Atheists & Pagans Mutual Goal

I agree with you. Chiding politicians, as if you are their mother, instead of being humble and open to work with them, does nothing but create animosity, and does not inspire the other side to want to cooperate and work with you on a particular issue. Sure, Greta is raising awareness of the dangers of climate change, but the way she goes about it, leaves much to be desired, in terms of getting people to the table, to either coming up with new solutions, or implementing the ones already available.

Accusing random strangers of stealing her childhood and yelling “how dare you!”, does absolutely nothing to encourage dialogue and cooperation towards a common goal, which is to fight climate change.

As I mentioned above, solutions are already being implemented to fight climate change, but neither them, nor the people who either came up with the ideas, or are implementing them, are being recognized. Actions speak louder than words. Bringing this problem to our attention is one thing, but so is doing something about it. Unfortunately, the latter is not being properly recognized.

I disagree. When “the strangers” need a stern talking to, they need to be addressed in such a way as to shake up the system instead of the system just doing business as usual (which with the climate business means doing nothing at all). Respect is something you earn, not something you can demand by default just because you are a member of the ruling elite, and especially not just because you happen to be older. And this is what she has realized. In this particular case, what G.T. has done has been sort of a wakeup call that the world leaders needed. They NEEDED to be made aware or reminded that they are not there to play a nice and fun games with other state leaders, but to actually do something, and that the youth of today are the ones who will be left with all the problems of their negligence.

I think G.T.'s way of handling things have been entirely appropriate.

And if you ask any of the generation that are going to inherit this mess, they are largely (according to the polls and the demonstrations of support worldwide) in support of that unusual and brave young woman.

Instead of tearing her down, maybe some support for her as well us “grunts” on the ground doing our bit planting trees and installing solar at our own cost would be a better use of your time Neerav.

Fucking whingers piss me off. GT is doing a grand job and leading a charge.

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The fact that they are being scolded by a teenager - a child, as if she is their mother, is why they are not taking her seriously. Then again, what do politicians care about, outside of money, power, votes and political points? I have personally become less trusting of any politician. We the people need to enact change to fight climate change, with or without politicians, sir.

Maybe Greta can get us regular folks to do something about climate change, without the need for politicians.

As for Aspergers… I hope we do finally find a cure for it. For people like Greta Thunberg, it must make her life difficult, which is unfortunate. I can never imagine having Aspergers myself. It’s time to invest more money into better treatments and cures.

I am doing my part to help the world, and not just talking about it. I am not giving speeches and interviews, but am taking the time to do small things to help the world out. Yes, I can also spread awareness of climate change, but for me, if I don’t back up my words with actions, then I am a hypocrite,

Spread awareness, but also come up with solutions to fix the problem. Both are necessary, and not just one or the other.

This is what I support, even more than simply talk. Actions, to back up the bringing of awareness of the dangers of climate change, which is only one ide of the coin. Both are necessary.

My problem is that we are giving credence to only one side of the coin, and not both sides, equally.

I think you are very wrong here. World leaders ARE taking her seriously. Why do you think she has been invited to speak to the United Nations Climate Change Conference – not just once but TWICE? Because she is a random teenager they invite just for fun? Why do you think Trump and Bolsonaro went out in public to bully her? Because they didn’t take her seriously or because they felt threatened by her message? Why do you think Big Oil is trying to discredit her? Because they don’t take her seriously or because they feel threatened by her message?

As it is, politicians are essential in this game, like it or not. And what you are sketching out as a solution is exactly what GT is doing. She is doing what the politicians are not, namely to shake up the system and creating enough awareness that the politicians are pressured into some sort of action. And I think she’s doing a fine job.

GT herself calls her Aspergers her “superpower”, and what makes her stand out from the crowd here. Feeling sorry for her accomplishes nothing, especially when she embraces it herself. For her, it is a strength, not a handicap.

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And what came of that conference, in terms of implementing changes to fight climate change? I can give speeches also, angrily denouncing the human race for destroying this beautiful planet. The rest of us regular people like myself, are already doing what needs to be done to help the environment, like recycling and being mindful of water and electricity usage, by whatever extent we can.

Keep in mind that the world that we live in, is very complex. Those leaders have to deal with a complex world, including a complex socio and political system in their own countries.

Things are not as easy and simple as it seems!

She is only speaking for herself. But for other children and their parents, is had not been fun. It is a daily struggle sometimes. I hope she can inspire others with Aspergers and Autism, to never give up. They could use our support and encouragement as well.

