An average, everyday satanist?

What I’m going to say may sound terribly harsh. Perhaps it is. My intention, however, is to impart a opinion that you can consider as an opportunity for growth.

Mr.M, most of the time when reading your posts, all I hear is, “Doc, it hurts when I do this.” And I long to yell, “Then stop fucking doing it!”

Perhaps folks are getting weary of hearing you gripe and hearing of your anger.

This is supposed to be a debate forum, not a platform for a personal biography. For instance, one of your latest posts had I/me/my in it 62 times.

I think you likely have a lot to offer but your anger and righteousness gets in the way of you being able to share it and the rest of us from being able to share in it.


I hear you. I’ve been aware these past few years that I’ve put too much importance on trivial and outside influences in my life. I haven’t been self aware enough to remember who/what I really am. A 63 year old man who lives with chronic pain and neuropathy.
My doctor told me when I had to retire that he was worried about my physical and my mental health going forward. I remember thinking “my mental health”? Yeah, right.
Turns out he knew what he was talking about, and that I was an idiot. Being forced to retire and sell your home and move in with family will make you angry and bitter. I was angry with myself for letting this happen. At least, that’s what I thought. I was pissed off with the world.

I’ve been stuck in a rut for the past several years reacting to the world around me like a teenager or young adult would, putting way too much emphasis on things that I have zero control over. There is so much rampant stupidity in the world, it’s almost impossible to ignore it. I just need to deal with it as best I can and keep my mouth shut.

I’m trying to be more self aware of who/what I am and my current situation. I’m dealing with it, but not very well apparently. Sometimes I wonder if I need to ask my mental health counselor for a referral to speak to a psychiatrist. I don’t know if that would be any better or only make things worse.

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@mr.macabre13 I do feel for you, it is a crappy situation.

I too was forced into an early retirement, and do not receive a pension I expected. But it is done, I can not go back in time, being angry does not solve anything but affect me in a negative manner. So I just cope, and like you, seek out ways to ease my problems.

But IMO pissing off others has no real positive benefits.

I am a very regular visitor to a YouTube channel that is a 24/7 watch on what is happening at SpaceX’s activities at Boca Chica Texas. It is a very nice crowd, we all share this interest and most are aware and intelligent. Yesterday the conversation turned to “what age are you”? And since I am 72 and this project to get to Mars will take decades, I mentioned I will probably not be around to see it the result. Some expressed support and told me they hoped I would live long enough.

My response?

God willing.

Yes, I am an atheist and yes, I do not believe in a god. But I responded in a manner they could grasp, and that it was kind and giving thanks for their support.

I made friends, I did not make any enemies. My values are still intact, I just said the right thing for the moment instead of going off on a tangent and pissing off a lot of people.


Try this:

Do it daily.

Or try this:

Do something to get out of your own head.
Be kind, fake it ‘til you make it.

The 3 nails can represent 6-6-6 because Hebrew letter vav can mean nail and its number is 6. In Judaism it is holy number representing messiah Ben David and stimulation from above.

Solomon received 666 bars of gold and these would’ve been stacked into pyramid base 36 making capstone #666. It is also sum of the magick square of the sun.

Just curious, how the hell did you know where we live?

What the fuck are you talking about? My lucky number is 9, or anything divisible by 3, does this mean that I really worship Satan?

You mentioned in a post not long ago.

Uh, no, I mentioned 666 not 9 in reference to his T-shirt of the 3 nails (that Jesus was crucified on).

Nine is Hebrew letter tet which means good. It made of a vav and a zayin

999 represents messiah Ben Joseph and stimulation from below.

And Dale Earnhardt was killed driving the #3 car. So what, we can play the numbers game for eternity.

How bout some meat to the numbers. Try the Titius-Bode law, where the spacing of the planets is extending outward, each planet should be approximately twice as far from the Sun as the one before.

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Okay, I don’t remember that, but I believe you. I forget a lot of things.

That still means the 666 is a lucky number for me, it adds up to 18, which is divisible by 3 or 9.
The number 9 has been my lucky number since I was a kid playing little league baseball. We had to pick our uniform’s number out of a hat, and I picked the number 9 three years in a row.
The number 9 is also the first and only(I think) number that the numbers add up to doing multiplication. 9x3=27, 2 and 7 add up to 9, 9x4=36, which adds up to 9.
These numbers pop up in my life on a regular basis, so I figure that they’re lucky, for me at least.

It is actually six hundred and sixty six not three sixes. But that is also divisible by 3 and 9

It still only adds up to 18. I have at least 2 “numbers of the beast” tattooed on me.

“luck is when the guy next to you gets hit with the arrow.”

Ernest Becker, [The Denial of Death]

Or the platitude there but for the grace of god go I, changed into the more apt and humorous “There by god’s grace goes somebody else”

Christopher Hitchens

Numbers are fascinating but they’re not lucky, nothing is, luck is a subjective bias when we perceive events not going our way, or going someone else’s way.


It’s been an ongoing coincidence for my entire life, just saying.
I miss Christopher Hitchens.

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I’m not saying you have to do what I’m suggesting, I’m just trying to help when I bring this to your attention, but I can see one reason why you keep getting shit from your family. A good start is to put away the Satanic merchandise away. I get it. You like those things. A majority of Christians are very judgmental when it comes to clothing; an example just like when they slut shame women for wearing low cut shirts and short shorts that go up to their ass with a thong hanging out. Wearing black with a goat and an upside down pentagram on it is like when a bull see’s a red flag. Xtians are extremely judgmental when it comes down to what you wear. They shoot first and rarely do they ask questions. You wear those colors, you’re going to get shit for it. I’m saying this in a way for you to cool things off with your family a bit. Perhaps wear plain colored t-shirts with nothing on them and jeans. I do. At to try and blend in. However, this is optional and I would never ever ask you anything that I wouldn’t do. No way do I want you to get indoctrinated lol. You do you.

I agree, put away the satanist stuff if you don’t believe in it. The atheistic satanism is just humanism that wants attention. If you knew what the satanic imagery represented you wouldn’t be wearing it. Theistic satanists that do evil stuff have the same imagery, leave it to them.

Satanism is nothing to do with atheism or humanism, do you ever consult a dictionary?

He’s just explained it doesn’t represent anything to him. It’s a way of sticking two fingers up to theists who try to force their superstitious beliefs on him.

BS, this is another myth peddled by religious people who see imaginary demons everywhere.


You’re wrong on all counts there. There is atheistic and theistic satanism. Atheistic satanism is humanist.

I understand it doesn’t mean anything to him but it does to a theistic satanist.

You think satanic sacrifices don’t happen? You can find articles about people that have been caught and prosecuted. The Satanic temple now has a rite of abortion they can do.