Quora: What is the most disturbing thing in the Bible that you have found as an atheist?

Definitely a servant. There is an article on Academia that looks at the Persian postal service as a secret service type of organization that inspires the idea of The Accuser, or Ha Satan.
This is seems to be the purpose of The Accuser in Zechariah 3. The Accuser there is actually not saying anything incorrect. Presumably he is simply stating how Judah turned its back on Jehovah. Still, the Accuser is rebuked (despite speaking simply the truth) and Jesus (Joshua) son of Jehozadak is promoted above his peers. Satan is often telling the truth. It is just that we humans need the charges dropped!

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The important thing to know when reading the biblical stories is that the Old and New Testament stories illustrate one or more of the REAL Ten Commandments. If you don’t know that the none of the stories will make sense.

The REAL Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 34:11-28. They are identified by the inclusion of the word “shall” in the verses.

The Job story is about staying faithful to the God character regardless of the disasters that might befall you. It is a First Commandment story, which includes a couple of “shall” words (depending on the Bible version) but the applicable verse is Exodus 34:14 https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Exodus%2034:14

The stories themselves don’t actually have to make sense because they are really quizzes to see if the listener, or reader, can identify which of the REAL Ten Commandments the stories are about. Once you understand that you will be able to link every story in the Old & New Testaments to the correct Commandment.

You are of course incorrect. " Part of the All Souls Deuteronomy , containing the oldest extant copy of the Decalogue. It is dated to the early Herodian period, between 30 and 1 BC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkL0dbjshG0

I really wish you Theists would wake up and do basic research prior to posting. You would not sound so ignorant. The REAL 10 commandments… the oldest “COPY” we have… AND WE ONLY HAVE A COPY (nothing real or original) … are from Deuteronomy.

Why would I care? I don’t believe your god thing exists. And, why would I remain loyal to an asshole who made a bet with a friend to destroy my life to test my friendship? That person is a complete fucking dick. And the fact that he later replaces all the fucking destruction he caused me and my life does nothing to remedy the pain he caused. Your God is a fucking jerk.

If this is a quiz, you are a gullible stooge. Send me your money and I will reward you later. There is no amount of suffering you should not endure for me. Your reward will come someday in the future. Just keep sacrificing, it’s good for your soul. We call that, being gullible. On the day you happen to get lucky, you can thank god. On the day you die, no one will ever give a shit. You are not going to link shit to shit when you are dead and gone.

Welcome to the Atheist Community.

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And you assert this based on what evidence?

Nah. Does not seem very real to me. The number of mentions of “shall” varies according to the translation, with the most in the catholic version I found (Catholic Public Domain version). Least in the New International Version. I looked up the Catholic Public Domain Version, King James Version, American Standard Version, and the New International Version. So if these commandments are defined by inclusion of the word “shall”, they vary in numbers across translations. So a very poor definition.

Besides, those “commandments” mention driving other tribes away from their lands (an absolutely fucking horsecock move), and you are commanded to destroy their altars etc., the god emphasises her narcissism by explaining how no other gods are to be heeded, how often and how to feast and sacrifice for the same narcissistic god, and for these stone age or bronze age tribes to wait for some stone tablets with similar narcissistic tripe on them.

In other words, absolutely fucking insane laws for basing a society on. They’re just narcissistic wankery from a horsecock god. Which makes it all the more likely the god is just invented by wanking narcissistic horsecock priests on a power trip.

ETA: No, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.

You are of course incorrect. " Part of the All Souls Deuteronomy , containing the oldest extant copy of the Decalogue. It is dated to the early Herodian period, between 30 and 1 BC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkL0dbjshG0

I really wish you Theists would wake up and do basic research prior to posting. You would not sound so ignorant. The REAL 10 commandments… the oldest “COPY” we have… AND WE ONLY HAVE A COPY (nothing real or original) … are from Deuteronomy.

The basic rule is that you have to define what you are talking about. The Ten Commandments are specified as being written on two stone tablets and called the The Commandments.

The fake ones in Exodus chapter 20 were verbal and were not written on two stone tablets or called the The Commandments in the verses.

The ones in Deuteronomy chapter 5 were written on stone tablets but they are not called the Ten Commandments.

Now pay attention and you can educate yourself if you so desire. The easy way to do it is to start reading at Exodus chapter 19 and continue through Exodus chapter 34. As you read summarize every few verses in your own words with pen and paper. Exodus chapter 19 just sets the stage for what follows.

Depending on the Bible version chapter 20 may start out with the heading = The Ten Commandments
20 These are the things God told his people:"

Not all versions that. Verses 2-17 are the fake The Commandments that are pushed in silly Hollywood movies and by conmen preachers and ignorant politicians because they sound “good.” But they are immediately broken by the God character.

Continue reading and taking notes and you will get to Exodus 31:18 before Moses get the two stone tablets.

