What happened to freedom?

Check out post 49

Pictures of Norway protest against their country’s “facism”…

So now I’m listening to Pierre’s debate points (:woman_facepalming:) he’s starting with emotional rhetoric (emergency of kid committing suicide, emergency of 32 year old living in parent’s basement…)
Now it was Trudeau’ “plot” to get them (truckers) to rise up so he could call them names …

After 5 min he finally gets to some facts and past incidents that were and could be deemed “emergencies” real ones. Lasts about 3 min. (a brief mention of no legal rep deemed guilty for bank fund freezes)…interspersed with financial failings and EVERYTHING Conservatives vote for “removing walls against “free” speech…

Then arrogantly says when I’m Prime Minister …”blah blah blah” and self-promotion.

OH it’s ON YouTube!!! It’s only nine minutes.

We need debate and points against the use of this ACT but listen to their “wannabe leader” *uses this to NOT defend his position against the ACT but playing up to YouTube (cause it’s there so fast!!!) with 68k views!!!


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No one is perfect, and fortunately most of us Canadians are willing to accept our shortcomings, learn, and improve. We do not deny our historical transgressions, unlike other nations who attempt to re-write the history books because history does not fit the narrative they desire to portray.

In 1998 the G7 Summit was held in Toronto, with it’s attendant protesters. And shamefully, brutal police tactics were used against some protesters. There were complaints, commissions, and inquiries, and the conclusions resulted in the tactics employed in Ottawa. For example the police always left a safe passage out of the forbidden zone for any protesters, they only reacted when they were initially touched/assaulted, and any reaction was proportionate to the push by the protesters.

Probably because our neighbors to the south loudly celebrate any and everything, we refrain from such displays. Despite that, we do have a firm resolve, and use only when we must. For D-day in WW2 there were many movies made, and ignored in the fanfare was the simple fact that of 5 lines of landings, only the Canadians were on time and achieved all objectives on the first day. Once the beachhead was established, the Canadians were directed north (into the heart of the prepared German defenses) and took that flank, while the Brits and US troops turned west and pushed into Germany and glory.


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The question that remains, in my view: Was this a fringe group of protesters who got lucky with a failure of policing, or perhaps the first worldwide attention-garnering evidence of a large shift in Canada’s political landscape?

It is not a shift in Canadian politics. The engine that started (and still drives) this “movement” is US truckers who refuse to be vaccinated. Because to enter Canada they must be vaccinated, the conflict is understandable. There are a smaller percentage of Canadian truckers with the same viewpoint, and obviously they desire vaccine mandates dropped.

That was the seed, but as many have witnessed, fringe groups attached themselves to this “convoy”. FOX news and other right wing “news” services pushed a misleading and dishonest perception.

Not policing, but our relatively open position on protests. They took advantage of it. Peaceful and polite (we are Canadian after all lol) protesting is accepted, even welcomed. But the convoy rolled into Ottawa, set up on Wellington Street, and had no intention of leaving. This is the point where things broke down, there was hesitation and indecision by the local politicians and police.

No doubt future legislation on protests will have a time limit and the ability to set up semi-permanent structures (tents, bouncy castles etc.) will be forbidden.

So, a one off event that caught law enforcement unawares per the current position on protests, initially instigated in the main by U.S. citizens.

I’ll buy that. Protest measures in the U.S. can take a more aggressive and obstinate flavor.

From the U.S., it smacked perhaps of evidence of a meritocracy-populist divide; a kind of clash between a gilets jaunes who’s professional lives exist more in the physical and those who’s influence lies in the abstract/ virtual realm but nonetheless rely upon the first category.

That is a very good analogy.

Here in Canada we pay little heed to abstract political concepts and dogma, but on just solving problems. We rarely ever see those who wrap themselves with a flag and call themselves “patriots”. Almost every protest or political position is driven by real world effects, not hypothetical “this political system is best, adopt it”.

When the wife and I discuss politics and the parties involved, we consider the consequences for each party, and if they find power. For example, the New Democratic Party, which leans far left, is the voice of social issues, but has a terrible track record on fiscal responsibility. So unless they change, I could never vote for them, although I yearn for some social changes they advocate.

