What happened to freedom?

get fucked you agitation propagandist

Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Welcome @galen

I’ll (for now) ignore your 3-year old temper tantrum.

Make a reasoned and intelligent case for your opinion regarding the current events in Canada.

You have the floor - use it wisely.


Welcome to Atheist Republic galen. I hope your time here is enjoyable.

I also hope you can formulate a cogent discussion.

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And there is no rush.

It does take time to prepare.

Your need for time will not reflect badly as you gather your thoughts and arguments in support of your opinion (which you should mention clearly at the onset).

There is no debate with agitation propagandists

OK good.

This is your opinion.

Please now evidence your claim.

There is no debate with agitation propagandists.

Can you please explain? The fact that I desire conversation sort of nullifies your position. Unless you are referring to yourself.

Take your time, examine your position and prepare your arguments.

If Whitefire (or myself, not sure who the expletives are directed towards), fit your definition of “agitation propagandists”, a clear definition of such wording would be appreciated. Definitions are good, they assist in understanding the other(s).

No…this is your opinion. NOT evidence. Not all opinions are equal. I am acknowledging it, but cannot respect it unless you can provide evidence of your claim.

Last chance - otherwise you are in violation of forum standards.

This is a debate forum
NOT an opinion forum

Good point. I’m open for debate. He isn’t. He meets his standard for his claim/opinion.

ah I see, you get off on booting people.
I see your hypocrisy & I won’t play your game.
OP did not post in good faith.
You bore me

No one has booted you. You just posted.

Being bored is a product of your mind.

Yet it has not happened yet.

It would be to your advantage to expose this hypocrisy. Just making a claim has little weight. Exposing the hypocrisy is a huge win … for you.

The floor is yours.

@galen If your comments are directed against Whitefire and my comments muddy the waters, just ask and I will refrain from commenting.

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I yield the floor to your egos
Have at it hos

Then I accept you agree that you fit your own opinion and “there…

Enjoy reading the debates and your time here and thank you for your courtesy. Feel free to post though at anytime meaningful, evidence backed claims. Or join in on just the banter in less “political/current event” topics.

Debate is a healthy part of free society and democratic government processes. It is needed to gain a wide view of perspectives and evidences.


Quote: …Trudeau added while the “immediate emergency situation is over” the issue itself “won’t go away.”

No it won’t. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The judicial arm will decide whether the “bar was too low” for precedence on future use.

USA :us: your turn…

Quote: Organizers of the “People’s Convoy” say they want to “jumpstart the economy” and reopen the country. Their 11-day trek will approach the Beltway around the U.S. capital on March 5, “but will not be going into D.C. proper,” according to a statement.


I was off a few days.


Just as quickly as it was enacted, Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act.