I’m really, really sorry you are going through this.
FYI you sound young, so keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with being trans, and don’t let people tell you that you’re sick, evil, a child molestor, a groomer, etc…
The Bible-thumpers say that you’re either male or female . . . yet this isn’t true.
Consider the fact that women have an XX chromosome arrangement, and men have an XY arrangement, and that this is just as relevant to gender as a penis or a vagina.
Well . . . Kleinfelter Syndrome happens when a “boy” has an XXY chromosome arrangement, which causes many feminine traits. Some people even have an XXXY arrangement, which causes even more feminine traits. The 80s era European supermodel Tula has an XXXY arrangement. Please see below:

The reason why I bring up Tula is because if we allow that there is at least one situation where gender is a grey area, then there must be others.
Also, I’ve always wondered why people like Tula are described as men with female traits rather than as females with a few masculine traits.
If a girl was born with a penis growing out of her shoulder (and things like this can happen if a pregnant woman takes a drug called thalidomide), then no one would bat an eyelash if she had it removed as soon as possible.
So . . . what’s the difference if someone like Tula has surgery and hormones to become more physically female?
And if you are a woman “trapped” in a man’s body, then medical science should do anything it can to help you . . . and your care should be between you and your doctors, not politicians and not religious leaders.
I do advise you to avoid living in Texas, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Mississippi, as these places are not trans friendly.
Again, I’m sorry about the situation between you and your mother.
Please keep us posted on how everything works out with you.
Mazel tov!!!