Why does God disappoint us?

I mean’t doesn’t for my last post.

God is a Jackass, straight up.

He may well be assuming he exists, but I don’t know that

Everything human beings think they know about god(s) comes from other human beings.

The versions of god which came through Judaism were more terrifying than asinine. If I had been there and believed, I’d have been terrified too.

Nor do I think the priestly caste which grew in so many cultures was only made of gullible believers. I’m fairly convinced that there was usually [as with today] a hard core of opportunistic exploiters, whose agenda was personal wealth, control and power.

Hence my position that organised religion is the greatest confidence trick ever perpetrated on the human race.

My favorite part is the promise that you’ll get your reward when you’re DEAD. No one’s ever been able to complain they didn’t get their promised reward.


You are quite right. That is exactly what I meant by saying there is no-one on the the other end of the phone.

Religions may differ markedly but they all share a few core elements. One of them is promoting belief as fact, or truth. In my view, this is dishonest. Whatever the religion, an apologist or a preacher will not tell you, “we all believe this but we cannot know for certain”, they all claim to know. Until the Enlightenment provided an alternative world view, this was sufficient but today we simply know more and we require more than assertion. Or at least many of us are beginning to.



God is a Jackass, straight up.

I am curious as to how you would know this? Do you have any evidence beyond stories? Just because people tell stories about you, am I justified in believing them? Before you cam to this site I was told you were a child molesting rapist. Should I believe the story or simply keep it in the back of my mind as a something I once heard and wait for further confirmation?

I would like to know how you evidence the the assertion that god is a jackass? I would like to know which God you are referencing. Obviously if it is the Hindu god, god being a jackass is not a negative thing nor even insulting. If you are referencing a Western concept or even a Middle Eastern concept you are obviously attempting to provoke. So, what’s up?

How do you know what you claim to know.

Just so.

Christianity is now and has always been a death cult.

There was a real problem in the early church. People were so smitten with the idea of the life to come that they actively sought martyrdom. It became such a problem that the church had to put out an edict forbidding the practice. l

God doesn’t disappoint.

It fits all the criteria of human irrationalty and unfettered imagination, hopes and fears.

I wouldn’t disbelieve anything less.

Not getting what you WANT from life makes “it” a

Smooth sailing :sailboat:
Oh sooooo “blessed”
God is good…

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Cool comment. That was well-said.

No he doesn’t…

Hitchens’s razor applied…

Then edit the post ffs…


@Tapring93 So your god promises all kinds of wonderful things, and fails to deliver? Do you understand that if a human being did that, we have various names for that kind of person.


I am sure I left a lot out, but that is a tentative start.

I’ve always found it interesting just how much the will of the gods have always seemed coincide with the wills of their priestly castes. Fundamentalist preachers take the biscuit.

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