Challenge to atheist republic

Great idea Nyar!!!

I’d love to see what he comes up with!


You can print this one out and put it on a T-shirt if you like.Muhammad Wanted

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I feel quite safe when coming out as an atheist alt right extremists cannot public hate speech other belief groups .The extremists hates the Constitution of South Africa since they (alt right extremists) love to hate speech many of them (alt right extremists) end up in prison for hate speech .

Westboro Baptist Church would not exist in South Africa as they would face jail time for hate speech .

South Africa is also known as the Rainbow nation .

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That is great :+1:. It takes an accumulation over time and perhaps generations in the direction a society agrees to go.

Extremists are on both sides of everything and they reflect each other (same rhetoric and actions).

While Biden was being inaugurated Portland has its extremist “cause” crossing illegally onto Federal Property to do damage to a Federal bldg - an ICE.

Let the man sit at the desk first people - you know balance shit out. Every nation has processes for illegal entry.

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Here’s an idea. Why don’t you design the anti-Islam T shirts, get them made and offer them for sale on here? That way you make the change you want and you make money. Win win. Or, you could just whine and do nothing constructive.

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I heard it was one of the headquarters or buildings of the Democrat Party. And now, they face charges for their crimes. I wish people can think, before they speak or act.

Them too.

Extremists don’t trust either party. Or the police, FBI or military… or courts, or banks… hmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow: or businesses (corporate) or the internet … religion is out or in (depends your side)…

Oh goddamn - they are just not very happy, appreciative folks.

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Reminds me of the saying…misery loves company. I guess that is what they are aiming for.

Those atheist t-shirts are very expensive to export to South Africa I can buy one of them and wear it in Sandton .

Take care my friend.

From what you’ve been saying, there are some dangerous people where you live.

In my opinion, discretion is often the better part of valour. I lived in Malaysia for a while. Muslim country, even has a special group of Muslim religious police. Had it occurred to me to wear an atheist T shirt, I could have been arrested and put in prison. Had I worn an anti Islam T shirt, I would at first been seriously assaulted , then arrested and put in prison for a minimum of 2 years.

Apart from his absurd false dichotomy, the fool and his T shirts has assumed that atheists are anti theist and anti religion***. I could not care less about the personal superstitions of others. Until their behaviour has a negative impact on my life or my country.

Our Incumbent (conservative) Prime Minister is Scot Morrison, a happy clapper. I think he belongs to Hillsong. He likes to pray in a crisis, along with several members of his cabinet. I’m anti that shower.

Tony Abbot was also a conservative PM .He is chronically Catholic. His religious beliefs were used to make policy. Specifically he opposed abortion and recognition of gay marriage. Don’t like him even a little bit either.

The last time I voted for a political party was in 1972. Since that time, I have always voted against the most offensive bunch of venal bunch of incompetents on offer. So far , that has always been the conservatives, by a nose in the last couple of elections.

*** I am anti organised religion, which I consider the greatest confidence trick ever perpetrated on the the human race.


Like Amy (SCOTUS) - my only concern was “is her Catholic and perhaps extreme control-religious association going to come before law?” Her credentials and passing approval says she’s qualified. We’ll see. Legal arguments can be interesting.

Believe whatever the fuck you want - BUT when it starts limiting and effecting society or other persons (no equal access or recognition) or law breaking, etc - yah then I have an issue.

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Just so.

I once worked with a newly minted happy clapper. At seemingly random interviews, he would loudly exclaim “PRAISE THE LORD!!!” Not entirely appropriate in office setting and a bit disconcerting . He didn’t stop until I promised to punch his lights out of he did not. ( He didn’t know me well enough to know I was bluffing)

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Yes the alt right extremists I need to be extremely careful around them they will assault and murder me if I am not in a safe place like Sandton (They don’t that I am atheist only the moderate and way less extreme theists know) however the worst thing they (alt right extremists) can do is bomb the Leonardo since I visit that building quite often that is how dangerous they are .I have heard stories where there are alt right Christian extremists on Facebook and they post things like this “we are going to kill all Muslims,blacks,atheists,hindus,coloureds and white liberal traitors Yahweh is going to clean South Africa from god haters and godless sinners” luckily he got a 1 year prison sentence for hate speech .The extremists also planted a lot of bombs back in 2010 to revenge the murder Eugène N. Terre Blanche.

Calling them alt right extremists I think is too polite. Going by your descriptions, those bastards are Fascist terrorists. Keep your head down mate. Probably safest not to come to their attention.

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As a fellow South African I can tell you that there are extremists on both sides of the argument. I am not at all condoning any of the terible acts you mentioned in your post, but I do need to stress that the extreme left is doing the same as what you mentioned.

I live in a different province than you(only 80mi apart) , but religious safety has never been a concern of mine, nor of anyone else I know.
Racial tension has never been higher in SA than at this point, but religious extramist action is extremely rare.

I am open for correction, but as far as I know religious tension is basically non-existant.

I read your previous posts as well as the original story on Raymond Buys, which as far as I am aware did not mention sexuality.
Noteworthy i think is that the author of the novel is homosexual himself.

The killing of a person, especially under the conditions as those of Raymond’s death is tragic and despicable, but it is not caused by religious tension.
The article does not lead me to think that he was killed because of his or the perpetrators’ religion.

I also do not believe that apartheid had anything to do with this boys tragic death.
Reading the origanal article you will see that this kid had a difficult live and made bad choices, that is what lead his parents to send him to the ‘camp’.

The artical does not pose any evidence for religious tension, especially to the extent that you describe.
I am not saying you weren’t threatend or treated badly, please do not think otherwise. I am not trying to lessen the seriousness of what had happened to you, but also keep in mind that religious threats and conflict is not widespread in South Africa.

I have in SA never seen or heard a Christian/Muslim/any other religious person have conflict with another, where that conflict is based on religioun or non acceptance of atheists.

Im not saying it doesnt happen, but its not common.

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I can draw some for you, if you like.

As a lesbian who does not shower with
my clothes on I find your choice of words
rather disrespectful, with indications of
prejudice. What say you?

Welcome to Atheist Republic Astrid.

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I’m a lesbian too. Wait a minute? Looking around… (Thinking Is that a rolling pin I hear?) Never mind.