Can any theist answer this?

I was just presenting my understanding of a question. Someone asked what the Bible means when it says God is outside of time.
This was my understanding of the answer in short. I’m in agreement with you time and space and all of that stuff are high concepts with very complex ideas even though they also have very simple presentations. The beauty of it is fascinating. I get caught up more in that than the facts. I think that’s what Josh is trying to help me with. The facts help color my awe. The awe helps color my belief.
This is going to sound silly, but when I learned about the bombardment period, I cried. We went from being a barren Rock to one infused with metals and water and minerals that can sustain life.
We have a nails worth of iron in our body!
As a mother it feels like provision.
I know that that is a possibly biased opinion because I am a mother.
but I also know being a mother helps me understand things that someone who is not a parent for guardian does not.
There’s a sacrifice there. You sacrifice yourself for your child. You would do anything for them? You want to guide them but not control them. You try to teach them in a thousand different ways the things that they need to survive in this world.
With my youngest daughter I didn’t sleep for 3 years. I only napped because she’s a night owl and was backwards from everybody else. I fell asleep walking once. I would not do that for any other people but my children.
I understand the concept of free will.
It also sounds provisional to me.
Now, I have power over sleep distribution.
I gained a power.
Is it supernatural? I don’t think so.
But I sure do think it’s super.

I don’t remember the bible saying this at all.

I do believe that the claim of “outside time/space” is a theist position.

What is “outside time/space”? Describe it.

Thoroughly understand the not sleeping… :wink:

There are several scriptures referring to God being outside of Earth’s time.

The scripture 2 Peter 3:8 states:

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

This is a scripture that I occasionally come into contention with my theist friends about.

In the Greek, the words ‘as a’ are hos–or like.
A thousand years is not an exact it’s a similitude. God is outside of Earth time.
There are several others and I can post them if you’d like.

The Greeks understood that the planetary bodies had forces the influenced the physical bodies on Earth like the moon affects the tides and the human body.
I think we kind of lost that knowledge and are relearning it in a less superstitious way.

OK so as I said I’m the other thread - so are aliens :alien: outside “earth time”… btw that scripture uses

What is an alien to you?

The scriptures refer to Earth time but inform us that God is outside of our time and not to forget it. A day to God is like a thousand years to us. All we can do is conjecture. Anything could happen. A meteor could come and hit the Earth, initiate another level of metamorphosis, and change everything about life on Earth in a thousand years.

Logically…a person from another culture that I am unfamiliar with. Once I learn (remove my ignorance) it is no longer alien.

Now I used this :alien: for context - another unevidenced claim tainted by many a new ager.

Could there be life outside of earth? Perhaps. However, as of this writing there is no demonstrable evidence - so it sits in a pile of dis-belief.

So what? The sun :sunny: a much more obvious “god” is also “outside” of earth.

Only time will reveal the truth. They just found proof of Life on Mars. What about things outside of our solar system? All we can do is bounce lasers off of things and judge the color we get back.
Again I’m not an astrophysicist or an astronomer I’m just stating my opinion and you can help with facts and stuff if you’d like. I’m totally cool with that.
Link to a NASA page about life found in Martian rocks.


Source please.

You know that 2 Peter is a 3rd century CE forgery?

I don’t think she stopped to google “who wrote the gospels”… let alone question who wrote Peter.

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The sun is a star… But it does have an effect on our physical body and our world. It releases positive or male ions.
I think the moon releases negative or female ions.

Other planetary bodies have magnetic fields that affect our own. We have very little understanding of this in modernity because the study of it is confined to pseudoscience.

The sun and the moon are on an order like everything else observable.

Every piece of literature we have is a copy. It’s still something that was written in a time period that people could not understand a germ let alone time outside of Earth.

I took a course on it I am familiar with the documentary hypothesis. I don’t disagree about copyists. Of course different schools copied things. There was no Kinkos back in the day. There was no Google.

Of course those schools compiled their records together. It is visible that that is a common literary technique that is used throughout the Bible even in the New testament. Apostles testimony is a different perspective on the same event. Human recollection is flawed. But just like a peer-reviewed study multiple perspectives give a clearer idea of the truth.

  • List item

You quoted 2 Peter as if it was an authority. It is a forgery.
Therefore your argument is false and is dismissed.

Furthermore Noah was meant to have lived 950 years (50 years short of a thousand if the math is a bit hard for you) …so that time period was well understood if just a fairy story. Much as lengthy time periods are understood by the Australian First Nations. Genesis and the bible have as much credence as the 600 or so creation stories in First Nation culture, but the cultures did undersatnd the passing of time. Unlike you it seems.

You are wrong on all counts.

We are talking about a person’s particular ability to comprehend a thousand years. Can you also comprehend human life a thousand years in the future?
Talking about the lifespans of the people in the Bible is a totally different subject. I’m totally willing to go there but after the subject of comprehending things without empirical evidence based on experiences that you’ve had with the given subject.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe you’re wrong. but believing that you can comprehend a thousand years into the future is not any different than believing that there is a being that created everything that we see around us and who wants us to thrive despite our incessant curiosity to destroy ourselves. It is still believing in the intangible based on our experiences.
I’m not going to fault you for not having those experiences.
But can you fault me for having them?

And you used 2 Peter to back up your argument. It is a forgery.

Where do you go now?

Does the authenticity of the statement depend on whether Peter said it?
I only validate the personage of Peter because the Bible is valid to me. Without the Bible he’s just some guy who may or may not have lived.
What drew me to examining the Bible with a fresh perspective is that the people that compiled the Bible were really too primitive to understand some of the concepts that are in it. It indicates provision to me. Like a parent talking to a small child about something difficult to understand like electricity and getting shocked if you stick something in a light socket.
you’re less likely to scream don’t do that electricity will pass through that conduit into your body and Fry you. You’re more likely to say, no hot.
Those are words that very small child can understand, but they only tell a part of the story.

Some of the scriptures are literally for people like us living in modernity who can understand high concepts and their place in the natural world.
We don’t need to envision a spider woman to envision a magnetic field.
We don’t need allegory anymore. Or at least there’s the potential for the lack of need.
Long story short it doesn’t matter to me if someone says it’s a forgery. Even if it was written 150 years after Peter was supposed to have lived… It was still written before the concept was comprehendible.
There are places in the Bible where a prophet remains deliberately unnamed.
Who’s transmitting the message is not important necessarily. It’s about the message.
Or at least that’s my perspective.

When you use it as an authorty and that is demonstrably flawed, yes it does.

Wrong again, the concept of a millennium was well understood. It appears the only person having a problem with that is you.
Maybe reading some translations of Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman studies might convince you. Plus they have the advantage of being by real people.

“Who’s transmitting the message is not important necessarily. It’s about the message.
Or at least that’s my perspective.”

Then why quote the bible? If it is not important? Unreliable, erroneous and fantastical it surely is. But unimportant? It is one of the great treasures of mankind as an insight into the historical origins of ourselves. On a par with the Iliad, the epics, the sagas and so on.

You seem to be arguing against your self.