But we enjoy a multi party system, presently three parties share power, the Liberals with a minority, the Conservatives, and the NDP, but by virtue of this minority government, are the tie-breakers. Trudeau has the support of the NDP on this emergency act, so it is very likely the vote will pass. Now the kicker. Since the Liberals need the NDP, there will be back-room deals and some programs the NDP are strong on will receive support from the Liberals, and be enacted into law.

Another caveat: the leader of each party is selected by a vote in the party’s convention. Trudeau is leader of the Liberals, until they sack him. If you are a member of a party, if you step out of line, you are kicked out of that party, and lose power and a lot of money. The money comes from sitting on committees. Each law must go three readings and votes, with committees debating each law each cycle. And if you are selected for a committee, you receive (almost under the table) a nice chunk of cash for each meeting. Sit on three committees each day, that can yield at least three thousand dollars each day. Be kicked out of a party, guess what, no committees.

How do I know this? My aunt, Therese Killens served three terms as a Liberal Member of Parliament. Our talks were interesting and revealing.



The precedent is set.

When the Conservaturds are “in” (and they will get a turn) :roll_eyes: - this is the same party with a base that believes the “rule of law” is ??? (God’s and whatever they feel is right at the moment).

And it’s here now…


Pretty accurate. It includes Bauder who I mentioned above with his MOU :roll_eyes: and RT interviewing Hillier??? OMFG.

That guy is a fucking nutcase!

So now all of the seized vehicles are now the property of the state, will be sold, and whoever owned them is SOL.

And no court challenge will go anywhere.


I know truckers up here that DO not have nice things to say about this convoy.

Some get wrapped up in anything “anti-Trudeau” but are harmless (all talk no action). They didn’t go.

This was a switch and bait con that unfortunately effected my Province above proportion. The “bad faith” actors (IMO) used our “international reputation” to further their agenda and we have a lot of religitards in my Province.

Whenever I read this thread the old C.W. McCall song “Convoy” starts playing in my head.

To jump onto the back of this piggy…

Staging a reprise of the Ottowa display just after government and police authorities have learned the lessons of that situation, and after the military has already started to make movement in their target area?

Unless their strategy has a major change along the way, it’s onward to a fiasco, IMHO.


@Bluedoc I agree, this may end in tears. From the article, it appears the protesters will meet armored vehicles before they get to city limits. And I suspect the level of violence imposed by police/authorities will be more powerful than the Canadian one.

A lot of this narrative I understand. A great proportion of truckers are independent souls, and march to their own drummer. But the part many don’t grasp is that they are not completely independent, they are part of society and must follow the rules imposed by society.

I watched the “invite” to this calling for March 1. BTW almost all “frozen” accounts were released - ONLY some “specific” ones are still held (namely organizers and those truckers that stayed after…it will be interesting to know how many or if US accounts effected given that about half donations originated there and some questionable “concentrated Canadian area donation just north of the border [postal code use and false names]).

A well written statement regarding the EA. ( Read this letter to Parliament signed by prominent academics about the government's declaration of emergency - The Hub )

QUOTE from the article posted by @Bluedoc Taking a cue from demonstrations that paralyzed Canada’s capital city for weeks, U.S. truckers on Wednesday plan to embark on a 2,500-mile (4,000-km) cross-country drive toward Washington D.C. to protest coronavirus”


I’ve said this from the beginning and posted my own research (sometimes) before it makes the news…. THIS was perpetrated to use our “reputation” for a different agenda. It is a “bait-and-switch” for those who get caught up in what is simply named “Freedom or People’s” and will end badly. It should end badly because the organizers of this have an agenda contrary to “rule of law”, “elections”, and “system of government”.

ALSO the government on a Federal level and Provincial level did a horrible job towards “re-opening” or advising the public what their “vaccinated goal” was to reach a “herd immunity” (I am using this term medically not ignorantly) and how supports for healthcare have been supported/increased/preparedness for opening.

Each individual weighs risk/reward. I’ve always known that I reduce risk, not eliminate it.

One last thing you many not be aware of concerning this “movement”… in Alberta there have been links comparing Ottawa to the documentary “Winter on Fire” (Netflix definitely recommend watching and a quick wiki search to see who made up the two sides and death tolls as well as economic damage).

The Ukraine :ukraine: is in the news and has been for awhile. Besides the Ukraine and Russia, Canada has the third largest “Ukrainian” population. My cultural heritage is Ukrainian as my grandparents on my father’s side migrated here and settle in Vegreville (yes, a Ukrainian community).

