It’s not questionable. I’m literally fighting for male rape victims, male victims of Domestic violence, etc.
Actually, no, my mom (a feminist) showed me a video in which a man was being abused in public, everyone was laughing, he defended himself, everyone attacked him, my mom told me it was wrong and that men should be able to defend themselves on the first hit.
Later, I came across a poster which was telling rape victims to get help (this was in elementary school, so when I was still a girl), but it only included women, so I thought “men get raped too” and shook my head in as much visible disgust as I could before walking away.
I think in 7th grade (so still a girl) English, I was messing with a guy, pulling his stuff, and when he caught me, I would give it back and we would laugh, one time I pulled his desk, I was not prepared for the loud noise, everyone was silent, teacher (female) blamed him instantly and gave him detention, he said “You never believe me,” I told her it was me, she looked at me like she didn’t believe me for several seconds, before having me move over a seat when she had punished him worse initially.
I wrote a article in 8th grade for this one magazine my teacher was having us all do, mine was on Men’s Rights (since I have been an MRA since I was 8 or 10, when I was still a girl), and my teacher was happy about the feminist student doing a feminist article but kept a straight face with me (and I’m glad she let me do it), and all my classmates looked at me weirdly at the time when I brought up men’s issues (such as longer male sentences for the same crime and background or higher suicide rates).
My friends don’t even care that I’m an MRA. They’re pretty chill about it. But none of them encourage it. Some, however, are against it.
So, sorry to break it to you, but no one encouraged or applauded me for being an MRA.
However, my MRA friends (including a gay man in the UK and a lesbian in Spain and a bisexual dude in India) all were the best, most supportive friends I’ve ever had. They are the only ones who have done nothing to hurt me, surprisingly enough, while I got told by a random male feminist that I’m both a rapist and rape apologist (as a dude) just for being sexually assaulted.
And don’t forget the female feminist who told me that men cannot get raped after I told her that a girl tried to rape me (as a dude). Or the female feminist who said “who would want to rape men?” (and back pedaled on that so fast after I told her a girl tried to rape me as a dude).
But sure, whatever you say, Chief.