Go tell that to the Christians today. They won’t believe you. Nope! They won’t.
You missed your opportunity to penciled in “feet”…
…(shocked gasp)… I am APPALLED that you think I drew that ruler myself, regardless of how true it may or may not be. I have you know that measuring device was constructed under the strictedist and most accuratedist standards using the cutting edge of leading scientifical advanced technologicals with tolerances of a microscopital level. Not my fault the camera I used may or may not have distorted the dimensions of such a fine measuring instrument.
I took out my meter stick and measured it on my screen. It’s even worse than I thought - it’s actually less than 5 cm. The proof is here:
How DARE YOU compare my inches to your evil metric meter stick! Apple&Oranges Fallacy! And exactly WHEN was the last time your questionable “meter stick” was properly calibrated, anyway? MY ruler was calibrated the instant I dre-… uh, the instant before I used it. And did you even THINK to account for the fact the image of my state-of-the-art ruler was transmitted and coming at you from the screen at near the speed of light, causing the image you see to be contracted? Hah! I seriously doubt it. Amateur.
It’s not a question of daring or not daring. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Your aggressiveness shows that you are being insecure regarding the usefulness of your so-called length unit, which in its origins was a measure of the penifinger size of long dead kings. So your cognitive dissonance kicks in and rejects the empirical data and the teoretical underpinnings of the metric system. Thus your brain goes into a fight or flight mode, letting your reptile brain take over control.
I have calibrated my meter stick against my brand new UKAS ISO 17025 calibrated calipers. Besides, nowadays your so-called length unit, the inch, has been defined as exactly 25.4 mm since 1959. So even the moon landing was made on the basis of metric units.
Bovine rectal ejections. I have verifiable papers confirming the accuracy of my length units.
I unceremoniously reject your unevidenced assertions, referring to Hitchen’s razor. Besides, I have exam papers showing that I know relativity. So there.
The more I think about it the biggest lie wasn’t from “the virgin Mary”, but the biggest lie is that she existed at all, or that any of the sketchy events surrounding the birth of a messiah happened.
Oh, so now you are attacking my cognitive dissonance, eh? Well, based on that statement alone, it is obvious your frontal cerebral cortex is not making proper connections with your oblongata see-saw lobe. Otherwise, you would easily see that my cognitive dissonance is functioning quite well, thank-you-very-much. Furthermore, my reptilian reflex modulator has nothing to do with my adverse reaction to your antiquated metric malfeasance. It is simply that your “measuring system” is so BORING. All uniform and unimaginative. KiloMETER, METER, centiMETER, milliMETER, etc., etc… (Hell, I almost fell asleep from TYPING that.) At least MY measuing system of choice has some creative VARIETY to it. So I’m not sure how you think fight/flight has any bearing on that at all. Sure, fighting and flying can both be fun in their own way, but at least they are not DULL AND BORING like your “Metric System”.
Not attacking. Describing.
It is simply that your “measuring system” is so BORING. All uniform and unimaginative. KiloMETER, METER, centiMETER, milliMETER, etc., etc… (Hell, I almost fell asleep from TYPING that.)
Appeal to emotion fallacy.
At least MY measuing system of choice has some creative VARIETY to it.
Another appeal to emotion fallacy. But in any case, your randomized “system” possesses all the charm of a poison ivy rash.
DULL AND BORING like your “Metric System”.
Science is not about emotions, but facts. You’re just being irrational. As one would expect from a collection of old rusty tin cans.
Uh, for your information, there is nothing appealing about the fallacy of my emotions. And it’s very rude for you to bring up such a personal subject in the middle of a highly scientiffical discussion.
Your criticism of the intentionally structured randomization of my measuring system just goes to show you have zero appreciation for the elegantly artful beauty of non-linear uniformity. Moreover, you have no ability to grasp the simple complexity of substandard excellence. (And don’t you go acting all worried about my rash. My doctor prescribed me a cream for it.)
Hmph! Shows what little YOU know. Those “collected cans” to which you refer were actually exhaustively hand-picked from some of the FINEST dumpsters and scrap yards across the country using very high standards of selection. (And not ALL of them were rusty. Ha! )
No, your emoticons leave a lot to be desired.
Your criticism of the intentionally structured randomization of my measuring system just goes to show you have zero appreciation for the elegantly artful beauty of non-linear uniformity.
Non sequitur. Uniforms - whether from the police, the armed forces or from your local least-liked sports team - have nothing to do with this. You’re just trying to confuse the issue.
Moreover, you have no ability to grasp the simple complexity of substandard excellence.
But I do. I excel in making simple things too complex for those with substandard abilities to grasp.
Those “collected cans” to which you refer were actually exhaustively hand-picked from some of the FINEST dumpsters and scrap yards across the country using very high standards of selection.
The selection pressure in the evolution of those corroded (and corrosive) cans was surely abysmal.
Absolutely correct! Those standards were far deeper than any depth you could possibly imagine. FINALLY, we agree on something! Here… (handing over a cup)… have a cup of my special holiday eggnog.
“I have evidence for god.”
It’s a lie every fucking time, without fail.
And that actually qualifies as evidence against God, ‘when and if,’ reasonable evidence could be expected. If I told you there was a dead body in my closet and then you went and looked and there was no dead body, no blood, no indication of a body being there. That would be GOOD EVIDENCE against my assertion that a dead body was in my closet. Not conclusive but fucking damn good.
Standards are not for imagining, they’re for following.
FINALLY, we agree on something! Here… (handing over a cup)… have a cup of my special holiday eggnog.
I’m going to disagree on that, as a matter of princ…eggnog. Yes please. I’ll chase it down with some wine and beer thankyouverymuch. *Hic*
About a half cup of your antacid of choice is also highly recommended.
Why? We’re talking egg nog here, not Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
Which is why I said only HALF a cup. With the Gargle Blaster it’s best to use a full cup and a half.