I am absolutely appalled and disgusted that ANYONE with a smichen of a brain cell would even try to somewhat “link” the two causes in the minds of “patriots”.

Do less harm. Canada did “less harm”… miles upon miles of “less harm”.

Using “powers of authority” which the Prime Minister can use does not make him a “dictator”. AND our system of safeguards is working well. The Act is now being debated in our Senate.

Executive Powers
Trumps use of “unidentified” security
Vans kidnapping protesters
Dispersing crowds unassociated with previous vandalism without warning and using tear gas to accomplish it…

This “Convoy” was as big a “thorn” to Trudeau as to Trump YET the approaches were miles apart. Only when it became unlawful and warnings were given was there action for restrained removal using recognized police forces.

BECAREFUL how you define “dictatorship” in your mind.

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Agreed. I also watched the accompanying piece on Reuters TV; one of the protest organizers stated that “we’re doing this for everybody, it doesn’t matter who you are.”

Really? Was I asked to be included, or did I give my permission to be thrown in?

Perhaps they see a need to bypass (by way of presumption) that whole ‘support from the people’ thing after it became clear how many in Canada weren’t exactly fans of the Ottowa ordeal.

Fuck no!

Residents of downtown Ottawa are used to protest. They have seen protests there constantly. They know through their own experiences of protests what a “peaceful protest” is. This is not a “partisan” issue that only the Libtards were complaining.

IF this had merit and Canadian support beyond the surface of a fucked-up “re-opening” of Canada (pandemic to endemic) which was presented as its “intent”… trust me, the world would know that ALL Canadians backed it. The Canadians that came for that purpose were the first to leave before it escalated to the embarrassment it has brought upon us. Oh, and they left once the Provinces began this process (as was pointed out in tandem with other European countries).

Exactly one week ago 113 people in Canada died of Covid. Let us not lose sight of the big picture. Not only does Covid have the potential to be lethal, it is a horrible way to die. You are alone in an ICU, only specific medical staff visit you. You are hooked up to a ventilator, a hose stuck down your throat, other plumbing also stuck into you. You know you may die, each breath becomes more difficult, and you are truly alone family members and loved ones cannot say their final farewells. You die alone, in pain and suffering.

What about the freedom of those people, and future victims?

In Ottawa, the protestors took over a good part of the downtown core, never ceasing running their trucks (diesel fumes), honking their horns, and being loud at all hours. Many shops and businesses had to shut down (just after Christmas, most working people are low on funds), and thousands were out of work. There was interference in ambulance and other emergency services.

Most of the residents of the downtown core wear masks, and they stood out against the protestors, who obviously never wore masks. That made them the targets of harassment. Basically all of the residents of the downtown core had to hunker down and stay inside, or flee.

What about their freedoms?


This was never mentioned by the news services desiring to paint a false narrative.

The great majority of the citizens of Ottawa did not welcome them, did not want them, and were very happy that the police removed them.


This is what gets forgot in a pursuit of unbalanced “freedom” or “patriotic” definitions.

Civic Duty.

It is just as patriotic to care for and ensure the freedoms and safety of our fellow Canadians that are more vulnerable (defend them).

HOWEVER once Canada made the announcement for Covid treatment, Omnicron was less deadly and our vaccinated is well above 80% - I was waiting for some future announcements from medical/political for lessening mandates. Mind you, right after Christmas and New Years, they may have had to assess more hospital number information before moving forward (Omnicron was only a few months in).

SO the timing of this was perfect for claims that the mandates were “never going to be lifted”…or “there is no scientific support for…” (rhetoric). A faux narrative can now be made that the protests “caused” the mandate removals (Provincially) and when pushed to “justify” it - the medical community would still be assessing data :roll_eyes:

One more IRONY that I will point out (cause I have a house to care for, school to teach and breakfast to make that I’ve horribly neglected this morning)

The documentary regarding “Winter on Fire” was the promise and election of a government to join the EU and the “back room” deal made with Putin that the people were NOT AWARE of.

So “patriots” of a conspiraturd nature (extremists) who are fighting a NWO (EU is squarely in that - ask England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)… the “people fighting would have been the sheep :sheep: not awake to the agenda of the globalists”!