Challenge to atheist republic

What a coincidence. I just happen to be a lesbain trapped in a man’s body.

My beloved sister is gay, so here I mock puckishly but not to cut or to hurt.

Sorry, I am spoken for! :smiley:

My younger Sis has been a widow for 34 years. She is now 70 and disinterested.
(Sis’ partner died in 1987. She contracted lung cancer)

It must be so hard to lose a partner.

I don’t see a ring on your finger and I do take a shower once a year whether I need it or not…

You are hosed down at least once a year when the stench gets too much for the rest of us you mean.

Indeed it was for her…

Divorce is also a horrible experience. In retrospect, if I had my druthers I’d druther be a widower. No guilt and wondering what the fuck you did and you get to keep the house. :face_with_monocle:

I am fortunate to have a good partner and a nice place for us to live.

American poem

I’ve heard it said
And I’m sure it true
That too much bathing
Will weaken you

Thank you! Plus more to make 20 characters

Me too, except for the bit about a partner.

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You say “hosed down,” I say “shower.” If I didn’t want it, they would never find me.