An average, everyday satanist?

I decided that if my family consider me to be an Atheist/Satanist because of my lack of belief and because of my appearance, I might as well share it with everyone/anyone on this forum.
I’ve posted photos of my tattoos on a thread a few months ago displaying most of my occult/satanic/Halloween artwork, but that’s only a part of the package.( I’ve lost 6 pounds in the meantime, and I’m still working toward my goal of getting back down to 250 lbs. My doctor says he’d be happy with that).
I’m going to put my collection of concert/Halloween/heathen shirts on display one shirt at a time.I’ll take photos of both sides before I put it on everyday, and you can let me know if it’s cool, or even “satanic” enough to make people uncomfortable.
I don’t care one way or the other, I’ve been doing this for a very long time, and I’m not about to change anytime soon.
I just feel like it’s time to share my very “being” with the rest of the world(joke).

we totally want the best for you and are happy you are losing weight, but why would you worship an entity that HATES your guts and wants to destroy you ?



I need to get one of these.


Where in any of my posts have I ever said that I worship Satan/Lucifer? I don’t worship anyone/anything, I never have. Even after 9 years of catholic school, I still didn’t believe any of their/your bullshit.
I take a lot of pleasure in making believers/theists uncomfortable whenever I’m in public. It’s not the only reason I do it though, this is who I am.


Well, thanks to this forum’s 2+ week vacation, I’m way behind on my daily display of the artwork contained in my collection of concert shirts. I really do wear one of these shirts every single day and have for over 40 years.
Here are a couple examples of what my wife/family get to see every day.

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Todays shirt

Since no one was able to access this place for a while, the photos of my daily shirt of choice had backed up a little, so I’ll show them here so I’m caught up.

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Yes, BEHEMOTH are one of my favorite bands.

What makes you think Mr.Mac worships the god of the bible?


Have you noticed how this person hasn’t responded to anything I’ve said or shown?

He’s trying to be like his god and is working in mysterious ways.


You are confused, mr.macabre is not a christian


It just dawned on me, who the hell are “we”? At least “they” are honest enough to say that they’re theists. Makes me wonder.

Mr MacAbre,

While I respect your life choices and enjoy most of your posts I must ask…

What are you? 12 fucken years old? Offense for the sake of being offensive is just so juvenile. You strike me as much more intelligent than that. Do you have that immature biker mentality in search of a gang? Is that why you are here? They rarely (except for the leaders) show more than the social intelligence of a 5 year old.

You can attack me if you like, but it strikes me after reading all your posts most of your complaints are directly the result of your own actions. I am all in favor of living life as you wish, living a “me” life. I’ve done just that most of my days and paid the price in not being “accepted”, being “ostracised” but it has been my choice. You just seem to be reveling in being an immature fuck arse with infantile T shirts. .

Have great day.

I was going to post a pic of Captain Cat (Mau) to prove that I am lovable…but fuck that.


Push-shaw, Old Man, although kitty pictures are welcome, I suspect many here have always considered you quite lovable!