I hate my christian mom

I actually don’t disagree with some of your points.

I acknowledge (if fact, I would shout it from the 50 yard line of the Superbowl) that the media presents an unrealistic ideal of human beauty with advertising, movies, etc. that portray–for example–an unrealistic standard of thinness.

As an example, the supermodel Kate Moss popularized a fashion esthetic called “heroin chic” which emphesized an almost guant appearence that bordered on being almost skeletal.

Long before Kate Moss, there was a model named “Twiggy” who capitalized on a similar appearence of unrealistic thinness, and there were legions of teenage girls who starved themselves to death by anorexia, and more legions of teenage girls (and young women) whom were fat-shamed into developing eating disorders because they may have had just a few extra pounds . . . and I–as a straight man–don’t personally understand the appeal, because a young woman with a few curves can be very, very sexy.

I also believe that this fashion trend contributed to drug addiction because young girls “had” to start taking dangerous diet pills in order to reach an unrealistic standard of beauty, and became hooked.

So, if your concerns about kids are that they might hurt their bodies in order to follow a fashion trend in a self-destructive manner like the trends started by Kate Moss and Twiggy, then I understand your concerns and I actually respect that you wish the public to consider these issues in this context.

Still, there is a false equivalence here.

Transgender people are counseled, examined by specialists who work in this area, and a proper specialist has conceptual tools that help distinguish someone who is actually transgender vs. someone who “just wants to fit in.” Someone who “just wants to fit in” would be identified just like how a court-appointed psychiatrist can identify if someone is faking mental illness to escape criminal prosecution.

The only social agenda is acceptance of such people so that they can contribute and enjoy life on a level playing field . . . which is different from trying to make everyone trans.

If you want to look at this in another way, the civil rights movement wasn’t about making white people black. It was–in theory–about having a level playing field.

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I do agree on your Civil Rights point!

I’m challenging you to back this assertion up with data / evidence.

I suspect you will ignore this challenge just as you ignore so many questions.

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Well, looky looky here, it’s another sweeping unevidenced claim. I’d ask for sufficient objective evidence, but at this point, why bother.

False equivalence fallacy, again explaining why to you, seems entirely moot at this point.

Nope, that’s an irrational false equivalence. There are demonstrably many reasons why people may feel dissatisfied with their bodies. You started this discourse by condemning some of the most vulnerable, as delusional and misled, with yet another of your sweeping unevidenced assertions.

The lying religious lune is telepathic?

You’re bigoted religious hate speech, dressed up as faux concern, that is what is horrendous to me.

You are demonising people for who they are, while reeling off lies and conspiracy theories in a lame attempt to justify it. All salient facts, and questions have been evaded of course, but then this has been your raison d’etre from your first post here.


That was not an implication. If you read my earlier comments from a few days back, I don’t consider myself better than anyone. I’m flawed just like all of us are.

I’m of the opinion you are creating/passing lies about a group of vulnerable people. I’m of the opinion that you are trash.


It was the obvious inference.

Still waiting for you to even attempt to objectively evidence this claim?

Just as there is an obvious inference from this unevidenced assertion.

That claim is astonishing given the OP, and the fact you cannot possibly know anything about the motives of the poster’s mother, let alone be “sure” about them.

Not only dies this insult the OP author, someone seeking help and advice, but it flies in the face or prevailing medical opinion.

I can only agree.

I’m sure you don’t, and in case I am being too subtle, you made up a bigoted lie. You don’t even have the integrity to recant.



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I’m sure you already have it!

I appreciate your input!

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A form of switching the burden of proof.

A high caliber college try there, though.


then you are a liar, or a fool


Just that very last bit though? Your stumbling around in the dark of religious immorality is entertaining in a sad sorta way.


Perhaps @davidc.guthrie is the mom’s pastor.

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Perhaps he’s a bigoted cunt, but who can say?

I have an opinion, but I don’t like to use ad hominem until it is reciprocation.

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““If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

That doesn’t sound like someone who cares about @skylersh’s wellbeing, it sounds like a bigoted religious nutjob, whose indoctrination is so complete, that they value it, more than their own child…it breaks my heart…from the late Christopher Hitchens, paraphrased… “if you harm a child, then hang your head in shame”…let alone your own child.


Take your bullshit hate speech elsewhere …and your facile sententious preaching, I am done pretending you’re not a bigoted hate preaching religious nutjob…if you’d shown any shred of integrity or decency, it might have been otherwise.

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I spoke not one cuss word just spoke the Truth but you accuse me of hate speech. Have a great day.

I couldn’t give a fuck if you are so stupid, that you think viruperation is more offensive than your bigoted superstitious bs.

All anyone need do is read it for themselves. Here’s one obvious lie, as you have not attempted to justify the claim with anything approaching evidence:

It is a risible claim, as @Nyarlathotep pointed out, you’re peddling a conspiracy theory, and in order to peddle religious bigotry.

Go fuck yourself…and the blessing of the lord be upon you…

Saccharine and sycophantic platitudes may impress the sheeple, but I value freedom of thought, and I despise mendacity in debate.

Enjoy, and have a nice day.

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