The war on science continues

Known forever after as “Kerr’s cur”

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Yea Boomer, at that time that was my sincere opinion. But I grew up in a unique position. Where I started as a youth along the north shore of Lake Ontario, it was more British than Britain. It was colonized by the Brits, and after WW1 all of the local militia and military went full Brit. They copied, exaggerated, even caricatured how the British conducted themselves. I was also raised in a military family, where commitment and loyalty was expected by all. So at my young ignorant days I knew little about the royal family, I was taught they all smelled like roses. Only when I later learned more about the history of the royal family and how useless (actually a handicap IMO) they were to the nation that threw money at them, did I change my position.

These days I wouldn’t swat a fly off the queen. Anyways, flies like the smell of shit. I have more respect for the fly then her.



Pretty unlikely you’d get the chance .

I’ve only been to BC, but loved what I saw. I remember thinking how British Victoria seemed.

Here I think the most British city is in Tasmania. Hobart I think, but I’m not sure,have never bee to Tasmania

That’s because your oath is taken to the Queen.

Mine is taken to The Constitution.

I continually laugh at how many people believe that Australia has a “constitution”.

(calling a turd a rose does NOT make it one)

Nah…it’s Victoria BC…or, maybe, Christchurch NZ


Are you being sarcastic or are you simply ignorant?

Of course Australia has a constitution. I know this as fact because I have a copy, which I bought from The Australian government printer.

What we don’t have is a Bill Of Rights.



And the point is?

Oh oh oh, I know, I know, ask me…


No fair, I didn’t get a chance to answer…

@vicillinden has also claim dictionaries don’t give word definitions.

…and that disbelief in a deity is a claim deities don’t exist…



Sorry Sheldon, I misread your post.

Anyway, would it be terribly wrong of me to have the merest hint of a suspicion that what’s his name might be a troll?

Question: Why is it one runs across so few female trolls? (I’ve never seen even one)

White has an incisive mind, she might know.

Go by the behavior, and extrapolate possible motivations.

If one is away for an extended period of time, returns, makes inciteful posts in many threads, what is their motivation apart from being just a shit disturber?

Yeah. Christchurch used to boast about being the most English city outside of England. I moved there from London with my parents in 1965 and experienced the deepest culture shock I’ve ever felt.

What is the amendment process ?

Same reason so few (are there any on here but me???) debate.

I’m not sure why :thinking: (checks and makes sure vagina is there…yup). I always liked debate and arguing, and rarely took offence or a “grudge”… likewise, trolling requires a thick skull because you run across people that can give it back as good :wink:…or just ignore the stupid, asinine, vomiting :face_vomiting: spew. Trolls have extremely low self-esteem (to match their IQ).

Most women, perhaps, don’t like to publicly humiliate themselves??? OR maybe it’s because they don’t have the small dick to try to swing around.

Who knows? :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yair, with young blokes at least it always seems to comes down to testosterone and need to spray it over everything in sight. (I mean, have you SEEN ‘Top Gun’?)

Doesn’t happen when you get old. But nature always compensates; a bloke grows tits instead


Not at all, I am inclined to agree. He also strikes me as one of those pathological bullshitters, who thinks their asinine claims make them look impressive, maybe it’s the Dunning Kruger effect, but whenever I meet these types they go nuts when anyone challenges their crap.

Good question, I have no answer.

She might.


Had never heard of the Dunning Kruger effect , but think I’ve run across it in business. There it’s called The Peter Principle, where a person is inevitably promoted until he gets one step above his level of competency. Common in large organisation, not just government.

We have talked about it on the boards here before. Definitely worth a google.

Yeah,thanks, I did that.

I’ve learned quite a few new words and terms here, which is largely the point.

Finding this place has meant I no longer need to talk to myself to have an intelligent conversation :nerd_face:

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