The Israelites couldn’t go 15 minutes without worshiping something so when Moses didn’t show up the people had Aaron make them the golden calf idol, a symbol from Egypt. The people got happy and noisy celebrating their freedom of religion. God and Moses heard them and God got pissed and wanted to go one of his usual killing sprees. Moses told God to chill and let him take care of it. So, Moses lugs the two stone tablets of the The Commandments down the mountain, sees the happy people flies into a rage and smashes the two stone tablets, gets his henchmen the Levites and kill over 3,000 men. They didn’t count the women and children.

In Chapter 33 God and Moses kiss and make up. In Chapter 34 God tells Moses to chip out new set of stone tablets and lug them up the mountain for a rewrite. Now pay attention!

Exodus 34:10 sets the stage for all of the biblical miracles, which is why there aren’t ay today.

Exodus 34:11-26 contains the real Ten Commandments, which are highly ethnocentric and apply to just the Jews. That is why they are ignored because even Christian dummies wouldn’t want them posted in schools and in courtrooms. But it is essential that you know what they are because ALL of the stories in the Old and New Testaments illustrate one or more of them.

Notice what it says in Exodus 34:27-28 (KJV) ="27 And the Lord said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

28 And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments."

I just used the word “shall” as a easy way for me to quickly identify the commandments because the verses tend to run on and are not clear like the twelve curses in Deuteronomy chapter 27:11-26.

Consider the Seventh Commandment = Exodus 34:23-24 (NKJV) = 23 “Three times in the year all your men shall appear before the Lord, the Lord God of Israel. 24 For I will cast out the nations before you and enlarge your borders; neither will any man covet your land when you go up to appear before the Lord your God three times in the year."

Remember the three times very large crowds appeared before Jesus? The Sermon on the Mount ad the two times he fed thousands of people with the bread and fish? Those stories illustrate the Seventh Commandment in action but it’s easy to miss because they are not all together in one chapter.

If you want to have some fun find the passage in the New Testament that illustrates the Tenth Commandment, Exodus 34:26. Note that the Ninth and Tenth Commandments are included together in Exodus 34:26 (NKJV) = 26 “The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring to the house of the Lord your God. You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.”

The Tenth Commandment is = "You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.” It is discussed at length in several passages in the New Testament. If you can’t figure it out I will tell you if you want.

Besides, those “commandments” mention driving other tribes away from their lands (an absolutely fucking horsecock move), and you are commanded to destroy their altars etc., the god emphasises her narcissism by explaining how no other gods are to be heeded, how often and how to feast and sacrifice for the same narcissistic god, and for these stone age or bronze age tribes to wait for some stone tablets with similar narcissistic tripe on them.

You seem to be overlooking the role that the biblical fairytale plays in current world affairs this very minute. The Zionists base their agenda on several Bible passages, including the First Commandment = Exodus 34:11-16 (NKJV), Deuteronomy 1:6-8 (NKJV), and 2 Esdras 6:55-59 (CEB).

I generally read words literally, unless there is a good reason to imagine they don’t mean what they actually say. So if an assertion, in the bible or anywhere else, is vague, contradictory, ambiguous, or unintelligible, I don’t leap to the conclusion it contains some esoteric message, especially if someone is trying to claim it is inspired by a deity with limitless knowledge to create it, and limitless power to communicate it, and who has created everything, including the message, so that I will conclude both it and the message are real.

That underlined part is the opposite of accurately defining something, it sounds more like a method to produce an entirely subjective interpretation, and given the archaic and fragmented nature of much of the biblical narratives, this just seems like a recipe for projecting one’s own subjective beliefs into the text, quelle surprise of course, but this is what many theists and religious apologists do all too often.

Which would explain why we have different versions of the bible, and more importantly approximately 45k different sects and denominations globally under the umbrella of Christianity.

Seeing any problem with that at all, and the notion a quick subjective reinterpretation will clarify things?

I think you mean allegedly, as we have no objective evidence, indeed not even one contemporary or independent record of anything Jesus may have said or done, assuming he actually existed of course, and the evidence supporting that is pretty scant, even given the elapsed time from the events purportedly described in the gospel myths, which are both anonymous and written decades later. So attaching some esoteric significance to a number like that seems meaningless to me, and again this is the kind of thing we see theists and apologists of all stripes do all too often to produce deepities as if they are profundity.

I’d be more interested in why you think your subjective interpretation is of any more significance than anyone else’s, and you’re starting to sound like a very strange atheist I must say?

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I am not. But the fact that someone chooses to read stories and follow instructions in a book to the letter does not imply that those stories have anything at all to do with actual history or that the instructions are based on anything but old myths. As an analogy, take the Harry Potter book series. In these books, instructions for the game of Quidditch are given. The fact that some people read these books, interpret the Quidditch instructions, and actually play the game (albeit in a muggle and non-magical way) does not in any way mean that someone, somewhere, have actually played the game with flying broomsticks and autonomous magic balls, nor that it is even possible to do it.

