Atheism and Communism?

I am not a vegan. But I have never shamed a vegan, and no vegan has been able to shame me for eating Bambi.

As long as no one is harming others, I don’t give a shit what they do. I do not desire to control others. And I am pretty resistant to others attempting to control me.


Just as I shame no meat eater.

I find it fascinating how many people I meet through work who have to ask if I am offended by them eating meat. I never understood how something I do with my body, by choice, has any bearing on how I should feel about them?

Hell I cooked about 150 burgers for a company picnic. I didn’t purchase the meat, so why would I refuse to cook it? Sure other vegans wouldn’t do that for whatever illogical reason. My choice not to consume or purchase animal products has nothing to do with just being a human in a normal situation.


Not to worry. Tin Man needed the break.

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I understand. When I was a little kid. All I wanted was spaghetti.

Saaay whaaaaat? :anguished: Oh, you dirty-nasty traitor. Betraying your Vegan Faith like that. For SHAME! Quick! Somebody get me the 1-800 number to the Vegan Hotline! I heard there’s a reward for snitchin’ on Vegans who condone meat eating! And I’M TELLIN’!.. (Okay, granted, the reward is only a carrot/celery/broccoli/cauliflower party dip tray. But, dammit, I LOVE those things. And - hey - a reward is a reward. Don’t judge me. :triumph:)

Wow, that’s hilarious. Why would they ask that? Hell, I would happily sit across from you while chomping my way through a giant rack of baby-back ribs, grinning the whole time. Of course, you would have to share some of your salad and mashed potatoes, if that’s okay. Oo-oo-oo… And pasta salad if you have any. I always love a good pasta salad! :heart_eyes:

Uh, actually, I would kinda like to help with that. I’m not a big fan of zoos.

Zoos in Korea … don’t get me started. Koreans don’t get a chance to see a lot of wild animals, they ate all the wild animals that used to live in their forests. The last bear I saw was at the Daejeon zoo and it was manged, crazy as fuck, and looked like it should be shot as a gesture of humane comfort.

On the fun side,
My Korean girlfrind at the time, had never been to a zoo and didn’t know shit from shineola. Is there such a thing as shineola? Anyway, we came upon a large cage that was empty. It could have been a monkey cage. It was about the size of a small one bedroom home.

Seeing nothing in the cage but for pigeons snacking on grain or foodstuff that remained from whatever animal whose abode the cage once was. I immedialtly shouted out in AWE! "Wow! Man eating African pigeons. That’s amazing. We aren’t allowd to have them in America. They’re illegal. If they were to ever escape and breed with the regular population of pigeons, people all over Korea could be attacked.


'Yea, look at their feet. They have tallons. They have beaks like woodpeckers and they attack other animals by swooping down and going for their eyes. Once the animal is blinded, they swarm in and devour it., Their beaks are lined with little piranha like teeth. These things are dangerous.

And then I looked at her worried face and just lost it.

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“Yes, the bird war! The bird attack, plague, call it what you like, they’re massing out there someplace and they’ll be back, you can count on that!”

Once I was outside of the Toronto Zoo, there was two geese with a nest in a ditch just outside. And sure enough, this oriental lady just wandered up to them. And sure enough, they defended their nest.

Sometimes it is amazing how little some people know about animals.

Like telling the 2 year old to go out into the yard and pet the pretty chickens.

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Jeez mate you should live in ‘Stralia, never mind the spiders, snakes, venemous platypus we have those friggin’ drop bears mate. They really give me the frights.

Bloody pussy feral pigeons are nothing youse galahs. Drop bears target tourists, study says - Australian Geographic
drop bear 1


No. I do wish for days when one could have an honest argument with a Leftist, without their, through either stupidity or dishonesty, misrepresenting one’s argument.

But I suppose those days never existed.

If you haven’t seen this, your going to love it.


Yes and it has increased significantly. It’s fascinating.

In recent years, awareness about peanut allergy in children has risen, as has the number of peanut allergy cases reported. A 2017 study reported that peanut allergy in children had increased 21 percent since 2010 , and that nearly 2.5 percent of U.S. children may have an allergy to peanuts

Why You Should Thank Your Food Allergies | EvolutionShorts.

Please expand this statement.

Please define “leftist”.

Who is stupid or dishonest.


I just use the Rightist Dictionary at Dictionary.dweeb.


Hmmm… If I’m reading that correctly, it looks like all leftists are gnomes who sit on toilets. Golly. I just learned something new. :nerd_face:


Not all Leftists. :rofl:
