I’m sure the OP’s mother was trying to protect her child from possible self harm or mutilation or gender reassignment surgery. There are so many doctors just waiting to coax a young and immature person to believe they are the wrong sex. Deformities can and do happen although rare. But there is no way that this “agenda” is a biological problem. It is grooming at it’s worst.
I don’t believe you.
Demonstrate, please.
fucking conspiracy theory
I have a niece who was a very pretty girl, and she got to know some young adults who were in the Lgtb community and before even her parents became aware, she was already on hormone treatments, then soon after that she had her breasts removed. As far as I have been made aware, there was very minimal cost to her because there are programs out there to assist people in doing this. It was all so sudden. Although you don’t believe in God, would you want someone convincing your child to go to that extreme and not even talk to you about it. Doctors and psychologists claim that making this available to young people(at least the hormone part) could save lives because of the risk of suicide, but what about the person who later on in life realizes they made a mistake which in some instances could be irreversible, then due to their depression from that mistake, take their own life?
Likely due to being new on this site and therefore unfamiliar with the regular posters, you’ve erred by saying this.
@Sheldon would be justified, imo, in requesting an apology.
I have worked in health care for over 30 years, and this is nonsense.
There is a belief that a person is either male or female, and this simply isn’t true.
See my earlier post about Kleinfelter syndrome, and if we acknowledge that gender is a grey area in Kleinfelter syndrome, then we must admit to the possibility that there may be other circumstances where gender is also a grey area.
Ironically, the idea that there are only two genders was probably much more true in Biblical times, because modern prenatal care prevents miscarriages, and chromosone abnormalities (like Kleinfelter’s) would have miscarried much more often.
So, modern medicine allows more “gender grey” babies to survive pregnancy.
People should be allowed to be themselves, and medicine should support them. There is no indoctrination conspiracy, although I do think that children should be educated that some people are different and that this is ok. Diversity should be embraced.
Added later: I am a new nurse, and if anyone disagrees with me, please let me know. I will be treating different kinds of people, and I like my assumptions challenged if I’m wrong, as these kinds of issues may be relevant to my nursing practice.
Because not giving these people what they want/need has extremely nasty and immediate side-effects; the kind of side-effects religious nuts seem to ignore. That is where the confusion lies.
Your concern about irreversibility would be interesting, if death was reversible; it isn’t.
Want and need are two different things.
Fairly sure he would … he gives me a hard time when he thinks I’m wrong. He gives anyone a hard time if they say something, as you did, without basis he’ll pull you up on it.
UK Atheist
Only a christian could see someone this traumatized by christianities archaic superstitions about sexuality and think what they need is more harassment by a christian.
One more thing you’re wrong about then, though the irony of you wrongly implying bias on my part, while expressing bias yourself, is not lost I am sure.
NB Multiple question remain unanswered by you?
Are you, based on a thread topic in an internet forum? I try to keep an open mind myself.
Oh I think I will need some objective evidence for that sweeping assertion?
Gender dysphoria is not a “deformity” what are you talking about?
Another sweeping and unevidenced claim, and one that is at odds with prevailing medical opinion.
Now that is just trolling, in a thread where someone is asking for advice and help. So much for treating each other with respect. It never ceases to make me laugh, when theists demand respect for their unevidenced superstitions, but then disrespect people for who they are.
There is a phrase I like to repeat to myself as often as possible, you might benefit from, it is “you have a great deal to learn”.
Not to her I suspect, though I am glad she was able to find the help she felt she needed.
Child? how old was your niece? If it were a child of mine I would hope that there was nothing they felt they could not tell me, if it were otherwise I might feel I had failed them. I don’t see what theism has to do with this at all.
Suicide among people with gender dysphoria is well documented, please cite statistics that support your assertion. Also I might respect your position more, if I believed it was solely motivated by concern for others, and not driven by religious considerations.
Indeed, but they are not mutually exclusive see.
I don’t believe you. I think you made this up.
Be that as it may…this niece of yours, who was pretty (so why would she have gender issues?) hung around with some lgbtq+ folks and caught gender dysphoria? WTAF?
Be very careful, @davidc.guthrie, with what you say on this subject. You’re getting close to stepping over an unacceptable line which could result in permanent banning.
So they’re born that way??? That’s what you want me to say. Then I would have gotten kudos for that statement.
What you say doesn’t change the facts, and prevailing medical opinion on gender dysphoria is in the public domain, educate yourself, or don’t, but your prejudice in this thread, where someone is seeking help and advice on a sensitive issue, is deeply inappropriate.
Do you need kudos, in order not to spread hate speech? So much for you implying theists are more moral than atheists.
Did you even consider my points about Kleinfelter’s at all? I was trying to be civil and treat you as an honest interlocutor with an opposing viewpoint who is interested in a mutual pursuit of truth.
If you honestly believe that you have the intellectual or scholarly ammunition to back up your claims, then please do so.
How is someone like Caroline Cossey (ie:“Tula”) not born this way when she has XXXY chromosomes?
And why is it unreasonable to suppose that there are other instances where gender is a grey area?
These are legitimate questions. If you know something that I don’t, then I’m listening.
If anyone thinks that I’m being unreasonable or discourteous, then I want to know that as well.
I am a new registered nurse, so I like to consider challenges to my views in these types of issues because this gives me insights that I can use when treating patients.
Please note that I also pointed out that the idea that there are only two genders was actually probably much more correct in Biblical times.
Modern medicine prevents many miscarriages, and pregnancies with Kleinfelter’s are miscarried at a very high rate. Please see below:
Background. It is well known that a large proportion of first-trimester spontaneous abortions is caused by chromosomal disorders. The present study represents a unique material and the success rate of the karyotyping was high.
Methods. Chromosomal analysis from chorionic villus sampling of 259 of 304 consecutive first-trimester miscarriages in the Uppsala County, Sweden is presented.
Results and conclusions. An abnormal karyotype was found in 61% of the cases. Autosomal trisomies were most frequently detected (in 37% of the karyotyped samples), followed by polyploidies (9%) and monosomy X (6%). Cases with an extra sex chromosome constituted approximately 5% of the karyotyped abortions, with a remarkable high frequency of 47,XXY (3.4%), that is approximately 40 times greater the prevalence of Klinefelter syndrome among live birth.
So, the idea that there are only two specific genders is not as true anymore thanks to modern medicine, and now gender occurs on a spectrum.
And so what?
If God exists, the multiplicity of the different types and varieties of life seem to imply that God likes diversity . . . so weaponizing religion in politics against people whom were born a certain way is unGodly as well as utterly fucking shitty.
If anyone disagrees with any of my points, then please let me know.
Yes, that is why I connected them with a logical operator; then you did exactly the same thing, in your complaint about me doing it.
I’m saying if those cases exist, they are extremely rare. Not discarding those scenarios. But to the average teen who already doesn’t like their body because it is developing(puberty, etc.), being persuaded that they are the wrong sex and that’s why they feel bad about their bodies… that is what is horrendous to me.
you are presenting a moral panic, and this isn’t the first time you’ve presented this one. Do you have any new hateful material, or are you planning on just recycling the old stuff?
How is my views considered hate speech? I haven’t accused anyone in your group with hate speech for not agreeing with me.