Can any theist answer this?

Why not? :woman_shrugging:

I mean it is easy to claim their are only 3 ways something can happen, if you refuse to consider anything but those 3 ways. Just saying.

Wait…, I gotta think about this actually. You really got me there.:face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

Well there’s an improvement straight away.

Now look up pre supposition there’s a good chap.

Nonsense, that’s a different claim, but do please evidence that claim as well.

In the mean time please evidence your original claim…

Or are you going to continue reeling of unevidenced assertions in the pretence you’re interested in debate rather than simply preaching at us.

Nonsense, you’re using a false dichotomy fallacy, that is irrational by definition. So you’re tacking on the word logic there purely as a soundbite, a piece of rhetoric you mistakenly think lends some credence to you’re fallacious claim.


That’s an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy. So again it is illogical by definition.

Do you know what a common logical fallacy is?

Ahhhh - on our level of reality, within this universe, we observe “something from something”. We also observe “cause and then effect”… seems simple, until -

Observing the quantum level of our reality (then WOW :flushed:). These observations of demonstrable, repeatable experiments BLEW the “logic” of what should be occurring

BREAKFAST in my house is a causal affair. The kettle boils because I have switched it on. The toast acquires its golden crust because I put it in the toaster. The butter makes its way to the table because I removed it from the fridge. For all the weirdness that the universe throws at us, these are simple truths that we can take for granted. The past is the past. The present precedes the future. Cause comes before effect. Except when it doesn’t.

Physicists have started to realise that causality might not be as straightforward as we thought. Instead of cause always preceding effect, effects can sometimes precipitate their causes. And, even more mindbogglingly, both can be true at once. In this version of events, you would be opening the fridge because the butter was already on the table, and your toast would be perfectly golden both before and after you put it in the toaster. You wouldn’t just be making breakfast – your breakfast would also be making you.

Read more: In the quantum realm, cause doesn’t necessarily come before effect | New Scientist

The point being is, WE don’t know, BUT we are learning and discovering (capitalizes for emphasis, not shouting)…

Also @Randomhuman123 this thread, not sure if you’ve read any of it

Just us sharing information… again, we are NOT cosmologists or physicist :man_scientist: …just a shared fascination of our universe.

This is a fun topic also! This forum is pretty cool so far.
Time is relative, right?
365 Earth years is on day on Venus. Being outside of Earth time and space is as simple as being on the planet Venus.

Exactly. Relatively speaking :wink:. Looking at the night sky is time travel AND should our sun explode :boom:… we’ll find out 8minutes later.

Proper time is invariant (it isn’t relative).

Now you are just making shit up.

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It took me ten seconds to find out that it takes Venus 225 days to orbit the sun. So no, your claim is wildly inaccurate, have fun by all means, but don’t just make things up, or recite things as if they are facts without checking them properly. This is quite a common trait I’ve found from theists who come here, they simply believe what they are taught by their chosen religion, and that’s true regardless of the religion being peddled.

I wasn’t making it up. My phone autocorrected apparently. 118 days. My point was that time experienced on Venus is different than time experienced on Earth.

Not really, the length of a day or year would differ, but one second minute or hour would be the same.

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Yes you are making shit up. The difference in the flow of time between Earth and Venus, during a period of 365 days as measured on the Earth, would be less than a second, not the ludicrous ratio you suggested. And the proper time does not vary.

Many of us here have considerable experience with Christians (and other believers) coming here and making shit up/lying for Jesus. Earlier you were talking about the radical Christians who post here (and presumably give Christianity a bad name in the process); you can add yourself to that list now.

I am just now learning about space and time and all of that stuff. My understanding of it is not complete by any means.
I think I have some perspectives that are different and useful to anyone who cares to use them. These are the things that I have learned. I appreciate your contributions to my understanding. Thank you for taking the time and showing patience. I’m sorry if I made you feel negatively about me personally.
I don’t think I have the power as an individual to represent an entire faith but I’m sorry if I’ve contributed to any feelings of negativity you might have.
The friends that I have that are atheists or perhaps different in the fact that they are not angry at the way I believe.
There’s a lot less qualifying. I’m not really used to that. I’m not a philosopher. I’m just a girl. But I want to understand because I have a special son and he’s made me see a lot.
I understand the concept of the “veil” because of him.
There’s this whole layer to things underneath everything.
Have you ever watched the effect of vibration on water?
Heard a song or sound that made the roots of your hair stand up?
How does my son see the color of a tone?
he attributes it to feelings in a person and he’s almost always right. He’s like a human mood ring.
There’s some scientific studies on the heat and light signatures emitted from things. No one ties it to the belief in auras or anything like that because that’s considered quack science…and yet we cut ourselves off from the understanding of what something fully is because of stereotypes and limitations placed 200 years ago when they were still burning witches.
Someone says supernatural… I say show me how it’s not natural first.
Do you understand my perspective?

You are starting to learn. Learn the science - not the “woo woo” that will be superimposed onto the science to support some imaginative mind-candy.

However - as you come across the mind-candy POST it. :+1: I love mind-candy and enjoy those types of discussions.

A 3 minute video gives you the barest of understanding of “time” and the perception versus the actuality and measurements…

Hahahaha fuck that bullshit! Sorry - the “girl” card won’t fly here!

Nope. Explain this “veil”.

It’s called quantum physics.

Blockquote Have you ever watched the effect of vibration on water?
Heard a song or sound that made the roots of your hair stand up?
How does my son see the color of a tone?

Physical response to environmental stimulation.
