Contemplating the possibility of God

I looked it up. Only one hit, and I couldn’t understand it. So it’s a thing, but apparently not a big thing.

We could probably work it out by looking at each word separately. I can’t be arsed.

Hello, VerySimple.

It would be nice to think that we are all interested in answers. However, most of us are probably skeptics, as well as atheists. In other words, we won’t accept answers, unless they can be show to be TRUE. After all, why would we accept as true, anything which can’t be shown to be true, (at least to a good degree of confidence in said truth). .And of course I’d guess that most of us want answers to worthwhile questions.

And for skepticism, we’d need good valid evidence upon which any answers might be based. It is obvious that you’d like to convince us, (or some of us), that you have valuable, true answers. That will probably be difficult, since many of us, if not most, have heard tons of answers from religious apologists before, and found them to be unconvincing. To accuse us of having hardened hearts is not a good way to start, and I know that that comes from the Bible, which we generally don’t seem to trust, and with good reasons.

[ Maybe it’s your god who’s hardened our hearts, just like he did to the Egyptian Pharaoh ~ so much for free-will, (whatever that is) ]. And on the other hand, just maybe there is no god to have hardened anyone’s minds against truth or anything else. Of course, perhaps what we have is actually thoughts and minds more opened than some other people, but we will not swallow just any old assertion(s) willy nilly. Perhaps we open our minds to truth, evidence that can be confirmed, and thoughtful analysis.

Anyway, cheers,

Dissonance- a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements.

Dissociative : a mental process of disconnecting from one’s thoughts, feelings, memories or sense of identity. Also: Dissociative disorders are mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life.

escape reality in ways that are involuntary When done voluntarily, well, um YOU lose individuals and get “Christians”…

I have a very serious question:

Does god know the results of experiments that have not yet been performed?

I’m interested in experiments designed to have random outcomes.

OR Muslims OR Hindus or Scientologists or even ‘true believers’ in a political party. I’ve found them to be as dotty as any evangelical.

-----I have been shocked to discover that there are people who trust various politicians implicitly. EG there seems to be a lot of people expecting great things from Joe Biden. I think for the honeymoon period people will be the thrilled to bits that he isn’t Donald Trump, who has set a very low bar. The bloom will soon wear of that bloom and it will be business as usual. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t expect any radical reforms from Joe OR Kamala should she become president. That’s not my impression of how US politics works.

I know - what a laugh :face_with_hand_over_mouth: AND he’s on about “healing” and bring them together - unrealistic ideological propaganda imo. Man, another disappointing 4 years without all the drama.

A lot of protestant sects believe god knows everything, which includes who is saved and who is damned. A figure of 100,000 saved is stuck in my mind. The rest of humanity is fucked.

I think it comes from the Calvinist teaching of predestination:

"Predestination is a doctrine in Calvinism dealing with the question of the control that God exercises over the world. In the words of the Westminster Confession of Faith, God “freely and unchangeably ordained whatsoever comes to pass.”[2] The second use of the word “predestination” applies this to the salvation, and refers to the belief that God appointed the eternal destiny of some to salvation by grace, while leaving the remainder to receive eternal damnation for all their sins, even their original sin. The former is called “unconditional election”, and the latter “reprobation”. In Calvinism, some people are predestined and effectually called in due time (regenerated/born again) to faith by God.

Calvinism places more emphasis on election than do other branches of Christianity.[3] ",God%20exercises%20over%20the%20world.

PS such believers seem unconcerned about what that says about free will. The notion of free will has not always been a universal Christian belief,. even from the early days of of the faith.

Maybe thinking of 144,000. These are the Bride of Christ.

In JWland - these only get to heaven…the rest stay on earth, or get an earthly resurrection back to life (the dead).

I’m truly looking forward to the “lack of drama”. Not to have to worry about what lunatic conspiracy theory our president is going to embrace next will be a relief. If Biden loses the next election he can at least be counted on to not encourage his supporters to violence or to be contemplating martial law.


Welcome to Atheist Republic, I hope your time here is positive and productive for yourself and others.

I was a christian, in fact pretty darn hardcore. So much that I left organized religion because to me it was more of a social club, and I wanted to be closer to god. So please, do not try the “your heart was hardened” or that I was not sincere. My many hours praying alone at night, on my knees in a church tells a different tale.

For most of my life I directed many of my decisions on WWJD, “what would jesus do?” Even today, despite my lack of a belief in a god, I still reference WWJD. For example, one enters a forum that will probably be hostile, and a few members do act in that manner. What would jesus do? Dismiss them and close off all communications or forgive their actions, take the high road, and attempt to find a bridge of communication?

We are judged on our actions, not our intent. The road to Heaven is paved with good deeds, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Please understand a few things, many in here are incredibly well versed on the bible. And the first thing that you must understand is that the bible is the claim, not the proof. The first writings about jesus were at least 80 years after his death, so there were no eye witness accounts, just word of mouth tales for at least one entire generation.

And even then, decades, even centuries after the death of jesus, what became the bible was rewritten many times, edited, many passages removed, many added.

So, although you willingly walk into this den of lions, please offer me reasons why I should believe in a god. And please understand, I bear no malice, but I will not accept wishy washy stories that are not proven, deepities, and weak propositions.

And most assuredly, I need true proof, the type that would be admitted in a court of law.

Very hard to believe that you were a Christian. Am going to say it one more time. You were not and if in fact you were, which I obviously doubt, you made a big mistake! Hopefully you come back to your Creator, he forgives and welcomes back. He is amazing!!!

That’s a bit harsh. What happened to “there is more joy in heaven…”? If you’re really serious about proselytizing here, you should be talking to the most hardened atheists among us.

But that’s typical Xtian, isn’t it? You shy away from anyone who looks like having more than half a brain, and concentrate on brainwashing children.

Simple - you are the one that is not a true Christian.

Edited to add: response to your judgement of David
…can’t wait till he reads this …

My father was a Mason, my mother Eastern Star. For the first 19 years of my life I was a devout christian, the next forty I spent searching for a divine creator.

You do not know what I endured, what my motives were, and what I was thinking. If you do so, your arrogance and ignorance is spilling over. I spent over 30 minutes composing my post very carefully, opening up my life story and being honest. And your response is the classic “no true Scotsman” and a crass insult?

Give me a sound and rational reason why I would embrace an imaginary psychopathic monster?

Give me a sound reason, not just pleading with absolutely nothing to support this position.


Patience, virtuous maiden of the rolling pin, good things come to those who wait …


So is a night in Singapore with three hookers, a bottle of Jack Daniels, cocaine, and your credit card.


You definitely did, and strongly. Look to your heart, be true, be honest, and examine your words.

What did you expect? You came in here hoping to convert many who were former theists, and left their religion after many years of careful thought and weighing the evidence.

As I previously requested, please offer me a sound argument why I should embrace this god of yours. Not pleading and cajoling, give me a sound reason based on reality, not wishful thinking.

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Don’t bother attempting a private conversation. I was open and honest with you. I opened my heart to you and in response I received arrogance and insults.

Have you conducted yourself as jesus would have?

verysimple[quote=“verysimple, post:43, topic:895”]
Anyways, I can talk to you more in detail but would rather do it not in front of all these people.

What’s wrong with talking to me or anyone else here?
I have always admired David’s forum manner, and like him I don’t abuse people for what they believe.
I haven’t insulted you. I even offered advice…about handling insults, no less.

You have made the claim that we who were ex-Christians never were.
Could you answer me this one question: Is it YHWH the god you worship as the ‘God of the Bible’?