My point was, in extension of your comment, that the fact that someone, today, read and practice bronze age instructions for how to please a old middle eastern desert god with animal sacrifice and fumes from burning meat or incense does not take away from the conclusion that the god described in those stories is an narcissistic and egomaniacal character and that the “commandments” described there are insane laws not fit for anything else but show and mystery to keep the populace subservient to the priests.


I have a question…

Why do you call yourself File Cabinet? :dizzy_face:

The Bible is nothing but collection of ancient ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish religious fairytales, just like the Koran is about Arabian religious fairytales. But, when discussing them it’s best to address what they are saying if you wat to have a meaningful discussion. Otherwise, you can just say that they are all BS and talk about cutting lawn grass or washing dirty clothes.

From a literature POV, the Bible is very well written because the storytellers and writers linked all of the stories in the Old and New Testaments to one or more of the real Ten Commandments in Exodus 34:11-26. They also did a very good job by including countless clues that they whole thing was just an elaborate hoax because there was no Bible as a book until a committee based in England produced three master copies in Latin in the 680s-early 690s AD. Each copy weighed about 75 pounds and one still exists today. You can not find legitimate authentic Bible as a book written before that time on this planet for all of the gold in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Catholics needed a book to counter the Koran, which was written around 640 AD. They included lots of war stories so that the priests could inspire the troops to engage in mass killings because, after all, God had OK’ed it in the Bible.

The fourteen books of the Apocrypha are generally more secular in nature and they do contain some good timeless advice that just about everyone can benefit from. Two English bigots deleted them from the Bible when they revised it in 1881. So, you re probably more familiar with the Reader’s Digest version than you are with the complete Bible.

Since there are plenty of well known bibles much older than that; I’m going to assume you are going to dismiss any counter-examples out of hand as not legitimate authentic?

eta: Additionally it seems you agree the bible is a book of fairy tales, suggesting no copy could be legitimate authentic; so why is that being used as a standard?


This doesn’t address anything I said? Some of it even contradicts what you said initially, so it seems pointless addressing you a second time when you haven’t the integrity for honest debate.

Try reading my post again, and if you can muster something beyond a new raft of unevidenced sweeping assertions, then I might give you the benefit of the doubt a second time.

As one example this directly contradicts your earlier claim here:

Also you have responded by repeating my claim back to me, which was offered in response to your entirely unevidenced assertion we should interpret them in our own words?

You’re not making any sense, you’re not engaging honestly with responses to your nonsensical assertions, and your claims are contradictory, and you are making sweeping assertions without even the pretence of objective evidence to support them.

Would bullet points help you understand? Oh that’s condescension in case you missed it, as you seem to think it represents impressive argument.

See, contradictory bs? Note nothing presented to support either claim, not even the pretence of any epistemological, rational, or empirical support.

0/10, this is going to fuck your average, up your game.

@FILECABINET, do you plan on supporting any of the many assertions you’ve proffered with data or evidence, as requested?

This is an important question and it is an important action for you to take.

This is a debate forum, not a podium. As such, it seems reasonable for me to request that you accompany your assertions with supporting information or perhaps you should consider taking your thoughts over to X (Twitter) as it would be a more appropriate platform for your current style of activity.

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One of the more interesting things is that in lots of passages it simply doesn’t matter if you are a good person because your ancestry or physical condition will condemn you to being on God’s shit list. And you have no control about who your ancestors were or about your physical condition. It is also interesting that the Jesus guy preached that you should engage in self-mutilation to keep from sinning. The Old Testament God character hates physically defective people.

Dude… you are preaching to atheists… no one on the site believes the shit in the bible or the way you are stringing things together. Cherry pick the verses any way you like. You can make the book assert anything you like. That’s why we have over 45,000 Christian denominations globally. Your long-winded verbiage and bible quotes mean jack. You lost me back when you thought there were 10 commandments written on stone someplace. Do you know nothing of the history of the Book you are quoting?


You make a very relevant point. since most people who post on the forum are admitted atheists, including myself. it might be a very good idea to simply shut down the forum because it seems that no one can express any opinion other than that there is no god. Because everyone has already written that numerous times and no other opinions are tolerated, taking a crap might be more intellectually stimulating than trying to have an intelligent discussion with certain people.

Some forums have a “block” feature where you, as an individual, can block people who piss you off and you are no longer able to see each other’s remarks. That might be a nice feature to incorporate on this forum.

Not even remotely what he said, this latest logical fallacy is called a straw man. Perhaps at some point, when you actually read and understand what others are posting, you might grasp the difference between disbelieving a claim, and making a contrary claim, but at this point I am dubious.

Another straw man, sulking and lying that no other opinions are tolerated, just because you have been challenged to offer a shred of objective evidence to support your sweeping rhetoric, isn’t as impressive as you seem to think.

Already available champ. Now what did you want to debate again? Only you seem to have, dare I say, the religious apologist’s knack for preaching irrational unevidenced claims, while ignoring all rational objections or criticisms to your rhetoric.

Stop pretending you know everything, and everyone else does not, you might actually learn something.

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No one? When did I express that opinion?

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