For new atheist users

While the Debate Room is an ideal place for all individuals to have healthy interactions and exchange opinions about atheism, religion and everything that these two broad subjects engulf, the Atheist Hub is open to atheists only. This forum provides the appropriate environment for atheists from across the world to come together and discuss any topic they like.

Join the Atheists group to get access to the Atheist Hub.

Note: The Atheists group is exclusively for Atheists. Any theist joining the Atheists group will be banned.


How do I start making posts or participating?
I have no idea…what do I click on?

I am not an official minder here on AR but I see you havent had an answer yet. Its all fairly simple once you get the hang of it.
You might want to start in the Debate Room.
In the top right hand corner of this screen you should see a magnifying glass emblem, followed by three horizontal lines and a red circle with a white G.
Click on the three horizontal lines, under ‘Categories’ click on Debate Room (or any of the other places listed. Debate Room is for actual debates with each other or theists. Atheist Hub is strictly for atheist members to exchange ideas, jokes or information without interference from theists.
When you get to the Debate Room, you can open a new topic by clicking the +New Topic field, top right of screen.
Or you can join in an existing thread by hitting the reply buttons under each post in those threads.
Cheers, look forward to your contributions.


lol Thanks Grinseed. That helped me too :slight_smile:

my name is sharry paul and i am new here


Greetings … and welcome …I expect others will be along soon… so in the interim take a look around…

Welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Look forward to your thoughts.

hi Sharry, welcome to the fun

Hi Sharry, welcome to AR from sunny South Australia.

Umm, I think I may have gotten it wrong again. Is it Paul’s Harry? Apologies if it is.

Hello @paulsharry23 , welcome to AR.

Welcome to Atheist Republic paulsharry23. I apologize for my tardiness, I had some personal business that kept me busy.

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Well I am new in this forum… Hope my atheism will be more and more stronger.

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Not quite sure what you mean. To be an atheist, one needs only to disbelieve in Gods. That’s it.

Do you perhaps mean being more assertive about your position? I’m not convinced that such is necessarily a good thing. I guess it depends on the community in which one lives.

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@Ahmedsumon Welcome to Atheist Republic.

I was raised christian, and was a dedicated theist for over 50 years. But a few years ago I had to admit to myself, that after decades of searching, I was an atheist.

What made the difference? Knowledge. As I watched many videos the arguments and logic started to make sense, I learned to be more skeptical and less gullible.

In here you will learn, and that knowledge will clear things up, and your atheism will make more sense.


Hi, I am agnostic atheist.
Joining here means , I will get to know more about atheism and humanism that what I meant.


Thanks buddy and that’s why I’m here.

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Hi @paulsharry23 welcome to AR.


Welcome to Atheist Republic paulsharry23.

Pull up a chair, set down and enjoy.