biggest lie?

I still don’t trust that eggnog. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Uhmmm… Wise you are.

OMG :scream: OMG :flushed: OMG!!!

Jesus fuckin’Christ…here you were doing sooooo well and then you accepted his eggnog.

HEY! It’s a gift that keeps on giving. :triumph: (Uh, just don’t tell HIM what the “gift” is. It ruins the surprise.)

Bah. I’ve had local moonshine. Tasted like jet fuel. If I could survive that, I can survive any alcohol.

Uh-oh… :persevere: Ummm… Hey, White!.. WHITE!!!.. Uuuuh… Should I tell him, or would you prefer to do the honors?

Nah. Claims he can survive. Any alcohol.

Ok, pedantic atheist. Any ethanol.

Let him drink it (or chew) it first then tell him.

Well, Fuck,
While arguing is still sitting there and…( trailing off gazing into space.) I’ll have another eggnog of cup., Hic.

Damn, this thread has really gone off the rails. Merry new year!


That life and the universe have no meaning.

So what is the meaning? And where is the evidence for it?

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Only death is real, the meaning of life is what you put into it(in my opinion).

That is a question that has been pondered and argued for millennia. Evidence ?

So life isn’t real , only death ?

Can you demonstrate any objective evidence that life or the universe has any overarching meaning?

Do you mean all life? A banana or a mango tree for instance? I mean humans didn’t evolve until 200k years ago, so if a deity caused everything, that deity seems far more fascinated tinkering with dinosaur evolution, than with humans.

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Can you demonstrate any objective evidence that life or the universe has any overarching meaning?

Of course that question works both ways and is reflected in thousands of years of Philosophy.