Jesus is not God

Ok…and…what’s your point?

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You might want to stick a comma in that sentence champ. You are a pompous sententious prig, since you now want to exchange ad hominem fallacies.

Lets try again then, what is your point here, what did you want to debate? Your penchant for posting assertions in a grandiloquent fashion is tedious.

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It is nice to know that you read every word I write. If you continue to pay attention, you will learn lots of new and interesting things.

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Well if you can’t tolerate objective rational criticism to your unevidenced rhetoric, then at least it was a “nice” experience apparently. I note again you evaded addressing yet another logical fallacy you used, what do you imagine this infers? I can tell you if you have any interest in learning anything, but it appears you just want to preach your beliefs as a doctrine without any critical debate, like a religion really…

Well I’m always eager to learn, but I already know what blind closed minded rhetoric looks like, and that’s all you’ve presented so far, the threads here are littered with religious apologists doing the same, and many of whom have a far greater understanding of epistemological burdens of proof than your posts suggest you have.

Though they often have the same aversion to answering questions.

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Sheldon, you closed-minded twat! What in the hell is the matter with you? Always asking for clarification and evidence. Why can’t you just give it a rest and allow your mind to slip into dementia like the rest of the population? Just “BELIEVE” what filecabinet says, don’t ask questions. Allow the truth to flow over you like a clear stream of cool refreshing water. Let the feeling of freshness open your mind, sink into your soul, and set you free. After all, there is no real truth. You want some of this banana peel?

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Apparently I’m not paying attention, or thinking intelligently, I was bound to be found out eventually. I’ll get me coat…

It did feel like I was losing my mind, halfway through one of those posts, to be honest.

Hang on, let me get a pencil to write these down…

I will try this moving forward, but it could be a problem as I am (literally) a soulless heathen?

That is a relief, no wait, is that claim true? Or damnit all to Hell…no banana peel thanks, I have to go scrub my brain clean again… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smirk:


Since I make you so unhappy maybe it would be best for you to simply ignore my comments. We each base our opinions on our life experiences and on the things we have learned over the years. Therefore, we have different perspectives.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …

I repeat: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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I will post as and when I am minded to.

No, what you’ve described is a subjective belief, I base beliefs and opinion on how much (if any) objective evidence can be demonstrated to support them. It is you who is making subjective unevidenced claims, not me.

A fairly ironic quote, given you have failed to respond honestly to any of the questions others have asked about your unevidenced claims, you don’t seem to be questioning anything to me, just reeling off sweeping unevidenced assertions, then refusing to engage with anyone and debate them. I’d be prepared to bet Einstein wasn’t just talking about ideas he disagreed with, when he said never stop questioning.

What is more powerful saying i am the brother of Barack Obama or describing how i relate to him. The second is greater in impact and offers more understanding and drives the point to discovery. Jesus does that throughout the gospels as God.

The gospels are anonymous hearsay accounts, the earliest dating decades after the events they purport to describe. They hail from an epoch of extreme ignorance and superstition, and nothing in them remotely represents objective evidence for a deity.

If you want to peddle your chosen superstitious wares, then you will need something a lot more compelling than “an old story says so”.


A fairly ironic quote, given you have failed to respond honestly to any of the questions others have asked about your unevidenced claims, you don’t seem to be questioning anything to me, just reeling off sweeping unevidenced assertions, then refusing to engage with anyone and debate them. I’d be prepared to bet Einstein wasn’t just talking about ideas he disagreed with, when he said never stop questioning.

So, what do you want to debate?

You mean you want to try again on another topic? I see, by reading the previous posts, not one of your assertions stood against the actual evidence. Are you planning on more of the same? I’m interested in why you would bother coming onto an atheist site to write such an inane tripe. No one here even cares. What you want to do is go and argue with some religious sect that holds a different view. You could start with the Catholics, they are all around us.

Ask a Priest Archive - RC Spirituality

These folks are very interested in you and they want to show you the right way to believe in Jesus. It’s just as important to them as it is to you. Go little butterfly, fly away. Learn the mysteries of Jesus, Find out the real truth behind the name, the story, the man. Go out into the world and educate the believers so they too, can know the truth of your claims. Fly away, fly away, little butterfly!


Read my post ffs, you made a string of assertions, and I challenged them, start there by addressing those challenges, and answering questions honestly, instead of rolling past them and repeating your beliefs all the time, this is preaching, not debate.

You claimed to know no deity exists, and claim to know there will never be any evidence for any deity. Explain how you can possibly predict the future, then explain if you understand that your claim no deity exists is unfalsifiable, do you even understand what this means? If so how can you possibly know whether an unfalsifiable claim is true or not?

It might help you understand your errors in reasoning if you learned what an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy is.

Pay particular attention to this part:

“The fallacy is committed when one asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true.”

He could seek out a Christian forum, and tell them their religion is the largest sect of Judaism, or posit the same on a Jewish forum, that might be worth seeing. I suspect that any well informed apologist, will tear his irrational sweeping assertion appart like warm bread.


He was saying that he basically wants you to give him factual opinions from certifiably correct websites when you make certain arguments for him to analyze. Things that are evidenced. Everything you need to back an argument. That’s all. Easy right?

Something beyond bare assertions, irrational arguments, and unfalsifiable absolutes would be a start from @FILECABINET. Some acknowledgement he does or does not understand what an unfalsifiable claim is, and that making one means it is impossible to meet any burden of proof, some acknowledgment of the endless logical fallacies he has used, and that he grasps how relentlessly irrational this indicates his rhetoric to be.

He seems to think that because he professes atheism, and this is an atheist site, that his rhetoric and irrational arguments won’t be challenged, he is of course wrong. His spiel is exactly the kind of preaching we see theists present all too often.


Read my post ffs, you made a string of assertions, and I challenged them, start there by addressing those challenges, and answering questions honestly, instead of rolling past them and repeating your beliefs all the time, this is preaching, not debate.

You claimed to know no deity exists, and claim to know there will never be any evidence for any deity. Explain how you can possibly predict the future, then explain if you understand that your claim no deity exists is unfalsifiable, do you even understand what this means? If so how can you possibly know whether an unfalsifiable claim is true or not?

You claim to be an atheist but, by your comments, you are a hardcore theist who believes in a deity 100%. So, out of the over 33,000,000 gods, what is your favorite God’s name? God is just a title not a name, so name your god.

@FILECABINET has been sent back to his cave under the bridge.


At this latest lie drops any retence of debate, and demonstrates you are here solely to troll, and preach your beliefs. Luckily on this site honest debate is valued, and mendacious trolling is not, so please don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

As I suspected from the first, you never really understood the significance of your claims, but it seems your strident sententious preaching was not merely woeful ignorance, but instead a willful stance on your part, to remain so . Well there is no law I am aware of that insists anyone must be rational, or even honest, but this forum does have rules about mendacious trolling, it seems you didn’t understand that either.

The next time we get the likes of Sherlcok insisting atheism is a belief and that all atheists must go further than simply lacking theistic belief, this thread, and the other @filecabinet posted in, might be an edifying example that such strident unevidenced beliefs from atheists, are treated exactly the same as those from theists.