Why is islam off limits?

A phrase often used to mock this sentiment is “if English was good enough for Jesus, then it ought to be good enough for (insert demographic)”

Its use can dated back to 19th century, and though it’s been used to mock multiple people from Miriam A. Ferguson, the first woman governor of Texas, to Donald Trump, it’s unclear who originated it.

Still funny though. As is the late Clive James quote about a biography that “Here is a book so full, that were it to be read around in the open air, birds would fall unconscious from the sky.”

It applies equally well to the stunningly boring book of Mormon of course, which has also been described as chloroform in print.

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Another stunningly boring book is Dianetics. I tried reading it just for the heck of it, but I could’t get past the first few pages of unevidenced assertions without falling asleep. Of course, Scientology try to cover their ass here, claiming that if you find the book boring, it’s because there is one or more words you didn’t understand. That’s why scientologists use dictionaries extensively when studying their weird-ass scriptures.

Oh I understand, I’ve dealt with quite a few theists over the years. I can help here. All you have to do is start by pretending it’s all true regardless. Of course they’ll have a cryptic way of phrasing this. For example…

You have to have faith.

You’re closing your heart to (insert relevant superstition), you need to open your heart to (insert relevant superstition).

I’m going to prove (insert chosen superstition), but first I’m going to (paraphrasing) waffle on with irrelevant verbiage, then when you agree with my (paraphrasing) irrelevant verbiage, I’ll start proving (insert chosen superstition).

Then when you don’t accept the irrelevant verbiage, it’ll be your fault because you “closed your heart” so just “open your heart” see how it works?

I’d say its fool proof, and it certainly works on fools, but sadly it’s impervious to critical or objective reasoning. So you may want to watch that tendency…

Now please don’t sue me when you eventually escape from whatever cult you join.

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Hah. Cults kick me out before they even manage to recruit me. I’ve been shown the exit more than once after “just asking questions” at scientology stands and orgs :slight_smile:

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T.V. networks are owned by rich and powerful oligarchs.

Industry sellouts will sell the illusions of freedom of speech, freedom of thought, online privacy rights, and human rights in general.

Rich celebrities are puppets of powerful oligarchs.

Outspoken people who expose abusive corporations, ruthless politicians, and the cruelly profitable war machine will get silenced by getting demonitised and blacklisted in popular media companies. Brutally honest Hollywood stars used to have intellectual conversations that were thought-provoking many decades ago without getting silenced before the upper class owned popular media companies in the 1980’s. Now, the Hollywood stars have become dumbed down clowns selling sex, gender identity politics, petty drama, and other things proving the golden age of Hollywood is over.

Many politicians, celebrities, and business people are in bed with religion because it makes trillions of dollars despite how there being religious scriptures representing misogyny, slavery, genocide, etc. Profit and power are higher priorities than morality for those politicians, celebrities, business people, etc.

Wealthily powerful oligarchs control our world with central bank cartels, online surveillance, authoritarian censorship, slave wages, and heavy government regulation to prevent the working class from having freedom and opportunities easily compared to industry plants that were born into wealthy families.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other popular media companies are owned by oligarghic terrorists. Oligarchic terrorists such as these don’t want people to have online privacy, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and a lot of human rights. Because they are part of a cliquey club that puts profit and power above anything else. Journalism, online privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, political incorrectness, and other things have become a joke decades ago in the media because of these oligarchic terrorists who own our world through profit and power. YouTube, for example, is silencing journalists, activists, refugees, victims, politically incorrect comedians, quality content creators, and other types of people through demonitisation and banning accounts because YouTube’s system is owned by oligarchic terrorists. They don’t want average people being able to do critical thinking by realising what these oligarchic terrorists are doing. They are trying to suck the fun and happiness out of everyone for profit and power.

Suicide rates, depression, anxiety, and other things are increasing because of abusive corporations, censorship, slave wages, and increasingly oligarchic bureaucracies that prevent the working class from easily becoming upper class people to get out of poverty.

Netflix, Hulu, C.N.N., Fox News, C.B.S., P.B.S., radio stations, and other media companies are controlled by propagandisers to promote further oligarchy discreetly. I learned about this because I thought about becoming a famous singer in popular telelvision shows. However, I have come to realise the industries are cut-throat that benefit the upper class more than the working class through abusive bullying via systemic classism, sexist double standards, people becoming religious sellouts because religion makes a lot of money, people being dishonest to gain power in their careers, fake politeness from sycophants who don’t want to be brutally honest for self-seeking reasons, anti-intellectualism disguised as political correctness, etc.

@Antideist …welcome!

For a first post, very lengthy- no judgement…obviously you had a lot to say :grin:

I do hope you are open to “critical” feedback.

The first thing I would open with, from a critical/questioning stance…

Edited response: sigh did you just think about it or did you actually audition and get rejected upteen times?

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Ok. We have 9 paragraphs raging about the same thing.

