Then why are you in an atheist debate forum, and why are you offering semantically erroneous and cryptic definitions for words like truth, implying the atheists here don’t already know what truth means?
If objective evidence has you baffled you could trying telling us why you believe a deity is real, which deity it is, and offering your most compelling reasoning. The notion strangers on the internet in a debate forum have a burden to define what you believe, and they do not, before you can offer any explanation of why you believe it is asinine, and smacks of dishonest trolling.
A prime example of your dishonesty was your first post claiming that the notion life had no meaning was “the biggest lie” despite being asked to offer anything to support this claim you exhibited the same dishonest evasion we’re seeing here. As if you blow in here once in a while, troll for a bit to get a reaction, then leave.
Not one poster ever got anything approaching an answer on that, and each time it’s the same. All you did was try shift the burden of proof there as well, not one word about what you think this meaning is, or any cogent reason or evidence to support the notion, beyond some vague assertion that philosophers had pondered the question.
That was Sheldon’s question to me .
I replied that the question works both ways as evidenced by thousands of years of Philosophy .
Prove there is no meaning is just as valid a question.
Like that, it would only be a valid question if I claimed to know it had no meaning, and I only claim there is no evidence to support your claim it has meaning. Of course one could observe that humans have existed for an infinitesimally small amount of time, so the evidence does not suggest we are any more significant than any other life, and there is no objective evidence life has any overarching meaning, and since my criteria for belief is that sufficient objective evidence be demonstrated to support any belief, then clearly this is why I don’t believe life has any overarching meaning. I don’t claim to know, as it sounds like an unfalsifiable notion as well.
Your turn?