Contemplating the possibility of God

Seems an oddly incongruous claim, alongside your earlier claims to have “answers to the big questions”, “personal experience of an all powerful deity”, and of course implying you have some evidence for a deity that is scientifically valid.

None of that sounds very humble to me. Also do you not value faith as a Christian? Only I’d consider faith, and an open mind to be rationally and epistemologically mutually exclusive.

A sound piece of advice would be for you to avoid using flowery religious metaphors whilst posting on here, since you’re predominantly speaking to atheists, and most atheists here are unlikely to view the preconceptions such metaphors often entail, as either humble or open minded. Or of much value in validating your beliefs.

That said the evidence is either objectively valid or not, and your perception of the attitude atheists may, or may not, have towards it, quite demonstrably has no rational or epistemological bearing on its validity.

As yet you’ve offered nothing, and like Whitefire, I view such claims and the motives behind them with well deserved suspicion. Given the amount of trolling and preaching theists so often indulge on here, any theist who doesn’t simply open with the best most compelling evidence they have, but instead waffles on making grandiose claims, deserves nothing but my suspicion.

Having an open mind simply means viewing all ideas without bias, and not as your post are already tacitly implying, that we need to be receptive or even favourable towards your claims. Rather an open mind should treat your claims as it does all others.

Now one more time…

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any deity?

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So much for an open mind.

How many posts is that now without a single cogent argument or a shred of objective evidence?

I’m starting to smell a troll.

I do hope you are trolling, or the irony there is almost unbearable. Someone claiming to know God’s perspective, yet simultaneously claiming to be humble, and someone claiming to already know the answers to the big questions, yet simultaneously insisting everyone else be looking for answers, even though you clearly are not.

It’s not hard to see which answers you’re going to insist we look for, with an “open mind”. :thinking::wink:

Theists are funny.


Once again a theist without the courage to face his own arguments in public. Is there no end to the mendacity demonstrated by these dodgy characters?


It makes a pleasant change for an atheist to ask loaded questions.


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Now he wants to get me alone.

Isn’t that what priests want to do with altar boys?

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Possibility must be demonstrated not merely asserted. What evidence do you have for the existence of this God thing. What is it you are calling god? Why should I care.

If you have no means of demonstrating possibility, there is no reason to assume possibility. Imagine an existence where anything I could think of could be possible, how insane would that be? So what evidence do you have for this god thing you speak of?

Don’t pray for me, pray for all the children that were raped by men of the cloth.

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Oh - and include Jehovah’s Witnesses who allow the rape to continue because of their chosen scriptural caveat of needing “two witnesses”.

And dont they hate you bringing that up on the doorstep…

I am sorry, but I initially approached you with open arms and tried to prepare you for what may come. Your response was one of condescending arrogance, and you called me a liar.

But to return to the subject, please offer me any good reason why I should believe in any god. I can not embrace a religion until I am convinced a god exists. That would be dishonest.

Here David - start with the basics… simpleton wouldn’t list the 10 Commandments so here, read these:

10 Commandment of the Great Spaghetti :spaghetti: Monster (so everyone sees how awesome it is)

  1. The GSM will drive out :red_car: all peoples of other gods
  2. Don’t make any peace agreements with any of them! Smash their churches and pull down their crosses
  3. DO NOT worship any other god but me, GSM, because I get envious
  4. DO NOT be peaceful with them, eating and marrying… they are just whores of other gods!
  5. Don’t make items to worship (or that represent holy stuff)
  6. In April PARTY :tada: for 7 days and eat cake :cake:
  7. NO one can approach the plate of spaghetti without a fork and spoon in hand, but only after you kick the first dog and first cat and first son
  8. Forget about “weekends”!!! I want you working six days - ONLY one off you lazy meatballs
  9. NOW 3 times a year I want you throwing me a BIG spaghetti party :confetti_ball:… no pesto people! No cheddar (only Parmesan cheese) AND NO leftovers - that’s gross
  10. AND DO NOT cook chicken in its own eggs!

These are the true 10 Commandments! Thanks be to pasta :spaghetti: nummy-I-say (end greeting for those that understand this)

@Nothere DO YOU accept these Commandments from God?

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No, the systemic and endemic rape of children by the RCC is what’s sick. And no decent person should be willing to overlook it in anyway.

Oh dear. Has the Church of the FSM (Flying Spaghetti monster) had a schism? Did part of the congregation storm off and form the denomination of the GSM (Great Spaghetti Monster)? Those 10 Commandments seem darker than the 8 “I 'd Rather You Didn’ts” of the FSM. Are they each calling themselves the true church? Are they screaming blasphemer and heretic at each other? Has anyone been burnt at the stake yet? I’m sticking with the FSM for now, but I’ll have to wait and see who has the better holidays.

Lol … mine was written in sauce. It shouldn’t surprise me they exist FSM’s 8 - I didn’t google search before I wrote anything.

I was inspired…

It’s a good thing the Flying Spaghetti Monster is so powerful and can protect me. That god sounds AWFUL.

Mine is VERY strong and bendy… and kind. He only allows kicking.

Kick puppies and kittens - babies and old ladies… he encourages it if they hate pasta!!! :spaghetti:
If they’ve never tasted or tried pasta :spaghetti: THEY should have known better - kick them anyway.

WOOoOWWwW… ass kicking time!!!

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Pray that the loving and perfectly just omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient creator god of the universe that the theists all worship gets off of his fucking ass, stops watching children getting raped and begins doing something about it. (Ha ha ha ha ha … what an anti-biblical prayer, Children are not even worth shit in the Bible.) Pray for it anyway,

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If you want a discussion why do you keep deleting your replies?

If there’s a possibility a god exists, can you show us evidence of this outside the bible?