Atheists and abortion

Why on earth would I do something like that?


Well, the message was intended for people, gnomes, and Tin Men. You birds obviously can exclude yourselves as, like chimps, you are naturally clean no matter what.

Well thanks for the vote of confidence there Cog. I do try to keep it clean you know.

Any animal that can pick its own pecker is a marvel of cleanliness in my book. Hey, you ever seen Tin Man pick his own pecker? He just rips his head off and sits on it. It’s just nasty.

No but it is the stuff of legends.

Not to mention. Apes make great shit slingers LMAO :rofl:

The look on her face is priceless…

I’ve never understood why I should have anything to say about what a woman does with her body. Even if I wanted the child, but my wife had valid reasons for not carrying to term, it would be nothing to do with me. So I don’t know why anyone else wants to stick their nose into the issue, why should you have anything to say about it? You do your body, let everyone else do theirs.


Pair that with the fact that you probably should have worked that shit out before you ever got married, any husband that would insist his wife carry to term is a fucking idiot who married a lady without ever getting to know her. And that leaves me wondering why the woman got married. What a stupid and very preventable situation to find one’s self in.

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Exactly! I think since the woman has to be the one who carries the child, she should be the one to make the final decision. A lot of religious bigoted men have it in their head that their wife is their slave and must do what they want (they’ll never admit it). I’m just really sick of the gender slavery that the religious are trying to force in today’s society. It’s really bad when they’re forcing rape victims and girls as young as 11 to have a child that they don’t want. It’s the kind of thing that pisses me off because if a lot of us men were forced to get vasectomies after one child, a lot of men would be crying out “my body, my choice.” I shit you not.


As an agnostic I find it every bit as devout 100% atheism as rediculous as believing in God. For me it’s absolutely insane to carry on with a belief you cannot verify that has a 50/50 chance of going one way or the other. If you believe in and worship God and then it turns out there is no God, you just lived a good life (hopefully) and now your dead. If it turns out there is a God , then your ticket is punched and your in paradise. Flip the coin over and don’t believe in God and it turns out there is a God , your screwed burning in miserable pain for the rest of eternity with other souls clawing away your flesh. So believing 100% that there is no God seems pretty stupid to me - and I yes I associate it as an obvious sign of compromised IQ, because it doesn’t make sense from a probability pov.

Slavery of the black race in America was legally based on the assumption that black people were not people , they were to be considered property. Roe v Wade created the same legal mandate relegating unborn children to the status of property instead of being people. So your basically saying slavery is horribly wrong but the murder of children as property is ok. It’s hypocritical thinking and it is a rediculous travesty of justice that it was ever attached to women’s rights.

That’s gotta be the stupidest thing you ever said, and that’s saying a lot. You poor soul, you’re so brave.

What exactly are you sacrificing? The biggest “sacrifice” you Pro Lifers have to make is typing out fake-emotional paragraphs about POOR FETUSES.

You say all of this horse shit because you know you’ll NEVER be in the position of the thousands of women genuinely affected by this issue.

Go cry me a fucking river, It’s not murder. It’s birth control. You don’t give a fuck about the fetus once it’s born, you just want women to be forced to have babies because it requires no effort on your part. The Bible itself states that life starts at the first breath, so have fun with that. Jesus specifically never mentioned the unborn, but did mention pregnant women and nursing women.

In Numbers 5:11-31, God punishes cheating women by aborting their fetuses:

You don’t care unless you’re the fucking woman having to deal with the pregnancy. Women forced to have children have to change their entire lives, spend money they don’t have on it, and give up their future goals and lifestyle, and spend hours of their time raising a child that they never wanted alone.

If a woman wants to have an abortion. They’re going to find a way and that opens the door to unsafe abortions, suicides, and deaths from complicated pregnancies. You can advocate to ban all abortions and at the end of the day you’re not affected at all. But the women you clearly despise are.


Atheism isn’t a belief. It’s a disbelief. Why for some reason do I feel you’ve been told that before?

For an Agnostic you behave more like a Theist. This is a bullshit Pascals Wager argument that you’re making. The same argument could be used in every religion. A Muslim could say the same thing about your disbelief in Allah. The same from a Hindu if you disbelieve in Kali or Vishnu.

Your beliefs are equally stupid to me. We don’t have objective, empirical, or any compelling evidence to believe in a deity. I need evidence to believe in a claim. When there’s absence of evidence, that’s evidence against a claim. Not supporting it.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for the existence of any deity?

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Virtue Signaling and Argumentum Ad Passiones which is also called Moral Fagging and two can play at that game.

Do you believe that young daughters should be forced to carry their fathers’ incest rape fetuses?

Why are you so against abortion? Women getting an abortion doesn’t effect you. The fetus doesn’t even have sentience until way past the first trimester. Is it because it’s easy for you to virtue signal without any sacrifice on your part? Because again towards the Bible, Jesus hated hypocrites and you’re clearly a hypocrite.

