Let’s all Celebrate!

Here’s my garden from a year or two ago.


I will take a few and post them here.


Artichokes I just pick them and boil them until the leaves pull out easily then make up a mustard vinagrette and pick the leaves starting from the base. One mature artichoke per person. It is a loong starter so plenty of time to chat! Not suitable for the ankle biters, they will get bored.

Alternatively carve off the top leaves and side leaves to reveal the flesh and steam to eat straight away then either preserve in olive oil or pickle…either way is yummy!


I wish I could encompass it all in one picture, it’s basically spread all over the entire property at this point.

At some point we will eliminate all of our grass. It’s going to be that house everyone slows down to look at soon or later.


A noble and satisfying venture! Go for your life!


Nice! Thanks for sharing.

Oh definitely will do that. I’m still young so I’ve got decades of gardening ahead of me still. I want to plant grapes and kiwis along the road side and let everyone who walks our road grab a free snack. My only nemesis are the insatiable white tail deer around here.

Thank you for the artichoke ideas.

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So anyone have a specific favorite thing to grow?

I find myself obsessed with carrots and garlic. Even starting to try to hybridize my own carrots. I find any kind of tubers or underground vegetables fascinating.

The easiest thing in the world, Melted butter dip and season it any way you like. I like salt and a garlic clove or just garlic salt and butter. You can’t go wrong. Oh! You eat them differently than the ones in the jars…

I’m sure the ones in the jars have had the hell pressure cooked out of them. I have not seen artichokes cooked to that degree, home style. Also, the ones in the jars tend to be only the choice part of the artichoke. Home cooked, you have to do a work-around.

So you bake or boil your artichoke. You can surround them in foil and put them in an oven like corn on the cob. Corn is a good analogy for cooking directions. (Except you will probably never grill an artichoke.)

Once cooked, 2 hours later, put it on a plate. Now you will pull the petals off, one at a time. Hold them by the pointy end and dip the bottom into your sauce. Next, you will scrape the pith off the petal with your teeth and generally bite off the end of the petal. At the apex of the meal you will have a stack of half-eaten petals and the delicious artichoke heart.

Now, looking at this beast, I like to use a knife and fork, but you can finger it if you must. You are going to slice it, dip it, and eat everything around the center. The very center, if you get it into your mouth, is like chewing on bits of dried straw. Eat all the way around the center and if it is soft enough, even the stem under the center.

A good artichoke is to be eaten slowly and savored. It is the perfect dish to share with your significant-other. OH man, I’m hungry. I have not seen an artichoke in 20 years. A wonderful food to miss!


I like growing pumpkins…then have all the neighborhood kids come pick one for Halloween.


Merry Newborn Baby Jesus in a Manger Day! Don’t get too excited, though. Because in only about four months we get to celebtate him being brutally tortured and executed. Oh, how quickly the tables turn.

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Yeah, but hot cross buns mun, damn tasty. It’s an ill wind.

After tonight. I’ve had all the religious bullshit I can deal with. My tolerance meter is maxed out.

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LOL… "A hugely important astronomical event? Possibly to someone who does not know the size r the universe or all that is going on out there.

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I live in Winnipeg (aka “Winterpeg”) Canada…and that’s got us beat!
Where do you live—the North Pole?!

North of Edmonton. Alberta.
FINALLY the cold broke… we’re at -16 (feels like -24)


Uh, clearly you don’t live where every ray of sunshine makes a major difference. The only hope we have for an escape from this grey fucking ice cube, is our friend in the sky. So you need to just shut your dirty mouth and put on your flowered tiara and prepare for the Solar Savior’s return. Uh, the last time I checked, Alpha Centauri didn’t do shit to help with my “ready to slap the shit out of someone” winter “psychosis”…Oooh, the universe is so vast…black holes everywhere, galaxies galore…shut the fuck up and give me some SUN!!!..( btw, I am over 1000 km south of Winnipeg and it is still too damn cold here)

Edit: shut your wormhole

…Every ancient civilization worshiped the sun as a sun-god.

I’ve very skeptical of that claim.


Oh, we’re practically neighbours. My goal is to be a “snowbird”!!!