New guy who believes in God

You should not start by saying ask me anything as if you are an expert. You are not.

If you believe god created the universe, what did he create it from? Do you believe in immaculate conceptions and virgin births?

Whats your view on the world wide flood scenario

Ummmm You are not paying attention Bobthedog, Andy is a reported atheist. He is just a bit narrow minded and bigoted in his approach to atheism.

I’m talking to the op.

Highlight the text you want to quote and then click on quote. You will avoid confusion.

The thing with the “God of the Gaps” argument is that it’s based on bullshit and can therefor be filled in with bullshit so The Gaps argument can become Anything of The Gaps argument after The God of The Gaps is used. For example, a Christian would say that this deity created the universe with “holy magic” or come up with any kind of Macguffin absurdity to argue that point into an Ad Nauseam and Reductio Ad Absurdum.

Howdy, Bob. Don’t expect any answer from the OP guy (Eli). He got his pee-pee spanked and was booted out due to being naughty. Meanwhile, welcome to the AR. Good to have you with us.

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Yep, he got his ass thrown out of this bar. Good riddance.

Super easy. Melt it in a pot, pour it in a mold, let it set. Ta-dah! Ungrated!

Reminds me of this scene.

No dice. You gave it the old college try, though.

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Why throw him out? He’s entitled to his opinion. Booting him is not the answer.
I think that’s grossly unfair.

Welcome Bob! Hope you enjoy your time here. BTW, there’s a standard for conduct. His opinion isn’t what got him booted. :roll_eyes:

I suggest, as the “newbie” to this board to get familiar with the threads before you start pre-judging “reasons”.

This is an international forum.

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My point is, as atheists for instance, we all rejoice and chortle to each other. Thats not enough stimulus for me.
I’ve been kicked off a dozen forums for asking difficult questions and this is a chance to invite them in and crush them without getting booted.

There’s no joy in us all back slapping and cheering. Have a debate with them knowing they can’t kick you off.

Any thoughts?

You really want to go there… already? How much more clear could White have been?

Are you dense?

This is an extremely, liberally moderated atheist site. You really want to tell the mods what they should and should not be doing? Really? Not a good start for you.

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It wasn’t his opinions that got him booted. When you go on a forum and make threats on violence it doesn’t end very well.

Just because it is not a Western Religion does not mean China is not Religious. America is 80% Christian and 'not a Christian nation."

Empirical results suggest that, first, the most popular ancestor worship practices in contemporary China are venerating the spirits of ancestors or deceased relatives and visiting the gravesite of ancestors . Ancestor worship practice participants make up over 70 percent of the adult population.

  • [Volume 16, Number 1, Spring 2016]

I live in Asia. I travel in Asia. I have been to the Chinese temples and participated in the ceremonies with hundreds of thousands of Chinese. Yes, China has a cult personality. You can buy Mao’s little red book on every street corner in China. I have a copy here on my desk. It says nothing about the religious practices.

Project MUSE - Ancestor Worship in Contemporary China: An Empirical Investigation.

China is a very superstitious and religious place.

Ancestor Worship and State Rituals in Contemporary China: Fading Boundaries between Religious and Secular

Go to 7:50 for modern China Ancestor Worship.

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Howdy, Bob. Yes, Eli and everybody else here are definitely entitled to opinions. And, believe me, we express them often. But nobody here is entitled to make threats toward other members or toward the site itself. And that is what Eli did to get booted. Figure it’s only fair that you know.

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Hi Eli. I applaud your courage to enter an atheist forum. I promise we won’t eat you alive! Ha.

I have millions of questions for theists. Generally, I have to wonder how you “believers” can bring yourselves to actually LOVE and WORSHIP a self-confessed genocidal “god” who says he has unconditional love and mercy, yet this god feels perfectly entitled to burn us alive—for all eternity—if we do not fear him and love him?! Talk about coercion and lack of love and forgiveness!

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Yes. When some people fail to force their opinion or convince the other party. They become very belligerent and volatile. I see it often in Theists. It just goes to show that religion and mental illness do not mix.

Such a harsh sanction is the very last resort, and an unpleasant choice.