@Richeydale67 Welcome back, I hope you are doing well.

As an atheist I have not been presented with sufficient evidence of any god, thus I withhold belief. I do not deny, I just need to be convinced. But my impression is you are referencing hard atheists, who deny any gods.

Although I do not deny that there may be a god, I do believe it is definitely not the christian one of the bible, because how it is depicted is irrational. For example, this god is described as loving, yet it had no trouble committing genocide.

Have you? Given away a substantial portion of your time and earnings? Supported questionable practices. The roman catholic church hides and protects pedophiles, and anyone who gives that church a penny is an accomplice to pedophilia.

Even in your posts you constantly reference hell. It must be an agony to endure the threats of a loving god, one who may, as you state, send you " burning in miserable pain for the rest of eternity with other souls clawing away your flesh". Living in such fear is not a good life. I do not live with that sword over my head, and I am better off for that.

What is the first commandment?

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

But there are 12 major religions, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto, Islam, Sikhism, Confucianism, Jainism, Hinduism, Taoism, Baha’i, and Zoroastrianism.

But the christian god will send any unbelievers to hell. But what if it is not the christian god but just as nasty and vindictive? One may be condemning one’s self to hell by practicing christianity. One may not be condemning one’s self to hell by withholding belief.

From a probabilistic viewpoint, my odds of surviving a hell may be to not practice religion and withhold belief, at least I am not guaranteeing hell in 9 out of 12 major religions.

I know you are unable to prove a god, yet you live your life walking a tightrope driven by fear, hoping you picked the correct religion. I hope you picked correctly. from a probabilistic viewpoint, I have.


You must prove that an unborn fetus is alive.

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Clearly, life begins when you draw your first breath. That is when God places your soul in your body. Your soul enters your body with your first breath and it leaves with your last. The body is just a vessel — your being, your humanity, is your immortal soul. That’s what the Bible says, and for the life of me I cannot understand why so many people, especially supposedly religious people, get this wrong. There is no question, no moral ambiguity. Abortion destroys an empty vessel, it does not kill a human being.



If you put cake batter in the oven, it turns into a cake.

A fetus on its own won’t turn into a baby, either. It’ll die outside the woman.

If you don’t like abortion, that’s fine. Don’t have one. Stop trying to control women’s bodies. I know it upsets you religious zealots to hear that but most people don’t want your religious bullshit pushed on them.

You should know that people are going to have sex, even though that also upsets you religious zealots. Accidents happen. Forcing women to raise a kid because their birth control failed is a pretty shitty thing to do. You should move to Afghanistan or Iran with your other religious zealot friends, the women there even have no rights just like you’d like.

(Note: In the interest of full disclosure, I honestly do not expect any response to this from our darling little Richey. What I’m about to write is primarily for the benefit of others who might see this discussion but prefer not to participate in it.)

Oh-dear-god! There is so much wrong with that post it is difficult to know where to begin. Guess I’ll just go one step at a time…

For starters, atheism is NOT a belief system. It is strictly a LACK OF BELIEF in any god(s). No different than not believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. This shit ain’t rocket science. Try it like this: Christians believe in the god of the bible, right? But they do not believe in any of the other thousands of gods out there in the world. Therefore, does that mean their not believing in all those other gods is a belief system? Oh my! And speaking of other gods, what if the Christians are believing in the WRONG god? Guess they would be pretty much fucked, huh? You call yourself “agnostic” as if it means something special. Well, guess what, Skippy. EVERYBODY is agnostic in regards to knowledge of gods. Because NOBODY KNOWS for certain whether or not they are real.

Next, you seem to love playing Pascal’s Wager. So, based on your post, it seems you believe in the god of the bible, right? As such, that means you believe that particular god is ALL-KNOWING and ALL-POWERFUL. However, you say you choose (pretend) to believe in it “JUST IN CASE” it actually is real. What you obviously FAIL to acknowledge is the fact that IF that particular ALL-KNOWING god IS actually real, then it already KNOWS you do not sincerely believe in it. It knows YOUR mind and TRUE thoughts even better than YOU do. But YOU are smarter than that god and can fool it by pretending to believe, huh? :joy::joy::joy: Sure. Let me know how that works out for you.

Uhhh… Why, exactly, do you think a person will live a good life just because he/she believes in your god? That implies people who don’t believe in your god lead shitty lives. Hate to burst your self-inflated bubble there, Mr. Sanctimonious, but I have encountered COUNTLESS absolutely DEPLORABLE and downright horrible people over the years who believed in your god (of the bible). And to say some of them lived shitty lives would be a GROSS understatement. But - hey - at least they believed in god, though. Anyway, suffice it to say your pitiful attempt at putting Christians on top of some Moral Podium is pathetically weak, to say the least. Good luck next time.


WOW. Where do I begin. First, you have no idea what the words Agnostic or Atheism mean. You know, right on the home page, if you scroll down a bit, I believe there is a diagram that would help you out.

