My daughter was telling me a story last night. There had been a festival in town up by the highway. We all went last night.
She said she and her friends were eating by a tent, because there were tables. The tent so happened to be a church group handing out religious propaganda.
She stubbed her foot by the table before sitting down with her dinner and in doing so, she yelled “fuck!” and got a long nasty judging stare from the people sitting in that tent. Like they expected her to suddenly apologize and pray to their imaginary friend for forgiveness. I asked her if she stared right back and told them to mind their own business?
She said no. She said she and her friend went on like usual and ignored them. This is the usual bs that I had to put up with growing up. I won’t lie, I am sick of it. I just wish the majority of them would quit behaving as though their rules apply to everyone else. So what if I my daughter cursed. There’s a thing called the first amendment. Funny how that only matters when someone else is telling them to stfu.
Words can be offensive. There are quite a few words I find offensive and throw a glare when I hear them. As long as they did nothing to block her rights, they didn’t do anything substantively wrong. Your daughter responded maturely, kudos to her!
True. I probably take more offense to their reaction because I see a majority of them as antagonists. I don’t agree with their lifestyle or their views. I have felt attacked by them my entire life.
After reading these comments on this thread and the other one we’ve got going on a related topic, I got to thinking: Picture a group of devout Christians in a restaurant, celebrating, I dunno, their daughter’s college graduation. When told of her accomplishment and the reason for their joy, their MUSLIM server throws up his hands and shouts, “Praise be to Allah! Allah has truly blessed your daughter and your family!”
Would the Christians just smile weekly and say thank you. I doubt it. I’m betting they’d be angry and offended. Might go and speak to the manager.
So now I ask this: what in the hell is the difference in my waiter throwing her Christian bullshit at me, and the Muslim server throwing HIS bullshit on the Christians? Both are deeply inappropriate. Leave that shit at home, indeed.
There is also such a thing as being polite in public. It’s no big deal to say excuse me when uttering a profanity accidentally in public. With that said… Depending on the glare coming from the others, I may have opted for your solution. In fact, I might have just begun singing Jingle Bells to the tune of Fuck.
“Fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” If anyone said anything I would tell them I was rehearsing for a Church play where the Holy Ghost Fucks Mary. (Fuck them.)
On the other hand. If it was an innocent look of surprise. I would just say ‘sorry.’ and enjoy my lunch. After all, it was an accident and should be treated as such. As long as we all agreed on that (it was just an accident) we could all go about our day undisturbed.
I’ve got a 3 year old grandson. (About to be 4 this month.) He’s incredibly smart, and a little parrot. Naturally, my wife and I try to “censor” our typical potty mouths when around him. However, his mom, dad, and the family on his dad’s side typically don’t hold back when talking around him. And that is all fine and well, as far as I am concerned. No biggie. Matter of fact, it’s actually hilarious sometimes when he gets frustrated or scrapes his knee or something and utters a “shit” or “dammit” or similar. For instance, his mom has a vid of him from about a year ago when he was being potty trained. He’s stomping down the hallway toward their bathroom, obviously pissed, and she asks him, “What is wrong?” Without breaking stride, he tells her, “I shit myself,” and then enters the bathroom. I was rolling on the floor laughing when I watched it! The thing is, though, is he has to know/learn there are times and places when saying such words are not appropriate. (His daycare class, for example.) Therefore, my wife and I have started impressing this upon him whenever we get the chance. We tell him, “Words like shit, damn, hell, etc. are ADULT words, and most people don’t like it when they hear little kids say them. You will not get in trouble for saying those words here with us, but if you say them in school or somewhere like that, you will likely get in trouble.” The great thing is, he seems to understand that. Notice, too, we don’t call them BAD words. They are “adult” words. (My wife came up with that, and I think it’s great.) We even go a step further by telling him that even WE, as adults, do not use those types words in certain places or when talking to certain people. And that is true. When I am out in public, I always tend to keep my foul mouth to myself. To me, it’s just common courtesy. Sure, like your daughter, sometimes we slip a bit when startled or when we get an unexpected bump or something. It’s natural. No biggie. With all that being said, I think your daughter handled that quite nicely. Sounds like a smart and mature young lady.
We are naturally offended by hostile behaviour, it would make me uncomfortable also. You are being a hypocrite because the Christians offend you in the same way the bad word offended the Christians. Ps. Not everyone who is offended at bad language is christian, just as not everyone who goes to church is christian.
lol you are moving the goal posts. I am no hypocrite. I simply just implied in my above post that many Christians bother me.
lol really?
I have a few non practicing Christian colleagues that I work with who know better not to quote scripture around me or bring up their religion. They respect me enough not to say a word about it. In my real life, I keep religious people out because many of them can’t help themselves but quote and talk about their religion. Something I don’t want.
No. I am offended by an asshole pretending that they are special and better than me because they have a special belief that exempts them from the responsibility of their decisions. I will hold these idiots responsible for their inane beliefs and stupid bullshit whenever it is appropriate to do so.
First of all, the critic of bad ideas is free to choose whatever invective said critic decides best brings the absurdities and iniquities being critiqued into sharp relief. This has been a feature of satire since the days of Classical Greek civilisation - Aristophanes was particularly fond of tossing various “unparliamentary” epithets into plays that aimed barbs at political folly, for example.
