Are the rumors true?

Well, of COURSE rumors are true! Duh! Rumors are ALWAYS true. Just ask the people who start them, silly man. :roll_eyes:

That being said, I’m with you on the whole “finding Jesus” thing. I never knew he was lost. My understanding is that he is back in heaven sitting next to his Daddy… uh, himself… Uh, well, anyway, he’s back in heaven, right? And even IF he was lost, why would it be MY responsibility to find him anyway? I mean if an all-knowing GOD can’t find his own son… uh, himself… uh… (damn, I’m getting confused)… anyway, if god can’t find him, what chance would I have of finding him… (as if I would bother looking in the first place).

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Never trust GPS. Those things are wrong almost more than they are right. But if anybody really wants to find Jesus, I would say the most logical place to start looking would be Corpus Christi, TX.

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You can find Jesus everywhere, including jail. It’s a pretty common name.

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My understanding is Jesus is most easily found when landscaping.

Why do we allow so many illegal Jesuses in America?

Please explain and support your position with hard facts because that comment is just dripping with blatant racism.


I really want to say something about the ignorance of Americans and pair that with being a Christian nation,. but alas, I have been good so far, so I won’t go there. It is so interesting that you asked such a question. Ignoarnce is bliss.

That degenerated fast. I only meant to point out the irony of being able to “find” Jesus in unlikely places due to it being a common name. More irony being what Jesus, if he existed at all, would have looked like. Not lilly white as depicted. I don’t know why the hatefulness of a religion that claims to be about loving one another continues to surprise me. It really shouldn’t by now.





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Looks like only TinMan has a sense of humor here. Lol
Good post.


Re: “Are the rumors true?”

Well, one thing for certain, if they AREN’T true, then somebody has been lying.

“Tin Man” What do you not understand. Made of TIN. No fucking humor at all. That’s like saying your record player has a sense of humor. TIN MAN… garbage in ~ garbage out. And he is scared to death of pugs. Or am I projecting? No. Wait. Yeah, I’m sure. He is scared to death of pugs.

Scared?.. No. Healthy respect?.. Most certainly. And I’m not the one walking around with a rolling pin up my ass, soooo… :grin:

Hey! I’ll have you know that I am in complete control of this relationship. I have White wrapped around my little finger. She does exactly what I tell her to do… Watch this!

HEY WHITE SWEETY, HONEY, BABY, (flattery sometimes works.) YOU TO TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT TO DO okay? I am in complete control.


I like it a lot…his control over me controlling him.

Yeah, yeah, yeah… Whatever. :roll_eyes: As if YOU are the only man here in control of his woman. For your information, Romeo, I happen to wear the pants in MY relationship. :triumph: (Just as long as they are the ones my wife picks out for me.)

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It’s funny reading this it struck me that it’s odd how theists think the onus is on us to “find Jesus”, according to them he’s the one with the magic powers after all? Sorry for resurrecting an old topic, but it just struck me as odd when reading the OP.