I will never understand it

That’s the truth! I had knee surgery a couple of years ago. I got a spinal and was numb from the waist down. They did the entire surgery with arthroscops. I ended up with three tiny holes in my knee about the size of an ink pen’s refill cartridge. AND, I watche the entire procedure on a video monitor as the doctor talked me through exactly what he was doing. Crystal clear perception and completely amazing.

I’ve also had two other amazing experiences with modern medicine. Both involving severe slashes to the face. And I mean hideous gashes longer than 4 inches with fat and muscle tissue pussing out. One with a student who fell and one with a boss who was walking down the street and was attacked by a crazed butcher knife weilding Korean man. In both cases, the surgens did such a fantastic job, no scar was visible. None. My boss was slashed from his forehead, across his nose, and down aceoss his lips to his cheek. He was a fucking mess. 6 to 8 months later and not a trace of a scar.

Doctors are fucking Miracle Workers. I also worked in Emergency Rooms for about 5 years as a youngster. I have seen some remarkable shit. I fully believe that if anything negative happens to anyone, you can generally trust that the doctors have absolutely done the very best they can to get the very best result they can. (I know, they are still human. But I do believe they try.)


This shit drives me crazy. The newest update states the following, “god continues to provide and shed his blessings”. What the fuck does that mean?
I haven’t heard a single “thank you” to the doctors and nurses who’ve taken care of her in any of the text messages going back and forth between my family and sister-in-law.
They’re going to have a welcome home celebration on July 31st for her and her family, I can only imagine how much praise their god is going to get even though Isa is fucked up for the rest of her life.
If this is really how their god does things, I want no fucking part of it.


They’re likely referencing Shed in a historical context - the god to which ancient Egyptians appealed to save them from disease and misfortune.

I mean, that’s as sensible an explanation as the bearded dude in the sky molting his blessings unto his flock. :roll_eyes:

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Their god is thier problem, not yours.


I am sorry to hear this. As you likely know, life doesn’t have much to do with fairness. Life just happens. I understand your angst and disgust. I hope she fares well. It is absolutely none of my business, nor do I require an answer, but I don’t understand how you can be with someone that is religiously delusional. It took me many many failed relationships to find my atheist wife. It came down to asking right off the bat, if the women of my interest was atheist or not. Although my wife is beautiful, I was not attracted to her by her looks whatsoever…I would have been happy with an atheist female doppelganger of Vladimir Putin.


When we first met in 1980, neither one of us was religious, it didn’t change until after our son was born in '83. After a few months of motherhood, she decided to raise him as a christian, along with herself. We fought over the subject for decades before we agreed to disagree.


Funny how that happens. My ex wife didn’t care that I was an Atheist. She was non practicing and demonstrated many times that she was not a Bible freak. It was ONLY UNTIL we had kids did she become a religtard and her family was up my ass. They had always wanted us to get divorced and for me to pay child support. They wanted nothing to do with her before that. But after we had kids, we had more marital problems then I could count. I fought with them for 11 years before we did get divorced and I ended up with the kids because my ex wife became a drug abuser. Out of all of them, her sister was THE FUCKING WORST. A nightmare. The amount of bullshit she could cause was unreal.


I’m sorry to hear that, that really sucks.

Yes…I dated a christian girl, who was very loving and seemed fairly rational, and stated right off the bat, she did not care if I was atheist or not. Things were actually good between us, until I met her family. When her father realised I had serious interest in his daughter, he gradually became insistent with his belief, I could be converted back to christianity. I can tell you first hand, hell exists…in the form of a highly religious family of faith-heads…the persistent forcefulness of her family, combined with her indifference to my plight, pointed me toward the door. I feel lucky her father was so irrationally deluded.


I’ve realized they’re lying and full of shit when they say it doesn’t bother them. Maybe not right now because of the honeymoon phase, but it will be a problem down the road. The atheist gets the short end of the stick and we told the truth. The Christian lied to us.


Her name was Mary too…LOL.
She was model-esk, compassionate, passionate and a humanitarian who worked with kids…all pluses in my book…but still, her failure in basic reason, was just not worth it.

As I have stated repeatedly, religion is exclusive and transactional. You are either in, or out. And you must give something or surrender to be given what is promised.

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I guess I’m lucky in that my wife is also an atheist. She comes from an atheist family so there wasn’t any religious crap from the inlaws either. I’ve been an atheist since before I was ten, and my parents were not, but they were never obnoxious about it and took a liking to my wife from the day they met.


Mostly everything sacrificed. Church’s want you to serve and live a life without women and money. What the church really wants is ALL of your money and to give up your sex life and to become an even bigger religtard because “the bible” says so. The church doesn’t care about your hardships or about your bills.

They just have “thoughts and prayers”; the biggest excuse ever to do nothing. They won’t offer to take care of those things. They dont care. It’s all about what you can do.

They just want to take your money for that “Oz lottery ticket” you want so bad, tell you some bullshit how to live for god while they let you get sued by the people you owe money to in claims court, to be abstinent and describe women as a nasty std curse, and just want to turn you into their puppet and door mat to piss on.

They think you’ll take it because “you’re morally obligated to” because “the bible” says that’s what you have to do to get into heaven. Because their fictional Charles Manson is all about altruism. Be a fucking god loving pussy who turns the other cheek and gets shafted in the ass. They want you to roll over and give up on your life and suffer for the big gold arches of an afterlife thats more than likely not there.

They’re not playing fair. They’re fucking everyone. The church’s are a casino and they like to make the rules. Control and manipulation are key.

They can go fuck themselves.


@MrDawn I agree 100%. They make empty promises and horrific threats. And as you have sadly witnessed, they shit on those who do not share the same belief.


I’ve noticed Monotheists go to church and they desperately want the church, by praying to their god at the altar of that church, to fix their life issues. But obviously, the church is for the church and feeds off of its member base. The church will rarely only demonstrate help to keep up it’s act or do an “actual mission” which are a complete waste of time and put their puppet religtards in harm’s way with disease and violence.

The pastor’s job is to behave like that of a street magician. He’ll go on stage do his tricks and have a band play a few hymns. Get everyone softened up. Touch the hearts of the depressed and the desperate. Give a speech about tithing in the scripture about Jesus bragging about a homeless woman who gave her one and only gold coin to him. And then the real con starts. They bring out the offering plate and thats when people empty their pockets and write the checks. Money for a ticket into heaven!

It’s sad. I quit feeling sorry for them a long time ago. They’re a bunch of deer caught in the headlights.

We got a new update on what’s going on with Isa right now. She’s at home and is slowly being weaned off of the steroids. They’ll test her in about 2 weeks to see if she has any hormone functions, plus she’ll see a low-vision specialist in mid August. Today she’s going to the dentist because her adult teeth are out and growing behind her “baby” teeth. They’ll probably have to be pulled.
What a fucked up situation, but it’s all part of god’s plan, right?


Good to hear she seems to be improving somewhat. Poor kid. I can’t stand hearing about kids having problems like that. She sounds like a little trooper, though. Hope she keeps getting better.

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It was God’s Will when Hitler slaughtered millions of Jews.
It was God’s Will When Stalin Slaughtered millions.
it was God’s Will When the United States dropped an Atomic Bomb.
It was God’s Will when Sadam Huesen was responsible for 250,000 killings.

All acts of a very loving God… who must really exist right? lol. Can you feel the love tonight !

Yeah Christian logic ls all screwed up, I will never get it.

Most theists will claim that since Stalin was an atheist atheism was to blame for the deaths attributed to him.