The whingeing and bleating about “bad language” is nothing more than tone policing, the duplicitous substitution of fake prudery for substance in discourse, in order to deflect from the ideas being presented. Indeed, I’m capable of tacking the bad ideas mythology fanboys peddle here, even amid their usual tiresome inclusion therein of all manner of blatant ad hominems and fake attempts to shut down debate by pretending that they dictate the rules of discourse. They don’t.
As far as I’m concerned, anyone who is incapable of separating ideas from invective isn’t a serious commentator.
That’s a lie, he is merely critical of intrusive proselytising. So what if some people are offended by vituperation, anyone is entitled to be offended, but it is not on its own an argument for anything. What he is talking about is the intrusive all pervasive proselytising many theists indulge in.
So what, our perception of what language is appropriate is subjective, and governed by circumstance.
Christians are just Jews by religion. They are the largest branch of Judaism. They believe in the Jewish deity and in the Jewish high priest Jesus. They believe in all of the biblical stories. Even ethnic Jews draw some lines but Christians swallow it all. Christians are more like the old Pharisees in their beliefs.
Like Islam, Judaism has a lot of different branches and sects and beliefs. But Christians, regardless of denomination, are some of the most hard-core Jews by religion there is. A typical example is the Louisiana idiot Governor who is forcing all of the schools in Louisiana to post copies of the fake Ten Commandments. If he wants to be a religious nut he should at least post the real ethnocentric Ten Commandments.
I also curse a lot sometimes like they need to grow the fuck up it is part of freedom of speech . It is very fucking annoying when some Christians think their religion is superior and wanna take other people rights away these Christians cry when they can’t force their politics and religion into the law .
This is a bit like saying English is the same as German, French, Latin, or Greek. English is as far removed from its origins as Christianity is removed from the Jewish faith. English is not French, German, Latin, or Greek, regardless of what is shared between them. And there are hundreds of ‘sects’ of English speakers. British and American seem to be the standards but even within these two groups there are many divisions.
Your assertion is not correct. There is nothing Jewish about the Christian religion. Most Christian sects are sects because they see themselves as different from all other Christian sects. Each Christian sect has its own set of beliefs and it is the church up the street whose members are going to the pits of hell; If the sect believes in hell, not all do.
Probably better stated is the fact that religions like Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, Islam, and many others, have their roots in the Abrahamic faiths.
Might I suggest…
The Abrahamic Religions: A Very Short Introduction
Wrong again, Christians considered jesus a deity made flesh, and messiah, the Jews don’t believe that.
This is another of those sweeping claims you seem to love making, without considering it beyond the most facile reasoning. It simply isn’t true. There are also over 45k different sects and denominations globally, that come under the umbrella term Christian. It remains distinct from Judaism and Islam in that it posist Jesus as a deity.
Now that you’re back are you going to tell us how you know that “there is no evidence and never will be for any deity”? Or did you think a pause of a week or two would be enough for us to forget that claim you have run away from?
I can offer a quote if that would jog your memory? We can all be wrong, and mispeak, but I can’t abide dishonesty, or people reeling off sweeping claims then refusing to engage honestly when they are challenged, instead moving on to new sweeping claims, like this latest batch.
You’re still preaching it seems, not debating, I wonder do you understand the difference?
That’s how it feels. I’ve heard many of the same opinions from Christians stating how they don’t like gay rights, they don’t like gay marriage, that atheists deny their god just because we don’t believe in it’s existence, they bicker that atheists are bad people who have no morals, they don’t like abortion, they think kids and young adults today are not pious enough, they want just their religion back in the public school system, they don’t want anyone to have religious freedoms because it has to be Christianity because they claim their god is the one true god.
If you live in Missouri or any other church state, you’re bound to hear more of these complaints from religious bigots.
If Christians are not Jews by religion, then why do they believe in the ancient ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish religious fairytale as their own and worship the Jewish deity and the Jewish high priest Jesus?
The fact is that Christians are the largest branch of Judaism and are working non-stop to convert the population to their beliefs. The Jesus character may be depicted as a god but he is described as a Jewish high priest. And he never did anything godly. If he was still wiggling on the cross then he could be described as a god. But he was a self-admitted glutton, wino, free-loader, egotistical narcissist, and a racial bigot.
If Christians are not Jews by religion, then why do they believe in the Jewish religious fairytale and all of its characters?
Sure, there are multiple denominations of Christians, just as there are multiple denominations of Judaism and Islam. But anyone who believes in the Jewish religious fairytale is a Jew by religion, and that includes Muslims.
Esther 8;16-17 (CEV) = "16 and the Jews were no longer afraid. In fact, they were very happy and felt that they had won a victory.
17 In every province and city where the law was sent, the Jews had parties and celebrated. Many of the people in the provinces accepted the Jewish religion, because they were now afraid of the Jews."
Nope, they share some similarities, but they are not the same, thus your claim remains a False equivalence fallacy.
“This fallacy is committed when one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result.”
Not in Judaism, why this actual fact is being ignored by you is unclear?
Christians believe he did, unlike Jews, is it sinking in yet?
Same answer as before, and before that, read the post ffs.
Indeed, though this is irrelevant to your erroneous claim that Christians are Jews.
In all the excitement you ignored my questions again:
The biblical quotes you posted, seem to have no relevance to your claim as far as I can see?