For the sake of brevity please reduce that to one paragraph of no more than 50 words. It is easy, if you feel you cannot, then I will reduce it to one sentence for you.


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After a cursory reading, I can only find one part (with 11 consecutive words) of one longer sentence that I find relevant for the forum, and none that seem relevant for the thread.

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Welcome to Atheist republic Antideist.

I will attempt my translation …



You’d think I’ve nothing better to do with my time…. lol

INSERT OTHER are owned by rich and powerful oligarchs (THIS WORD MAY ALSO BE EXCHANGED FOR OTHER SOURCE OF EVIL, however I will just replace the one word). OTHER sellouts will sell the illusions of freedom of speech, freedom of thought, online privacy rights, and human rights in general.

OTHER are puppets of powerful oligarchs.

Outspoken people who expose abusive COMBINE HUMAN SYSTEMS TOGETHER (owned by oligarchs or “the other”) will get silenced by getting demonitised and blacklisted in popular media companies. Brutally honest OTHER used to have intellectual conversations that were thought-provoking many decades ago without getting silenced before the upper class owned OTHER. Now, the OTHER have become dumbed down clowns selling sex, gender identity politics, petty drama, and other things (feel free to change as needed to support position) proving the golden age of OTHER is over.

Many politicians, celebrities, religion and business people are in bed with oligarchs (added for consistent rant & moved religion to human system list) because it makes trillions of dollars despite how there being religious scriptures representing misogyny, slavery, genocide, etc. Profit and power are higher priorities than morality for those politicians, celebrities, business people, etc. (Fairly consistent with conspiraturds – kept in tact)

Wealthily powerful oligarchs control our world with HUMAN SYSTEMS to prevent the working class from having freedom and opportunities easily compared to FEEL FREE TO PICK AN AREA that were born into wealthy families.

SPECIFIC OTHERS, and other GENERAL OTHER are owned by oligarghic terrorists (INTRODUCE NEW FEAR-BASED LANGUAGE DESCRIPTOR). Oligarchic terrorists such as these don’t want people to have online privacy, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and a lot of human rights (INTRODUCE COGNATIVE DISSONANCE see above 1st sentence). Because they are part of a cliquey club that puts profit and power above anything else. HUMAN SYSTEMS, and other things have become a joke decades ago in the OTHER because of these oligarchic terrorists who own our world through profit and power. YouTube, for example, is silencing journalists, activists, refugees, victims, politically incorrect comedians, quality content creators, and other types of people through demonitisation and banning accounts because YouTube’s system is owned by oligarchic terrorists. (I let it remain as usually these rants are verbal on this platform) They (Oligarchic terrorists) don’t want average people being able to do critical thinking by realising what these oligarchic terrorists are doing. They are trying to suck the fun and happiness out of everyone for profit and power.

Suicide rates, depression, anxiety, and other things are increasing because of abusive HUMAN SYSTEMS, and increasingly oligarchic SUB-SET HUMAN SYSTEMS that prevent the working class from easily becoming upper class people to get out of poverty.

OTHER are controlled by propagandisers to promote further oligarchy discreetly.IMPORTANT PERSONAL TESTIMONY did not alterI learned about this because I thought about becoming a famous singer in popular telelvision shows. However, I have come to realise the OTHER are cut-throat that benefit the upper class more than the working class through abusive bullying via HUMAN QUALITIES AND BEHAVOURS

I did not correct for spelling or grammar.

FEEL free to insert “OTHER” – I choice Banking/Banks, etc as it’s a system I had worked in.

No, not the same thing. The first paragraph describes T.V. networks owned by rich and powerful oligarchs. The second paragraph talks about industry sellouts selling illusions. The third paragraph represents rich celebrities being puppets. The fourth paragraph was about outspoken people getting silenced by powerfully wealthy people. The fifth paragraph explained sellouts being involved with religion. The sixth paragraph was about how oligarchs control our world not just by T.V. networks. The seventh paragraph is showing detailed examples of companies owned by the rich and powerful terrorists. The eighth paragraph shows the symptoms of what happens when there is tyrannical division between the working class and upper class that owns the working class like slaves. The ninth paragraph is what explains what I and other people have observed in the industries controlled by cut-throat oligarchs who use the working class like replaceable machine parts.

I was responding to Cognostic from this thread. Rich and powerful terrorists who profit from oil wars in the middle eastern countries except for Saudi Arabia and Israel that have led to Islamic terrorism are actually relevant to this thread. They are promoting western propaganda in the western countries to prevent their coughs slaves coughs working class from knowing what those oil war terrorists are doing in the middle eastern countries via censorship in radio stations, online platforms such as YouTube, etc. They never talk about American aggression, Israeli aggression, Saudi Arabian aggression, etc. Because America, Israel, China, and Saudi Arabia work with each other via cut-throat international business and they are controlled by right-leaning and military-supporting terrorists who profit from oil wars. Women and the working class have less legal freedom in those 4 countries than in other countries because those countries are controlled by sexist sexual predators and oligarchic terrorists. Rates of rape and domestic violence against women are higher in those 4 countries than in other countries that have more peaceful cultures rather than cultures of profit-hungry terrorism. But, those rich and powerful terrorists who own a lot of media companies don’t want the working class to know that.

Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion that represents misogyny, rape culture, anti-homosexuality via killing homosexuals, antisemitism, war, etc. Christianity is not a religion of peace necessarily, either. It has religious scriptures that represent misogyny, slavery, genocide, war, domestic violence against women if they do not obey their husbands rather than domestic violence against men if they do not obey their wives through sexism when domestic violence against anybody just to make them obey their masters is cruel, etc. But alas America, the land of Christianity, and Saudi Arabia, the land of Islam, have cut-throat leaders that sold their souls for profit and power by working with each other to make their working class and women subjugated through systemic caste systems that make only a very few amount of women have some freedoms and opportunities while the rest are subjugated in the working class to prevent them from being part of the upper class. Indoctrination camps disguised as public schools for the youth in America and Saudi Arabia prevent females and the working class from having real freedom, opportunities, and power to fight against the rich and powerful oligarchs who own America and Saudi Arabia. Feminism is only used by the elites as a distraction in America. Meanwhile, the Northern European countries have more rights for females and the working class to prevent poverty and abusive corporations by preventing abusive elitism. The media companies have propaganda supported by the oligarchic elites that use the divide and conquer method to distract females and the working class with riots, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, lack of education, elitist healthcare, oligarchic patriarchy disguised as feminism, etc. There are people who walk on eggshells because of this in some of the European countries because they do not want to have their peaceful cultures be corrupted by greed, violence, misogyny, anti-homosexuality, oil wars, military terrorism, media propaganda, etc.

And this idea was so well communicated in your first post in reply to Cog…

And your solution point to this overwhelming tirade that again, small bits should be discussed (you assert this to assert that).


@Antideist In India, Hindu nationalists, led by Narendra Modi and the BJP, are trying to make India a Hindu nation, much like Evangelical Christians are trying to make the United States a “Christian Nation”. I am grateful to live here in the United States, where the Separation of Church and State is paramount, and is holding strong…so far. This is why secularism is important, and “seems” to be growing, as the population of atheists are is growing…hopefully. We need to keep the “Separation of Church and State”, here in the USA, as strong as when it was first conceived by the Founding Fathers.

That quote from Epicurus is my favorite response to any theist’s insistence that a god exists.

I will reduce your rant to one sentence as I promised.
" Its THEM, THEY control everything and make us all poor and stupid. "



The United States was and is founded on religious people. Never has there been a U.S. president who is an atheist. Theocracy runs deep in America while the politicians try to pretentiously sell the idea of secularism. Rich and powerful people have defunded public schools in favour of private religious schools for children in America. Not the best way to make atheism and scientific literacy be normalised in America. In fact, the Northern European countries are far more scientifically literate and atheistic than average Americans are. The separation of church and state will be impossible as long as religion makes trillions of dollars in America and the popular politicians and celebrities continue to be religious and influence American government religiously. Even some of the southern states are influenced by religion by preventing women from having freedom and opportunities to some extent through sexist laws.

On a mixture of beliefs. We’re talking, generally a couple hundred years ago… yet, as humans, they recognized the necessity of separation of powers.

Nope. And until Obama, a black man. Trump ensured a republican, white old-man court system (threw in whats-her-face on the Supreme), YET these same humans have made rulings against what he thought would be “repaid favors”… they somehow mistook their appointments as responsibilities to legal arguments and evidence (standards) and maintained the legal election outcome of Biden.
SO… women and black men have demonstrated the same political corruptions (hmmm, Thatcher, :thinking: many an African Nation). Perhaps the USA will eventually get pass its partial bias BUT I would argue that the Democrats have to offer up a person better than Hilary. The Republicans - well… uh… they just have friends and wives that are different sexes/races. HAHAHAHA an atheist… good luck with that - there is what’s called a voting base.

Nope. Usually courts of law.

Some never contributed much in taxes which contribute to the “kitty” that gets divided. The budget makers and reps. elected, well fuck, they pass the bills. Whatever. Rich and Powerful set up their own schools. Poor areas get “poorly funded schools” - richer areas - well funded. Yup. Goes for many a “social service” depending on how the country is set up politically (locally, state, federal)

I happen to like many of the features of the social-democratic models via Iceland, Denmark, Finland, etc.

Again, I agree - partial truth … NOT “impossible” as there has been a movement in society towards more secular, human interactions even though the “society” is mostly “religious”. Has religion played a big part, (all the various faiths)? Sure. It has also moved government into more “freedoms” and “secular/unbiased” approaches to laws that govern society.

… anyway a few thoughts. I gotta make supper.

Indeed. Jesus was also a 6 foot tall Caucasian rather than a 5 foot tall semitic person. Oh, God is also British, according Victorian English people.