Jesus is not God

His cabinet, like his mind, was always going to remain firmly closed to be honest, so it’s probably for the best. He had eschewed debate from the very first, and any pretence he wasn’t here to troll is exposed in that last post.

This entire argument he has going is so out of context. @CyberLN, is it just me or was he putting words in @Sheldon’s mouth?

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He’s been banned, for trolling…at least he stopped pretending before he was booted.

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Yes, he was. He was disingenuous. He ignored staff instructions. He refused to support his many assertions. He was sent packing. Ultimately, it makes no difference if someone identifies as theist or atheist…if they refuse to participate in a way that supports dialogue, they get sent packing.


The most hilarious part of that has to be the grammar, which is saying something. He clearly would rather go on pretending he was was informing everyone else, rather than learn something. Who can forget his opening salvo:

From his second post, it was the only thing that leaped out from the hubristic verbiage in either of his first posts. Again from someone who had zero grasp of…well anything really, this was pretty funny.

Note that like many theists, he simply couldn’t, or wouldn’t understand the difference between disbelieving a claim, and believing a contrary claim, remind you of anyone?