@Get_off_my_lawn @Old_man_shouts_at_cl

I actually have no real skin in this game, or care about this world, as far as I am concerned. My only interest is to get out of here permanently, by the means of Nirvana and spiritual enlightenment.

I will do my part to help the environment, but outside of that, I have no interest in this world at all. I see this world in a not so good manner, and want to just wash my hands of this world and be done with it.

So this is my last post on the subject of climate change and Greta Thunberg. I’m out.

GT has created more awareness, both among politicians and others. Kids are talking more about climate and environment and GT at school. At least they do it here, I don’t know about parts of the world that can be considered science denial strongholds. GT is a great source of inspiration for kids. We see that very clearly here. And inspiring+educating kids and youths is certainly worth something, as they are the future. Is your solution to just give up? The tides seem to be turning, at least in my part of the world. Giving up accomplishes absolutely nothing. Kudos to GT for daring to take up the issue with leading politicians and the “establishment”, forcing them to listen, and by extension to expose the corrupt and greedy old farts whose only fields of competence is filling their own pockets and denying science.

He bailed, after weeks of effort he hadn’t recruited a single follower to his NWO.

I don’t even feel bad for him, I mean not at all…am I mean? :innocent:

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There is no way that @Socialdarwin could convince us, that he was on our side in “fighting“ the Abrahamic religion, which is pure rubbish, I tell you!

Therein lays the theist.

So after this inconvenient pitstop you’re off to something better? Hahahahaha

The origins of any negative after effect/consequence is usually experienced in time. Usually “unforseeable”. Electricity was “clean”. Heating was dirty (fire/coal/oil lamps, etc). It has “cleaned up” an area that previously was negative (but necessary).

Now we understand those “negative” aftereffects. Do we have solutions for it all? Do we yet know how to safely dispose of “clean nuclear” waste? The needs for batteries to store energy and the aftermath waste of those?

Again - any solution will bring a responsibility and a negative …but again, moving towards better should be the goal, not some sweeping idealogical change.

Pressure by people via our dollars, and our voices (this is our power) is what pushes corporate responsibility and government regulations.

I do watch carefully though any “corporate monies” that can profit from climate as, with anything - once it’s a source of income, the “problem” won’t get fixed (ie carbon credit derivatives market)

No way in fucking hell do I want to stay in this world or come back here. Look at all the suffering in this world. This world, and whatever God or Gods that created it (if any God or Gods even exist) can go take a long walk off a shot plank.

This is why I reject both atheism and Buddhism…they both say that this world of pain, unhappiness and suffering is all there is, and nothing more or greater than that.

I also equally reject religion, and with it, the religious or spiritual belief in any God or God, as well as anything supernatural.

Theism, atheism, deism, religion, and this world that we live in…the heck with it all!!!

You don’t have to worry about this - so far there’s no demonstrable evidence that this even remotely occurs. Everyone dies.

So while you’re here brooding about how bad it is, what small stuff do you do to make it a bit better?

As an atheist,

…acknowledging that this is apart of life here (uh, nothing has been demonstrated “beyond” it), is not all that is said (at least by me, as I can only speak for this atheist). I am a happy, optimist/realist that accepts with deep appreciation everything that life throws my way, or I make of my life.

We dismiss her as ineffective when she only talks about it. And I assure you if she were to really do something about it (say blow up some oil wells); we’d be dismissing her as violent.

It seems we will be dismissing her, no matter what she does.

“We”? As for me, I think she does an excellent job.

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That is what I personally believe; but that is NOT a tenant of atheism; and I’m guessing the same goes for Buddhism.

HUH! As an Atheist, I can tell you that atheism does not have a world view. It says no such thing. As a previous Buddhist…

In Buddhist philosophy the cause of suffering is attachment. One can enjoy life without becomeing attached to it. Buddhism is a path to end suffering but if you are a Buddhist, you are attached to being a Buddhist, that is the lable you call yourself, and thus you are suffering. If you think there is a path to end suffering you are attached to that idea and so, once again, suffering. Perhaps it’s better to simply acknoledge that there is this thing called Buddhism where little monks dress in funny garb, spend long hours sitting and doing nothing and then try to say wity things to one another about ending suffering. An idea, by the way, that they are attached to, and so they are suffering. LOL

Suffering in the buddhist tradition merely means “unhappyness in life.” (All of life’s little disappointments.) It makes no claim that a person can not enjoy life. It is not enjoyment of life that causes suffering, but rather, the desire for the enjoyment to continue.

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