I will never understand it

Not sure what to think at the moment, my sister-in-law sent a message to my wife earlier this evening saying that she would call us later and let us know what’s going on.
It’s 9:00 pm and she hasn’t called, and my wife’s afraid to call her in case it’s bad news.
Hurry up and wait.

Have an enormous virtual hug mate.


When this female grows up, will you be accusing her of sleeping her way to the top; as you’ve accused other women? Or will it be different because she is family?

What the fuck? Not cool, man! That little girl might not even see her next birthday, and you come here and make a remark like that? Really?


What I’m supposed to be nice to someone who has a history of shitting on women, just because a woman in their family is sick? That ain’t happening.

What the fuck does Camel toe Harris’ career got to do with our niece? Everything isn’t about politics, especially when we’re talking about possible life or death.

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This message is for Nyarlathotep, go fuck your self, twice.


Holy shit. Seriously? This is neither the time nor the place. Keep the politics out of here. Take it somewhere else.


We got an update late last night, Isa is doing pretty good considering what she’s had to endure. What we do know is that her vision has been permanently compromised and she can’t see anything past the foot of her bed.She’s also been diagnosed with Diabetes Insipidus. It’s very rare and can be caused by damage to the pituitary gland, and is probably permanent also.
They’re going to lower her dosage of steroids to try to determine the amount the pituitary function she has left. They were successful in removing all of the tumors, but they can’t do anything more about the cyst on it.
My wife’s response to our kids was exactly what you’d expect,“the lord has blessed her with a sweet and gentle spirit”.
Again, I will never understand how/why theists believe the things that they do.
If she can handle the lower dose of steroids, she can be moved out of the ICU. But she’s not going home anytime soon.



Hey, you are already stressed enough. Take a deep breath and stay focused on what matters. That little girl. Be the bigger man here and ignore inappropriate cheap shots from anybody that seems to lack common decency.

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Thanks, I appreciate it.

I just got an update from my wife, as of today, the doctors don’t think she has any pituitary function, which is affecting her thyroid. She has thirst sensation, which is good, however she can’t produce stress hormones.
If she experiences any kind of trauma/injury, she will need to be injected with a type of epipen. When she reaches puberty, she will need daily injections.
She could be moved out of the ICU today if she can handle the lower dose of steroids.
My wife also texted this message,“the lord can change all of this in a moment he chooses”. “His plans for Isa and her family are all good and his glory”. “It’s a hard day, but he is still on his throne”.
Sounds like something you’d hear the member of a cult spout out.
Jesus fucking christ, if he can “fix” her, then why doesn’t he just do it??


OMG - that is good news… she’s alive and it was an overall success given the brain tumours!!! If she had been born in a different era :grimacing:

She has challenges ahead - BUT she’s alive to conquer and incorporate those challenges into strengths.

A big hug :hugs: to you and a big sigh of relief 😮‍💨 getting past this most critical part.

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This is where I first deprogrammed myself from religious “god is loving” indoctrination.

Even to this day, with my loved ones (and even with your niece who I don’t know) IF I HAD THE POWER. Fuck, doctors only have “so much ability” and they do everything they can to save and improve a person’s life/health.

Why are people “more loving” than this god, who is apparently “a Father figure”??? A fucking piece of shit, no child support paying, absentee, narcissistic, abusive son-of-a-bitch “father”

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@mr.macabre13 Please ignore the very cheap shot inflicted by an insensitive asshole.

One thing I say to myself when things get crazy is “I can not change others, the only person I can change is myself”.

Ignore their expected drivel, it is what they reach for in times of stress. Please focus on this little girl, that is all that matters.

Thinking of you bud.


Good idea; I’ll take it to the debate section. Oh wait, this is the debate section!

Standing up for ~50% of the human race (women) shouldn’t be politics. But perhaps you are right that it is.

@Nyarlathotep How does belittling someone (even if their beliefs are morally wrong) ever help that person change? What does this accomplish besides you inflating your ego and feeling self righteous? Clearly acting like the preacher at the front of the church and being holier than though is a good look. You want to act like that then go back to church.

Calling someone a bigot and loser usually never nets the end result you want. What you’re doing here is just self pleasuring, so please stop. (Insert your own jokes here)

As for @mr.macabre13 I would take what your wife says as the kind gesture that it is. Is it misguided, absolutely, but when you don’t comprehend the world in a logical manner you can’t expect a logical response to good news. If she understood what you do, she would just replace the word god with the doctors. The feeling and emotion behind it is still good and valid, just misdirected. My parents still say weird things like that to me, and I have to remind myself they’re still human beings and are perceiving the world differently. Their emotions and sentiments are still in good nature. I have to view them not from the perspective of logically misinformed but the perspective of where they are coming from emotionally and exclude the former.


Jesus fucking Christ on a greased pogo stick… (shaking my damn head)… Unbelievable… Personally, at this moment in time (especially on this particular thread), I could give less than a drop of rat’s piss about Mr.Mac’s views toward women, whatever they may be. The man is a fellow human being worrying about an extremely sick SEVEN YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL who is balancing on the edge of life, with the best case scenario being that she will be permanently disable and possibly blind IF she lives. And he is HERE on the AR seeking support from us because his own family is a bunch of religious fanatics who prefer to live in their own little feel-good-fantasy-bubble of their “Wonderful Lord & Savior”. Having a grandson of my own now, I cannot imagine the stress Mr.Mac is enduring during this time. Yet YOU believe it is a fine time to stroll in here and take an opportunity to defend the entire female gender of the human race based on some opinions Mr.Mac shared elsewhere in this forum? Because, obviously, I’m certain that is a THE debate Mr.Mac has been waiting for somebody to start in here. And what, exactly, were you hoping to accomplish? (Don’t answer that. Rhetorical question.) Good grief. Not cool, man. Not cool at all… (shaking my head again)…

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I know how frustrating and annoying that is. I also have family members who say crap like that. Makes me cringe and roll my eyes every time. Thankfully, though, I’m not around them often. But to use their own scriptures, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” It’s not much of a consolation, but just try to remember they are coping with the stress in the only way they know how. Hang tough. Stay strong.


I think this every time they say things like this. Accept for us (or at least me) when we say “forgive them” we are speaking to that little voice in our own head, not some mythological being.

It’s just such a shame so many theists cannot put themselves in our shoes and at the very least acknowledge our view point. Instead they choose to demonize and hate anything foreign. I swear empathy is almost completely gone from this world. Maybe all of my experimentation with a greenish substance has opened my mind to empathy. I’m really not sure, even people I personally despise, I truly try to put myself in that perspective. Be it a theist, racist, or any bigot, you can’t help someone if you don’t understand them. I use to argue and trash theists at every turn, I realized all I was doing was giving them a justification for demonizing me. Me attacking them just drove them deeper into their religion or bigotry.

Another theist saying I still repeat is “We do not reap the seeds we sow.” I can only point in the right direction, and if I’m not a welcoming guide, who would follow me? If I shout and belittle people and stand on a corner in a sandwich board that says “fuck god” I’m only attracting people who agree with me. I don’t want to attract people who just agree with me. I want people who disagree with me to see me and think “what if he is right?” Just plant the seeds of free thought, don’t over water them. People have to find their own way out.

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