Hehe, I’m a former Christian too. The fear I used to feel as a child when I believed in the possibility of ending up in hell.
I was very fortunate. In the church I was indoctrinated in, The United Church of Canada, they went very soft on that aspect, and it was assumed that one got an easy pass if they sort of kept their noses clean.
Hell was mentioned, but it was not threatened.
After being in here for any months and reading the comments of others, I now understand that for many who grew up under the yoke of some religions, it was a horrible and traumatic time.
The annoying thing is the only reason a lot Christians don’t get into too much trouble is so that they don’t end up in hell, but they try to act like it’s because they’re almost morally perfect. I would know that being a former Christian.
Yes and no. They act immorally and then on Church Sundays; they pray and cry for forgiveness at the altar, cry on the shoulder of another Christian who comes up to the altar for emotional support. All of this bullshit so they can do it all over again the coming week. They have this “all I have to do is ask and I’ll be forgiven” mentality. And then they go out and do what they want. They cheat, steal, lie, or whatever it is that they want and then they’re back at it on Sunday begging for their god to wipe the slate clean again.
This is actually how they see their god if they don’t make him happy. They don’t actually love him, they’re just a bunch of narcissists who fear it and want that gold ticket into OZ. They want to be “paid” for their worship and “good faith”.
The process seems a bit uncontrolled.
Them Catholics got it right with the two seated booth… and a semi-opaque barrier to further dodge accountability… with a religious leader planted on the other side… a handful of whom enjoy violating children after unburdening their flock of life things…
Much more in line with an asshole god’s plan, IMHO.
God is transactional, she does not give anything away for free. You want to go to heaven, you have to perform certain tasks that please this god. You want to be forgiven, you must do certain things.
Hello. New citizen here. I was heavily indoctrinated during my childhood, so much so I was scared of curse or be angry even in my own private thoughts. At school or home I was always indoctrinated so the old generations might feel like their are getting back at dead Marxist-Leninist dictators. Atheist is still an insult in my home country, including among university professors.
And hand in hand with religious fanaticism goes queerphobia and fascism, at least back home. Atheists, together with Muslims, queer folk, Rroma and Jews are considered as the origin of all evil by even some in positions of power or academic prestige.
I hate religion and most religious people. I hate them deeply, especially priests. They took away my childhood and now my home too since most are unvaccinated. Like their wait for apocalypse I wait for a revolution to sweep their churches and fairtales in the dustbin of history.
I hope I came to the right place. I am sick of even some leftists being in bed with religion and berating me for fondly remembering how Marx aptly called religion the “opium of the people, the heart of a heartless world”.
I am a nice person and truly committed to democratic ideals. I hope to find people I can call friend here.
And a final message to all atheists: I hope one day it is we atheists who abolish death with science. I hope you are still alive on that day to pull your tongue out at religious folk.
Welcome to Atheist Republic Tov, I too hope you find this place to be one of comfort and a safe place to express yourself.
I would wish to inform you that in here we have people of all persuasions, even among fellow atheists. For example, one who I respect a lot and consider a dear friend is at the complete opposite on the political spectrum. There was a big of friction initially, but we got over it. I learned that if one practices tolerance, it helps a lot.
Funny you should mention Marx. Although to do not accept communism, a lot of what he said is relevant to me, especially the concept of egalitarianism.
I’ve never met a person who could read and write, and wasn’t a Marxists. Of course a lot of people will scream about that; you can be sure those people don’t know what Marxism is.
Just like the people who scream about how sodomy should be illegal; until they find out that oral sex is sodomy, making them one of those sodomites they like to rail against.
Thank you for your kind words everyone.
And yes, Nyartathotep is right. A lot of people are Marxists without realising it due to the egalitarianism angle.
I call myself a communist: I believe that humanity should be united as equals under a direct democracy valid in all aspects of life, with no rulers and ruled, and not a single shred of religion, nationalism, discrimination or inequality. I truly think this is the original definition of communism according to Marx (he said “classless, staleless society” if I remeber well.) And I truly believe that Humanity is the only legitimate authority, not rulers or dusty fairytales. I studied history and for multiple reasons:1: this is the term I identify to. 2:I have a special fondness for the Paris Commune
I believe that this simple vision was betrayed even since the Paris Commune by both reformists (who settled for too little or sold out) and dictators(who betrayed this vision utterly and kept power for themselves).
I am an honest person and this is who I am and what I support.
If I am not welcome for being who I am I suppose I came to the wrong place.
Btw: Cookie for anyone guessing why I choose this username
Ok I have to say this was not the main reason but you guessed the pun someone once made XD
You are good. Nice to meet you
I still owe you a cookie, cause most people here seem to deserve one IMO.
Nah, that was just a short display of Google-Fu
I still owe you a cookie, cause most people here seem to deserve one IMO.
Thank you. *Munch* *crunch*
Cookies for everyone!
@SatanicMechanic Welcome to Atheist Republic.
That is an interesting interpretation on how you arrive at your positions. Mine was from the school of hard knocks. I have been on the giving end, I have been on the taking end, I understand how it feels to fuck someone else over, I understand how it feels to be fucked over.
@David_Killens thank you!
I’m a definite fan of your outlooks I’ve read so far on here.
I’m certainly from the school of hard knocks myself. Spent a long time being a piece of garbage and living through my emotions and lack of self awareness. Basically living a theists life abusing everyone and everything without god, but continuing to think like a theist because that’s what I was told heathens do. (If that makes any sense) But enlightenment isn’t a short journey or necessary one with and end. Once again thanks for the welcome.
@SatanicMechanic Thank you good sir.
I guess you know a bit about me, but a quick recap: I grew up in a theist family that had all the trappings of white privilege. And I know I was an asshole that abused other people with zero concern about them. At the age of 32, while staggering home from a bar late at night I told myself I did not like who I was. That was an epiphany for me, I decided to change myself for the better. Another major change was when I got married two years later and my wife taught me empathy.
I feel for the blacks, I feel for women, I even feel for the pain inflicted on Ratty.