These are just some of the questions on social media. Either they’re trolling or they’re that fucking ignorant and really really don’t understand Atheism. It’s not rocket science!
“Why do atheists hate god”?
“Do atheists worship Satan”?
“Isn’t atheism just another religion”?
“Why do atheists want to go to hell”?
“Why don’t atheists want to go to heaven”?
“Doesn’t it take just as much faith to be an atheist as it does to be a believer”?
“What evidence would be sufficient for atheists to accept god”?
“If atheists truly don’t believe in god, why do they spend so much time talking about him”?
“Why don’t atheists read the holy bible first and then decide if they believe or not”?
“How can atheists know what is moral without gods guidance? Are atheists so arrogant that they believe they know better about what is right and wrong than god”?
“If we evolved from monkeys… why are there still monkeys”?
“What evidence do atheists have to prove there isn’t a god”?
“Atheists. What if you are wrong and god does exist”?
Atheists. What are you going to say to god on Judgement Day when you stand before him and he asks why you didn’t believe in him”?
“If there is no God, why is there so much good in the world”?
“How do atheists explain all of the obvious miracles that defy explanation”?
“If atheists don’t believe in god why are they always so angry when we talk about him”?
“If god doesn’t exist, how can hundreds of prophecies written in the bible have come true”?
“Do atheists believe that they can live without God”?
“Isn’t it better to believe in god because when you die and if there isn’t a god it makes no difference anyway, but if there is a god then you are saved from hell and judgment”?
“Will atheists at least admit that without god life has no meaning”?
“Atheists. Out of hundreds of different unbeliefs that exist… how can you know you have chosen the correct one”?
“How could something as complex as an eye possibly develop purely by chance and chaos without a god being involved in designing it”?
“What made you become atheist and turn your back on god”?
“How can atheists rationally deny that there is more evidence that Jesus Christ lived, died and came back to life than for just about any other event in ancient history”?
“When I died in hospital, I met god personally before I came back. Many people all over the world have experienced the exact same thing. How can atheists explain this”?
“My doctor diagnosed me with cancer and told me I had 6 months to live, I went to the doctor for a checkup 2 years later and the doctors said that all trace of the cancer is gone and he couldn’t explain it. How can atheists deny that this is a miracle”?