Sexist comments

Feel free to check @mr.macabre13 posting history - he’s also @mr.macabre now (since May). And no. He hasn’t made any derogatory comments towards women, with the exception of the most recent “camel toe” of a public figure.

David and I give 3 chances to members and will also email privately.

The public ambush of @mr.macabre13 from a comment back in Jan 2021 that was dealt with then is not appropriate. The original comment was at Harris also.

He is most likely a tRump supporter.
Or was - I don’t care. His behaviour here has been fine since he was back from his ban.

It did happen three days ago.

That is the entirety of his response.

IMO he was baited and provoked, during a painful and stressful period of his life. Yes, it was wrong, but when one considers the entirety of all things that were said, he was being hit hard with a very low blow. He lashed out, it was wrong, but he had his reasons. Without Nylar’s provocation that would never have been uttered.

I already explained that I did. The condition for him to return was for him to retract his statements, he returned but did not retract them. I’ve been occasionally to get him to face up to what he said since then. Perhaps I didn’t peruse him a vigorously as I should have, my bad. He goes through cycles of posting and not posting; he’s currently very active again, so I challenged him again.

To be honest it is probably the 50th. That is why I have—ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION—I sought and received staff approval for this behavior (of mine)

I think perhaps you have misspoken; because taken at face value, that seems like quite a serious disconnect from reality.

It is why I keep demanding that you answer my question. If my behavior is not acceptable, I will stop. But you have to fucking tell me it isn’t acceptable first; because I fucking went out of my way a long time ago to establish that it was acceptable. Because this isn’t my first (or even second) rodeo. I know this behavior is pushing the boundary. That is why I got it cleared ahead of time.

I just need a staff member to say “the AR policy has changed, stop doing that shit”. Because until someone does, it is probably going to keep happening.

If you want to ban/suspended me and have technical difficulties, just PM me your decision and duration of my suspension (if applicable) and I won’t come back until then. Maybe you guys could pester the admin to remove my special access.

  1. If it is acceptable (for users to hold other users accountable for past statements) behavior; then I haven’t done anything wrong and we shouldn’t be having this conversation. Since we are having it I’m left to assume the other option.
  2. If it is unacceptable, then staff/users castigating me for what I did yesterday/earlier makes no fucking sense at all (since they are challenging me about past statements!).

Quote :arrow_up:

A good faith question? Nope :-1:

Because apparently you can’t bring up “yesterday” :roll_eyes:

Obviously we all use memory. And it’s a great tool, but not when used as a weapon against members who are not behaving in a way they once did.

I won’t be pinned into hard and fast rules because each situation is subjective and fluid.

When engaging using “memory”… is it in context? The topic being discussed and a flow? Is it for the purpose of learning or establishing a pattern? Is it to create a feeling of being demeaned, belittled, personally humiliated or embarrassed? Is to to create comradre, bonding or shared experience? Is the purpose to help or harm the person?

If engaging in past occurrences is YOUR thing - whatever :woman_shrugging:t2:…the members responded. It wasn’t acceptable to them and not encouraged. So frankly, you can carry on as you wants, it’s apart of your personality or expression BUT not with “blessings” or it’s “OK” and not with censor or “rules”. Unless it moves into obvious harassment of a member which would have to evidenced.

We didn’t bring this up. We didn’t flag you. We let the members address it and set up a separate area for further discussion (which died).

Again, if a member complains to us about harassment or bullying we’ll look into it. Any public overstep we (David and I) assess as stepping into harassment or bullying, we’ll warn.

This particular subject is closed (for me).

You and David want to conduct yourselves in the other email :e-mail: have at it…

If I’m allowed to carry on, does that mean you will stop deleting my posts? Because right now I’m not being allowed to carry on.

I deleted just that one post/thread because you violated the confidentiality of Admin discussion and took it public.

I have not uttered a single word to anyone outside of this conversation. I have been tempted to warn others about your hidden agenda, lingering resentments, and penchant for revenge. But I will not because I do respect that what we say in private stays that way.

A simple question: Is the privatization of admin conversations more sacrosanct than the printed rules for general forum behavior?
I don’t understand why a post violating an unwritten rule (maybe is is written, I’ve not, however, seen it) can be deleted but one breaking a publicly documented rule isn’t.
Is there an actual rule about keeping admin conversation private?
This is not a question that carries with it any opinion about whether there SHOULD be such a rule, just wondering if there ACTUALLY is one.

We don’t have rules anymore :frowning:

OK I was told by a staff member that the rules/policies have changed (as I requested many times). Thank you. I now feel comfortable breaking my promise to make him eat those words as it is no longer possible.

What changed, how was it changed, who changed it?

Read post 25.

Nothing is changed.


Are you back to accusing me of lying?

Do you think it is permissible to take this conversation public?

Please ponder the consequences before you respond.


I agree. I’m more than willing to make this email public.

As far as I know, there have NEVER been any rules about not posting parts of PM’s as public. Of course, if you make it public, after deleting a post of mine for doing the same thing (I might point out I posted a single vague sentence that contained a phrase that was posted privately), you are going to look like a hypocrite (at least to me).


Do you think it is permissible to take this conversation public?

If you had asked me before you deleted my post for doing exactly what you are planing, then I wouldn’t have a problem with it. If you are going to do it without reversing your previous decision, I’m going to have a HUGE problem with it.

We’d reload your TOPIC and YOUR comment and then load this email for context.

It appears that the intent of my last post was jumped over. I asked which rules were more sacrosanct (the posted forum rules or the unwritten one about the privatization of admin convos). You’ve not answered that question. Instead, you’ve launched what reads to me like a threat to make public this entire string. Hmmm….
My point, I’ll attempt to clarify: there is a published rule barring, among other items, sexist comments. There seems NOT to be a published rule about making public admin conversation. So…why did you delete Nyar’s post but did not delete the sexist post?
This is a real question for you. It is not designed to be an attack. I am confused by the actions taken vs those not taken