I fully understand that when @TheAuthor shits his diapers, pukes down his baby buggy, and blows bubbles of snot, he expects us to wipe him clean, feed him, encourage him, and cheer him on. “There, there. What a nice poo you presented us with.” But TheAuthor is not my baby. I pinch my nose and tell his parents that his diapers are full. To me, his body fluids and waste products are effectively S.E.P.
Oh, okay. I get it. You’re just not a team player. Well, according to Author, your well-being is at stake just as much as ours, whether you believe him or not. But, fine, have it your way. Just sit back and let the REST OF US do all the work of proving Author wrong. Then you will happily reap the joys of the freedom from belief (AND hell) that WE provided for you. No-no-no… Don’t get up now. You just sit there all comfy and relaxed. We’ve got this. We’ll let you know when it’s okay to no longer believe.
Edited by Admin. Still just preaching.
There is no evidence, only assertions that you’ve pulled out of your arse. You can stick them back up again, and plug it with that bible of yours.
I gave him over to “silence”
I find this to be an interesting question, especially coming from you.
I realize that I lack the speed of synapse I once possessed, but after reading and re-reading your posts, respectfully, I cannot see where anything you have asserted, claimed, rhetorically declared, erroneously defined, mistakenly identified, or otherwise stated, has constituted even a minuscule of “evidence” as you claim. Since you are clearly superior to “scientists”, you should probably not be wasting time here and rather submit your “evidence” in a form acceptable to normally thinking scientists and researchers and wait for your Noel Prize.
I pity you in that you are unable to grasp the basics of “evidence” or “burden of proof”. It probably seems to you that you are making sense. When that happens under the conditions of nearly universal rejections of your assertions, it would be a normal and reasonable response to seek feedback from those more knowledgeable than yourself and humbly review.
I also recognize that you probably never got the emotional support or reinforcement which some of us apparently need. It is easy to identify the hand-holding aspects of various religious beliefs, not to mention the confidence boosting value in thinking you are the only one who possesses the “truth” After all, dealing with the various harsh realities associated with human existence can be rather overwhelming for many, especially those with underdeveloped or non-existent coping mechanisms.
I will continue to wait patiently for any evidence to support your beliefs. This does not and will not include rhetorical declarations or assertions. This will not include recitations of Bronze-age ramblings.
This will not include “personal experience” claims. This will not include Sophistry, for which you have shown a proclivity. To summarize: Please bring an argument that would not be considered the usual ramblings overheard in a mental facility.
Shifting the Burden of Proof and Argumentum Ad Populum.
Claim. Argumentum Ad Populum. Please provide objective evidence for this assertion.
But no evidence was presented.
What the fuck?
No amount of belief makes something a fact. You’ve proven nothing. Where is this imaginary and fantasy evidence that you have?
No, I think you’re part of some fucked up cult who indoctrinated you with Dungeons and Dragons. Go check in with a therapist and get better.
I’m assuming he will receive it as a Christmas present from Santa?
Hmmm…I think your dyslexia is kicking in.
That reminds me I watched a really weird porn film the other day, it was just an old fat man wanking and crying at the same time?
Then I realised I hadn’t turned the telly on.
Actually sin does exist. It is the inner child that fights judgement at every turn. This fuels my theory that all atheists suffer in a state of arrested development. Regular healthy human psychological development dictates that a normally developed adult psyche learns to accept judgement, by their superiors, their peers , society and ultimately their creator and lord God. When the adolescent brain development is halted by some trauma either self inflicted (chemical abuse) or through outside infliction (some sort of event or inflicted abuse) the brain never reaches its ultimate state of enlightenment in which it can reasonably reconcile the reality of this judgement.
Claim and Argumentum Ad Populum.
Are you ever going to meet your Burden of Proof?
What objective evidence can you demonstrate for the existence of any deity?
Anytime you just post and don’t give evidence for anything. You’re just white noise, bro. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Generally, describes the standard that a party seeking to prove a fact in court must satisfy to have that fact legally established. There are different standards in different circumstances. For example, in criminal cases, the burden of proving the defendant’s guilt is on the prosecution, and they must establish that fact beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving his case by a preponderance of the evidence. A “preponderance of the evidence” and “beyond a reasonable doubt” are different standards, requiring different amounts of proof.