I’m going to begin this way. 'EVERYONE IS AGNOSTIC." I believe I can justify that assertion. Even when Christians are asked specifics about their god, all they can come back with is “I don’t know.” When they do come back with some facts, those facts are usually easy to debunk, have no factual support, and are mostly just blind assertion which is the exact same thing as “I don’t know.”

'I DON’T KNOW" is the key to agnosticism. All atheists are agnostic. Agnostic is about what you KNOW. A = without. Gnostic = Knowledge Specifically - relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge. (God, spirits, chakras, etc…)
Agnosticism is about “Knowledge.” It responds to the questions, “What do you know and how do you know it?”

ATHEISM IS ABOUT BELIEF: It has nothing to do with knowledge. A = without Theism = belief in the existence of a god or gods. An atheist is a person who does not believe in God or gods. Atheism responds to the questions, “What do you believe and why?”

There is not a 50 /50 chance of going one way or the other. That is just moronic. Basic probability tells you that the chance of the Christian God being the one and only true god is about one in 12000 to 1. There have been at least 12 thousand creator gods worshiped on this planet and only one of them can possibly be the real creator god. Your 50/50 probability is nuts. The probability is more like 1/12000. But is gets a whole lot worse when we also debunk spiritual and magical shit. Your god thing is buried in statistical improbability.

Now, I will give you a hand here. This will help you so that you do not sound so ignorant when you visit the next atheist site. My guess is you are not going to last long around here with your inane bullshit.

Atheists come in several versions. The words soft and hard have been used to describe them. I prefer, Atheist and Antitheist. Antitheist = hard atheist Just so you know what I am talking about. God either exists or God / god, does not exist. This is the problem. There are two prongs to the dilemma; however, you must look at each prong seperately.

Assertion #1: God exists. You either believe this proposition or you do not. Non-belief in god or gods qualifies you as an atheist. The person making the claim has adopted the burden of proof. THAT DOES NOT MEAN you believe God / god does NOT exit. It means you have rejected the premise that ‘god exists.’ You have asserted the ‘null hypothesis.’ There is no connection between the God thing and existence until it can be demonstrated satisfactorily. Most atheists are atheists for the simple reason that the theists have not met their burden of proof. Atheism is a response to the theist claim that “God exists.” The atheist asserts, “I don’t believe your claim.”

Assertion #2: God does not exist. This assertion also requires a burden of proof. Some atheists are antitheists. I am personally an antitheist with regards to most gods when they are clearly defined. The more clearly they are defined, it seems, the easier it is to demonstrate with facts and evidence that the specific god the theist is talking about can not exist. This is why most modern theists keep their god claims amorphous ( having no definite form : [SHAPELESS]. (A magical floating consciousness or some such nonsense.)

In your above post, I think you are trying to combine all atheists into the Antitheist category. This is a mistake. Typically we are quite hard on the antitheists who waltz in here making God claims and slamming Christians ignorantly. (A god claim is Asserting God is Not Real. The claim must be defended, which god and why.)

This is Pascal’s Wager. You are assuming; that “Belief in god” leads to “living a good life.” This is demonstrably untrue. Higher divorce rates, higher teen pregnancy rates, and higher domestic abuse rates. The more radicalized a religion is the more abuse if fosters onto its adherents.

RE PASCAL’S WAGER: Your premise is completely wrong. Is the god you speak of a complete fool. How ignorant is this god you speak of. He must be an idiot. Do you really think you can con an omnipotent, omnipresent, all-knowing God, into believing that you believe in him? Don’t you think this all-knowing being would have a problem with you believing in him JUST SO YOU CAN GET INTO HEAVEN? How many of your friends are your friends just so they can get something good from you. How many people do you use in pretend friendships just so you can get shit from them? Pascal’s wager is a fail from the ground up. Any god stupid enough to fall for it; is not worth worshiping. Any person trying to trick a God into letting them into heaven deserves the hell they get for their effort. (Really stupid argument.)

We have already established the fact that you have no ability to use logic correctly at this point in your life. Hopefully, you will turn it around. Atheism is not the belief that there is no god. Atheism is the rejection of god claims based on a lack of evidence and it makes the assertion, “There is no good reason to believe in god or gods.” You offered up Pascal’s Wager as your reason for belief. Hopefully, I have shown you how stupid your "reason’ for belief was. Pascal’s wager fails on every level.

What evidence do you have for the assertion that a ‘soul’ is a thing or that you have one. I have never found any definition of a soul that is not directly linked to a brain state. So, what is a soul and how do you know you have one? In the oldest versions of the bible the word simply meant “breath.”

Something about compromised IQ. I will keep my first post nice as I can… I’ve got to go teach a class. Good luck with your silliness and I hope you find a way to clear up your obvious misunderstandings.


@Richeydale67 By your posts it is obvious you believe in a god. You are a theist. Labeling yourself as an agnostic in here is just a method to avoid having to defend your theism and your inability to prove you have a good reason to believe.