An average, everyday satanist?

I disagree. But at least the article wasn’t wrong about Christians hating on them.

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You may be thinking of LaVeyan Satanism. If so, you would better served using its specific name.


Isn’t that the most popular one? What other org is there that is atheist?

Satanism is defined as the worship of Satan, ipso facto it "has nothing to do with atheism, which is imply the lack or absence of belief in any deity or deities, or humanism which is a rationalist outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Before telling people they are wrong, you might want to occasionally do some cursory research as all I asserted was that Satanism has nothing to do with atheism or humanism. One can be Satanist and be neither an atheist or a humanist. The fact one can be a Satanist whether one believes in a deity or not rather proves the point.

Nope, it can be, but they are not really synonymous let alone the same thing. Your use of language is pretty sloppy.

I made no such claim, I never even mentioned sacrifices, satanic or otherwise, what on earth are you talking about?

So what, that has zero relevance to my assertion that Satanism has nothing to do with atheism or humanism? Do you even understand why this was pursued as a religious rite in certain states in the US? The Satanic Temple, which is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt church, created a “Satanic Abortion Ritual” it says exempts its members from state abortion restrictions. It has been unsuccessful thus far I believe, though again this has zero relevance to my point.


Yet another example of what I think is narcissism. It seems you are unable to accept criticism of your posts with even a scintilla of humility.

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You don’t know what atheistic satanism it. look up laveyan satanism

So what? They’re making a rite of human sacrifice.

You mean the Temple of Satan? Don’t you know? They’re Poetic Atheists. They don’t actually believe in Lucifer. They’re just saying that as a troll for xtians like you who believe in it. Fuck…you’re gullible.

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maybe that is temple of set that is theistic. I think it is church of Satan or laveyan satanism that is atheistic

Really, I’m supposed to look the way “normal” people do, according to your standards? Humanism and theistic Satanism have nothing in common, it’s the belief in a Satan/Lucifer that rebelled against your god. It’s belief that Satan is as real as your god is, and is worshiped in the same way.
Very few Satanists are theistic, the majority are Atheists. They/I just like to use your own imagery and symbolism to mock and humiliate believers.
I know more about the occult and Satanism than you think, don’t ever tell me that I don’t know what the imagery means.
Can you even name 1 “evil” thing that was done by a theistic Satanist?
Sheldon hit the nail on the head, this is a way to give 2 middle fingers to all/any christian that takes this shit seriously.

You can find article of theistic satanists that have been caught doing human sacrifices

It’s a tease. They just use it to piss you guys off. It’s metaphorical and it’s a troll only Atheists get because you xtians don’t. fucking. get. it.

See what you’re doing? You’re not getting it.


Specificity!!! Effing figure out what you’re taking about and be specific. Unless, of course, your goal is to frustrate and irritate.


Yes they do, but no one is hurt by this “rite of abortion”. It’s all done to piss-off people like yourself.
I’m a member of TST, have been for a couple of years. I haven’t killed any babies or puppies. Yet.

Nobody except the unborn baby?

They don’t, and have never performed an abortion. It’s a performance put on to bring attention to the hypocrisy of religion.

I know, the doctor replaces the function of the priest in the human sacrifice

I can appreciate the sentiment, but you’re not the first person to “suggest” that I change my appearance in order to “fit in”. Even if I dressed like Clark Kent my family still wouldn’t be happy. Just the fact that I’m an atheist is enough for them to be disappointed in me.
Several years ago a coworker told me to cut my hair(it’s been 30 years now), cover my tattoos, and quit listening to that “devil” music. When I asked him why, he said so I would look like everyone else.
I politely told him to go fuck himself, and the subject never came back up. I’ve been wearing either a concert or heathen t-shirt every day for more than 40 years. 99% of my shirts are black, so I couldn’t do what you suggested even if I wanted to.
I’ve been “collecting” them since my first RUSH concert in 1980. I wear one every day because I still love the music, so I advertise it every chance I get. The music still makes the hair on my arms stand on end. Is there anything in your life that can still do that?
My family and I basically tolerate one another, they ignore my appearance, and I ignore everything they do to practice their faith.
Our older granddaughters think I’m cool, they know I’m an atheist, but they don’t care. They like riding in my truck, even our son thinks it’s cool, but he’ll never pretend to understand why I’m the way I am.
I’ve never blended in with anyone or anything, I’ve always been different. If I tried to blend in with everyone and look normal, my family would think there’s something wrong with me.

Music is a huge part of my life, it helps me deal with my current situation physically and mentally. Last year I listened to music for over 51,000 minutes according to Spotify. This year, it was almost 55,000. I listened to more music than 99+% of their customers. I won’t ever apologize for listening to this genre of music, I can’t. Either you love it, or you hate it.

I appreciate your advice, but as Popeye said “I yam what I yam”.

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There is no fucking sacrifice, it’s a “play” put on to piss off christians like you.


Instead of just rolling out claim after claim, how about providing a link or something substantial?