The burden of proof is often said to consist of two distinct but related concepts: the burden of production, and the burden of persuasion.
Depending on the jurisdiction and type of action, the legal standard to satisfy the burden of proof in U.S. litigation may include, but is not limited to:
- beyond a reasonable doubt
- clear and convincing evidence
- preponderance of the evidence
- probable cause
- reasonable belief
- reasonable indications
- reasonable suspicion
- some credible evidence
- some evidence
- substantial evidence
Last updated in June of 2017 by Stephanie Jurkowski.
Wex Toolbox
So the bringing in of court procedure into the situation is unnecessary . I’ll just say this . To know God is a gift . A gift that is offered to us all as his children. If we accept the gift (an easy thing to do through prayer) we are given more gifts - and miracles in our life. There are many people on this planet who believe in God and practice Christianity because they have personally been blessed with proof of his existence. I wish for that for everyone , because it really is a wonderful beautiful thing.
Very necessary. You make claims that you refuse to prove.
Claim and Argumentum Ad Populum. I don’t believe you. Hindus and Muslims preach the same bullshit about their gods being the one true creators. Fuck your god. Provide evidence then we’ll talk it over. The only historical evidence you have is of a religious movement that became Christianity. Nothing on a god or magical prophet. Proselytizing or preaching is against the forum rules. Knock it off with the bullshit and assertions.
A murderer can be convicted with no witnesses. I can provide you with 20 billion world wide that have witness God’s existence. I think you and I both know that no amount of proof is good enough for you. When you finally get the proof you need , it will be too late to save your soul. What we as Christians endeavor to do is simply bring you to a reasonable way of thinking. It takes more muscles to frown than not does to smile. And it takes a lot less energy and worry to belief in your creator than it does to suffer with the anxiety and consequences of prooving he doesn’t exist.
For the love of Pete.
Ok, we’ll turn to science, then, on an entirely separate attempt at “evidence.”
They have a thing called forensic science that they use to get finger prints and DNA evidence to link you to the crime. They don’t need witnesses when they have cold hard evidence that says you murdered that person.
All the Christians I talked to during my indoctrination never met a god or actually talked to one. They were just told by the lying asshole pastor that “god existed in everything”. Not one of them had a shred of evidence to prove this deity existed.
How I was introduced to this religion was that my mom walked in one day with a children’s bible and said a creator god existed and told me to read it. The stories were bullshit. At age 12 I didn’t believe it and age 18 I definitely didn’t believe it!
Everything I learned in public school contradicted what I was being taught by YOUR bullshit religion.
No. I asked for objective and empirical evidence.
Lets say I “claimed” that big foot exists and that I saw him. But you say you don’t believe me and you ask 'What objective evidence can you demonstrate for the existence of Big Foot?"
So, to meet the Burden of Proof. I go out to capture Big Foot, collect hair samples, maybe try to collect some blood samples, or kill Big Foot and bring you back his corpse.
You see how that works?
Yeah…that’s exactly what you’re refusing to do. Invent a science or demonstrate that a god exists.
How do you know we have souls? Do you have evidence to back that assertion?
Which is nothing.
You’re going to teach us how to smile? Wow! Fuck me really?
I don’t have to prove a god doesn’t exist. There’s no evidence providing that gods and goddesses from mythological religions ever did exist. Since you’re a Christian, you don’t believe the Islamic deity, Hindu deities, Greek deities, Roman deities, or any other religious mythology of those gods exists. The Burden of Proof for those man made gods was never proven to exist. Just like yours.
I don’t have to believe in it. There’s no evidence.
Why are you trying rub off on me with your fears of being slapped in an eternal fiery torture dungeon?
I am not trying to prove any god does not exist. I am waiting for an enlightened person to prove to me that there is a god. Then I will believe in a god.
So instead of attempting to discredit or disparage atheists, give it a go, prove a god to me so I can find it.
Show me there is a god. Don’t just say there is one, give me proof.
This is what he keeps doing. He keeps saying “God exists!”. Okay, we heard you. But he won’t provide physical evidence of a god.
@MrDawn yea, same old same old. They claim there is a god, and their proof is that they claim there is a god.