Let’s all Celebrate!

Hope everyone has a good Christmas. :smiley:

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It’s a “cold” winter here too. Down to 20F! Had to close the window in my office!

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Oh you wimps, 30degress - 35 degrees Celsius every day since start of December and will be until about the end of March.

Thank you whoever invented Air Conditioning.

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I’ll take cold any day over too hot. When it’s cold you can put on more socks and sweaters. When it’s too hot you can only take off so much before you’re arrested.


Ummm… “So, you are unhappy with some of the choices you have made in your life?” By the way, how is the fishing in that neck of the woods? I swear I want to get up to the North Country and find a salmon stream some day. The Arctic halibut fishing is also supposed to be awesome. How about elk hunting? I’ve heard elk sausage is damn good. You know, I have eaten the most bizarre shit you can imagine, and still, I have never had deer. I can’t imagine it’s all bad in your neck of the universe. Have you thought of moving to Death Valley CA? Plenty of sunshine there, and the nights will still let you feel like you are at home.

No, every choice I have ever made was the correct one. I am just a whiney little bitch who has gotten old enough to be far less tolerant of the cold. Most of the time I am content with where I live, aside from it being very redneck here. I have 40 acres in a very rural area, virtually in the woods.
It’s usually as tolerable here in the winter as in the summer, as far as temperature is concerned. However we are presently experiencing the shit my Canadian friends consider fairly “normal”.
I usually spend a lot of time outside in the winter, hiking and photographing birds and wildlife. When it is this cold I am house-bound.
I have always had a sensitivity to the amount of sunlight I get. I had a vitamin D deficiency when I was a kid (before supplements were widely available) in spite of being outside most of the day. I could not live in the far north.
I am at approx. 39.5 degrees N. Latitude in Northwest Missouri. The fishing is good, though the Bass do not get nearly as big as in Tx. Or Ok… There are some cold trout streams in S. Mo., but none up here.
I used to deer hunt and did quite well on my own land, and ok on public land before I got my own place. It has been a few years since I took a deer. The deer are large and healthy here, due to the wide range of food sources.
I only hunt them with a camera these days, but I have no objections to others who do hunt.
There are so many here, and there are no non-human predators, so that hunting them is a necessity to control their numbers. They have begun re-introducing Elk fairly near me.
Elk sausage is outstanding as is deer sausage. I have some deer sausage and “snack sticks” from my son-in-law in the fridge.
I actually prefer deer meat if it is processed properly. It is far leaner than beef.
Death Valley would be far far too hot for my old ass, though the ample sunlight is appealing.
I have lived in more dynamic locales, but there is great beauty here as well, if you can find it and recognize it when you do.

Edit: ready for spring fishing

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Of course you guys and your pussy hunting for deer and the like…try getting one of these delicious bastards…
kanga meat

That is his tail all jointed up…

Seriously. If I get a place in KY. I will drop in some day. I have been looking seriously at Paducah. I also have not ruled out MO, close to the KY border. I need to be near water. Just a thing I have. I was checking out Hardy AR for a bit, but there are forms of entertainment I enjoy that are just not allowed in AR.

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The only Kangaroo I’ve eaten was in a soup. Frankly, the bits were so small it was not possible to get a good taste of the meat. The soup was fine. Hey… as long as you are not eating monkey meat, I’m okay with it.

Ha Ha Ha…If I ever saw one I would probably be so mesmerized that I would forget I was hunting…

Edit: throw one on for me…

Prices in S. Mo. have gone up a lot due to Branson ,etc. and the scared rich people are buying up land to hide on when “the apocalypse” comes. Of course prices have gone up everywhere.
There are a number of survivalist camps and such down there. The law enforcement agencies are stretched extremely thin in a number of the most rural counties, especially when they are busy attending Klan meetings… :grimacing: That is not to say that there are not any good places left.
There is more water in S. Missouri than here, including trout streams and rivers such as the Osage, which has huge catfish, as well as the Ozarks and many other respectable lakes.
I have a 6th order stream running through my land, but it has been nearly drying up in the last several years due to lack of rainfall and high summertime temperatures.
I need to be near the water too and I hang out at the river even when it is quite low.
Here is a good looking buck from down at my river, in October…

Edit: Take me to the river

Happy December 26th! Christmas is over and now its just a few days from 2023! I hope “Santa” was good to you all. :slight_smile:

I hope Santa is going to be good to me. I’m playing poker for the next two weekends. 40,000,000 won jackpot for a full house, Aces over 10s beaten. Even a table share would be nice. Hopefully. it won’t get hit before the weekend.

Hey, we could do a road trip and end up on Tin Man’s front porch. He’s in Alabama.


My favorite. Leftovers! I’ve been cooking & baking 3 days straight.

LOL… Me too. I made Christmas dinner for the staff. $400 worth of food and preparation. The price went a little high because I bought the wrong oil. A can of oil to fry the turkey was $65 BUT! One can happened to be on sale for only $45 I snatched it up. Christmas morning I go to pour it into the pot to deep fry the turkey and the oil was red. WTF? (THEN I READ THE KOREAN) I have made this mistake so many times in Korea. I think I know what something is and I don’t read the Korean. DAMN!
It was “Red Pepper Oil.” Awww fuck. So Christmas morning I rush back to the store and buy a $65 can of cooking oil. I can’t return the red pepper oil so I donated it to the school,

My other big expense was the Booze. I don’t drink much. While no one got drunk, a few people had a few drinks. I drank an Irish Coffee. The rest of the booze was just given away.

We had a fun Christmas. I’m finishing off the banana pie I made right at this moment. Yum! I will not do this again next year. Not without help.

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Bring it on! Got a couple of trees I need to take down, and I HATE the clean-up part. Plus, I can teach you how to operate my tractor with the bush-hog attached so you can cut all the tall growth out back and clear up the trails. And my basement workshop could use a good cleaning/overhaul. Don’t worry, though. I will be helping with that, of course. Yep, I’ll be right there telling you where to put everything, especially the heavy stuff. Oh, and how could I forget? You two would be great at getting all the leaves up from the front yard, back yard, and around our garden area! :smiley: So, hell yeah, swing on by for a few days! We will have all sorts of fun!

See? It’s this sort of thing that really upsets me. A kind, generous offer to bring some levity and frivolity into someone else’s dismal existence, is perverted into an opportunity to take unfair advantage of two kind, innocent, humanitarians, clearly for the purpose of advancing one’s sloth. (As if that is necessary)
You need to do some deep reflection and soul searching and then slap yourself. And you call yourself an EX-CHRISTIAN!!

Edit: shame on you

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Well, you know, one shot at a time ain’t much…:roll_eyes:

Edit: just one more for the road

Hey! I don’t even own a sloth! Why the hell would I try to advance something I don’t have? Sure, they are cute little creatures, and I would love to have one hanging around. (Our cats would have so much fun with it.) But it’s very presumptuous of you to just ASSUME I have a sloth. :triumph:

Anyway, I’m willing to accept your remark as an honest mistake, and you both are still welcomed to vusit. Besides, I just noticed our gutters need a good cleaning, and it’s safer if you two work as a team while using the extension ladder.

Edit for slow motion.

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